No, we're not going to forget

It’s just embarrassingly bad how corrupt these people are.

Here's a commercial they've been airing occasionally here. What a crock. Funny how they feel like they have to keep assuring the crowd that they know more about vaccines and will always put the patient's health first so you should ask them for vaccine advice of all things. Amid all the lies during COVID and the COVID vaccine incentive charts for the clinics, etc..

After all that we just went through, how f'n stupid do you have to be to actually come away with the conclusion that the medical establishment has the public's health as their top priority?
One of the chief vaccinologists in the world admitted under oath that these vaccines weren’t adequately tested to determine whether or not they can/do cause autism.

Simply embarrassing the fraud these people have been allowed to perpetrate on the American people.

There were no ‘gotcha’ questions. Just an admission of fraud.
And it's not as if we haven't presented the evidence for the lawsuit talking points several times here.
One of the chief vaccinologists in the world admitted under oath that these vaccines weren’t adequately tested to determine whether or not they can/do cause autism.


There is no evidence of any link between vaccines and autism.
There IS a link between childhood viral/bacterial infections and autism.
Here's a commercial they've been airing occasionally here. What a crock. Funny how they feel like they have to keep assuring the crowd that they know more about vaccines and will always put the patient's health first so you should ask them for vaccine advice of all things. Amid all the lies during COVID and the COVID vaccine incentive charts for the clinics, etc..

After all that we just went through, how f'n stupid do you have to be to actually come away with the conclusion that the medical establishment has the public's health as their top priority?
Possible link between the vaccine and Alzheimer’s. Wonder if those public health figures will mention that to their patients?

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What are you talking about? She flat out admits it
Nothing is "admitted".

Write out a transcript w/ context and we'll discuss. Not watching edited videos w/ gotcha moments.

This is the current status of Covid vaccine safety, outlined in great detail and co-authored by one U of Iowa researcher.

Possible link between the vaccine and Alzheimer’s.

We already have an established link between Covid and Alzheimer's; not a "possible" one. It accelerates the process.

If anything, you're going to find (again) that vaccines confer a protective effect here.
Nothing is "admitted".

Write out a transcript w/ context and we'll discuss. Not watching edited videos w/ gotcha moments.

This is the current status of Covid vaccine safety, outlined in great detail and co-authored by one U of Iowa researcher.

Nah, as long as other people see it and understand that even the experts acknowledge that the science that is supposed to ensure vaccine safety is NOT ensuring safety, that's really all that matters.
Nothing is "admitted".

Write out a transcript w/ context and we'll discuss. Not watching edited videos w/ gotcha moments.

This is the current status of Covid vaccine safety, outlined in great detail and co-authored by one U of Iowa researcher.

Michael posted a vid about the scheduled vaccine science and autism and here you posted a paper covering COVID vaccines, just fyi.
Michael posted a vid about the scheduled vaccine science and autism

Which is correlation. Not causation.

It's been established for >5 years now, that the real trigger is childhood infections. I've posted that for you many times now. And no study on vaccines has identified any causal relationship.
It's been established for >5 years now, that the real trigger is childhood infections.
They have to get vaccine hesitancy under control somehow. Sorry but there's zero chance the trigger to the increase to 1 in 36 could be attributed to childhood infections.
So, you admit to having nothing of substance. Only propaganda snippets.

And you won't post context, because that would totally undermine your position.

The "Nah" was because I don't gain anything from it. It's a complete waste of time for me. Not because one of the top vaccine safety scientists admitted that the safety science sucks was "nothing of substance". Go listen to her interview if you want to defend yourself. Otherwise, I'm completely happy to leave it there, undefended for everyone to see.
They have to get vaccine hesitancy under control somehow. Sorry but there's zero chance the trigger to the increase to 1 in 36 could be attributed to childhood infections.
Crazy, huh?

Measles infections allegedly ‘erase’ your immune system, and, along with other childhood illnesses, cause autism.

Yet there was no autism epidemic until the ‘cure’ for all these illnesses was accepted by the majority of Americans. 🤷‍♂️
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Crazy, huh?

Measles infections allegedly ‘erase’ your immune system

Yes; this is now pretty well understood. Most deaths resulting from measles are not due to measles, they are due to other infections your body used to be trained to fend off, but measles erased that immune memory.

This has been posted for you now at least a dozen times.

other childhood illnesses, cause autism.

It is now well-established that there is a clear correlation between an early childhood infection - bacterial or viral - and ASD. Generally those that cause a fever are the suspects.

Again: those are FACTS. Supported by DATA.
We already have an established link between Covid and Alzheimer's; not a "possible" one. It accelerates the process.

If anything, you're going to find (again) that vaccines confer a protective effect here.
Since the "vaccine" doesn't prevent Covid , why are you advocating it as a way to keep Alzheimer's from accelerating?
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Lol the context argument is complete baloney. You have no idea what you're even talking

I know way more what I'm talking about than you loons do.

I've posted the National Academies' summary on Covid vaccines, co-authored by over a dozen scientists and doctors from major university hospitals and institutions. I will take there word over that of rando Youtube videos and hacks that you post any day.
Since the "vaccine" doesn't prevent Covid
It does prevent Covid.

You seem to be hung up on "100% efficacy" which is neither the case for Covid vaccines, or flu vaccines.
And flu vaccines have been around for several decades now.
Go listen to her interview

I'm not interested in "Gotcha" interviews.

I'm interested in published summaries. Like what the National Academies' has provided for your, for free.
And the authors of that publication can be contacted at their institutions, directly if you have questions about them...
Joe's brain: Joe > Kathryn Edwards 😆

And you hold the position that the rate of autism has remained constant throughout history. Now that's lunacy.
The "rate" of autism has changed, because the definitions have changed.

In the 1950s and 60s, they were just called "slow" or "dumb".
The "rate" of autism has changed, because the definitions have changed.

In the 1950s and 60s, they were just called "slow" or "dumb".
We're talking the actual rate here. You can fool the youngsters on that bullshit but I grew up in the 70's and 80's and am old enough to know the difference. That not even remotely true. Talk about misinformation.
Again....that's a COVID vaccine paper. The "listen to the experts" comments are aimed at the scheduled vaccines and autism.

And there's no correlation; a dozen studies have confirmed that.

I posted the study for you from >5 years ago which demonstrated ASD onset is directly correlated with childhood infections. Not vaccines.

You seem to have forgotten that your thread here is about Covid vaccines. Now, you want to Gish Gallop off into the weeds again, into a topic that was settled years ago, before Covid.
Suit yourself, like I said I'm comfortable letting it sit there uncontested.
If vaccinologists weren’t eyeballs deep in such a corrupt industry they wouldn’t find themselves sitting down as often for sworn depositio…err, ‘gotcha’ interviews.

Wonder if she and good ol’ Stanley Plotkin ever bumped uglies? 🤣 🤣 🤣
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If vaccinologists weren’t eyeballs deep in such a corrupt industry

Which ones in the National Academies' review are "corrupt"?

There are two University of Iowa researchers cited on that publication.
Why don't you email each of them your "gotcha" moment and see what they tell you, for yourself...
Good thing "interviews" are not how we conduct science or medicine in Western societies.
We use science and statistics.
It's the scientists who perform the science. The one that took a lead part in the clinical trials thinks the clinical trial science is insufficient at best. I realize it's hard for you to admit it after all these years, but whether you want to admit it or not....that is quite meaningful.