No, we're not going to forget

Yet you're the one continuing to push it. Now, you seem to want to "back away", when challenged with actual science literature.

Why is that?
You're trying to counter a vaccine schedule talking point with a COVID vaccine paper. WTF did you want me to do with that? LMAO
As well as the people who did the research discovering that "childhood infections" are directly linked to autism.
I've already told you that something trying to tell me the absurd notion that the actual rate of autism has remained constant throughout history isn't worth my time. If anyone else wants to be dumb enough to believe that then so be it. It's an inconvenient absurdity that is necessary to accept in order to buy into your complete nonsense. In addition, it counters OTHER science done by OTHER scientists that notes the rate of autism has NOT remained constant throughout history.
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I've already told you that something trying to tell me the absurd notion that the actual rate of autism has remained constant throughout history isn't worth my time. If anyone else wants to be dumb enough to believe that then so be it. It's an inconvenient absurdity that is necessary to accept in order to buy into your complete nonsense. In addition, it counters OTHER science done by OTHER scientists that notes the rate of autism has NOT remained constant throughout history.
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You're trying to counter a vaccine schedule talking point with a COVID vaccine paper.


I've countered a "vaccine schedule/autism talking point" with data from >5 years ago that demonstrates viral and bacterial INFECTIONS trigger ASD. NOT vaccines. Something I've linked for you at least 6 times now.

And there is not a single study on autism and vaccines which has demonstrated any link.
I've already told you that something trying to tell me the absurd notion that the actual rate of autism has remained constant throughout history isn't worth my time. If anyone else wants to be dumb enough to believe that then so be it. It's an inconvenient absurdity that is necessary to accept in order to buy into your complete nonsense. In addition, it counters OTHER science done by OTHER scientists that notes the rate of autism has NOT remained constant throughout history.
Autism rates are stable? The CDC begs to differ 🤣

2000 1 in 150
2004 1 in 125
2006 1 in 110
2008 1 in 88
2010 1 in 68
2014 1 in 59
2018 1 in 44
2020 1 in 36
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Autism rates are stable? The CDC begs to differ 🤣

2000 1 in 150
2004 1 in 125
2006 1 in 110
2008 1 in 88
2010 1 in 68
2014 1 in 59
2018 1 in 44
2020 1 in 36
Again: definitions have changed.

Know what else causes inflammation and is everywhere in greater amounts since 2000?

I've already told you that something trying to tell me the absurd notion that the actual rate of autism has remained constant throughout history isn't worth my time. If anyone else wants to be dumb enough to believe that then so be it. It's an inconvenient absurdity that is necessary to accept in order to buy into your complete nonsense. In addition, it counters OTHER science done by OTHER scientists that notes the rate of autism has NOT remained constant throughout history.
Holy crap, is Andrew Wakefield going to trigger some Pharma execs with this movie! 🤣

The hits keep coming.

The hits keep coming.

Looks like your links indicate Covid is linked to psych issues; vaccines are not.
The cumulative incidence of depression, anxiety, dissociative, stress-related, and somatoform disorders, sleep disorders, and sexual disorders at three months following COVID-19 vaccination were higher in the vaccination group than no vaccination group.

…data suggest a potential link between young age, mRNA, and viral vector vaccines with new-onset psychosis within 7 days post-vaccination.