Northwestern Leading the Nation in the Facilities Arm Race?

Facilities don’t give a great advantage anymore, everyone has them or is building them. You need them now to keep up

You haven't seen Northwestern's facilities. Make a turn going south toward what used to be the north lakefront parking lot and it smacks you in the face. They're unbelievable. I ran into some Domer fans last Saturday who couldn't believe their eyes. Deal with it.
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Care to get Fat Pat to drop his grudge against Iowa? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA................o_O

Why? It produces guaranteed wins year after year after year. Dang! We now OWN Ioa, pretty stadium, mediocre facilities, writing workshop and all! Ioa may have to close the blinds at the Children's hospital from all the hurt and sadness Northwestern dispenses every time we play in Ioa City.
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They are jumping those recruiting hurdles right now. I fear Iowa is being pushed down the ladder in the B1G west by them and Purdue. Anyway, Yes NW may just be leading the facilities arms race and definitely aren't taking any steps backward.

I am really impressed by the comments of Hawkeye fans in this thread regarding the current status and future of NU football. As for the new football facility, it is a campus and all sports facility. And its location overlooking Lake Michigan, the campus and the Chicago skyline ensures it will never be duplicated. The new basketball arena opened to rave reviews last week. The new hoops practice facility next door to the arena will open in the Spring. And then all eyes and dollars will focus on the HS stadium. I expect it will remain small by BIG standards but will soon be first class as well. Total investment in new sports facilities will be north of 500 million. Maybe as high as 650+ million.

Recruiting at NU has already seen a significant bump. Coach Collins had the #1 2021 hoops recruit on campus last weekend for the ND game. He was joined by the #23 and #28 recruits in that same class. Amazing what a single NCAA appearance ... great facilities ... and a pedigreed coach can do for a program that defined bottom dweller for decades.

Football recruiting has also seen a significant bump. The 2019 class needed to land some upgraders on offense. Enter former 5 star QB from Clemson ... Hunter Johnson. And true OTs (a rarity at NU) turning down programs like PSU to play in Evanston. And WRs with top 10 offer lists choosing the Cats. No .. NU will never recruit like OSU or Michigan. But there is plenty of room to improve the recruiting short of that benchmark. NU fans are excited to see what Fitz can do with better ingredients.

Don't discount the benefit of having a stud AD and a President and Trustees now totally committed to athletic success ... for the first time ever in Evanston.

Contending for West titles with regularity is within reach for the nerdy small school. Occasional flirtations with Top 10 rankings and elite bowls a possibility. We've seen it at Iowa and Wisconsin. And at Stanford. ND is different. They play by an entirely different set of academic admissions rules than Stamford and NU.

Go Hawks. Love you guys since Hayden left.

As an outsider ACC guy I’ve enjoyed reading this thread.

Northwestern’s new commitment to athletics and facilities is fascinating to me. I have to applaud their effort to finally start using their vast resources to get serious about not just participating, but competing.

Stanford has succeeded at this for years. Here in North Carolina I have often wondered why Duke did not make a similar move for football. They are a similar type of private, academically elite school, with tons of money and in Duke’s case, a national brand thanks to basketball. Why havent they leveraged that to elevate football?

And to be fair, Coach Cutcliff has done wonders with the program over the last 7/8 years and has made them competitive, playing in several bowl games. Duke actually beat Northwestern earlier this year. But I still think what Northwestern football is doing represents a bold strategy, and one Duke has the resources to emulate.

Its not quite apples to apples as NW has the Chicago market in their backyard for recruiting. And Duke is in a very crowded market with both UNC and NC State just down the road in the Triangle metro area.

It will be interesting to track Notthwestern’s level of success with this commitment in place over the coming years.
Why? It produces guaranteed wins year after year after year. Dang! We now OWN Ioa, pretty stadium, mediocre facilities, writing workshop and all! Ioa may have to close the blinds at the Children's hospital from all the hurt and sadness Northwestern dispenses every time we play in Ioa City.
So you admit that Northwestern makes sick kids cry. You f***ing monsters.
That's a fancy gym. Their full roster can prep all week in a palace. Only to play on Saturday at Kingston Stadium.

Practice, cool. Game day... aw, shit. What a hole.

Teams spend 98% of their time in their training facilities and practice fields. Now NU's facilities are ON CAMPUS and are SPECTACULAR, meaning players will spend more time working out and hanging out. And what a recruiting tool!

The stadium has zero impact on program success. The first year in Ryan Fieldhouse and they win the B1G West.
Facilities don’t give a great advantage anymore, everyone has them or is building them. You need them now to keep up

You can paint a Ferrari any color you want and it's still a Ferrari... A gym is a gym.... They can make it look as pretty as they want but at the end of the day the Athlete still has to use it and become better because of it... At what point does all the "Fluff" become a distraction?

I wonder too if this might be distracting.

What you guys don't realize is NU's workout and practice facilities used to be over a mile away from campus. Now, they are RIGHT ON CAMPUS and they're outstanding with spectacular views! That translates into more efficient use of time and players spending more time working out or getting treatments in an excellent facility. It's THE place to be on campus for athletes!

Again...EVERYTHING IS RIGHT ON CAMPUS! Never had that before.
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There's a difference between competing for and winning championships.

Until Northwestern actually pulls their f***ing weight and beats Ohio State (especially), Michigan, Penn State, Michigan State, and/or Wisconsin when they're actually worth a sh**, then they'll be nothing more than a bunch of fun-sucking a-holes who get their jollies on spoiling other aspiring teams' opportunities, such as Iowa.......and well......only Iowa, at this point.

That's really all Northwestern has been good for over the last decade.

Those ON-FIELD results aren't going to change for their better just because they invested money into upgrading their facilities.

Deal with it.

We have .500 or winning records against Michigan State, Wisconsin, and particularly IOWA. Kinnick Stadium is Ryan Field West.

Deal with it.
1. it's ONE... 5 star QB not multiple
2. There's no apostrophe in a simple plural
3. Of course Northwestern is a good school. Based on 1 and 2 above I highly doubt you graduated from there.

Desperation post, HawkIDrummer? There can be an apostrophe when letters are omitted, though. As in Io'a.

And because I have a B.S., M.S., and PhD, it's Dr. Gladeskat to you.
NW isn't ever going to be a factor. No fan base. Just another example of BT TV money excesses.

Northwestern has a small fan base but kicks Io'a's butt year after year after year, proving the overriding significance of Iowa having a large fanbase.
Ya for a couple of years until the next school in line upgrades their facilities.
Remember when some where saying Iowa has the best facilities a couple of years ago?

This article is 14 months old. Some program has probably already dug ground on a bigger and whoohooer facility. NW has made tremendous progress on the field. In spite of that, they can look forward to playing home games in front of 40000 people, of which at least 10000 came to cheer for their opponent. It baffles me that the state of Illinois can't support a D1 football program. Yes, I know NW is a private school, but you would think there are enough people in and around Chicago to make an impressive crowd on Saturday. Illanoy is probably more pathetic. I can remember Feidorowicz saying he chose Iowa over Illinois because of the difference in gameday experience between Iowa City and Chambana.
Blah, blah, blah, we beat Iowa for the third time in a row, blah, blah, blah.

But tell me about your huge fan base. (Well our fanbase is better than yours if that's what you're wondering......)

Yup, the fishing is great here so I came back for more trolling. (You're a Northwestern fan, so you are inherently not good at trolling. But I like watching people try anyways. It's fun for me....)Let's see if I get any strikes... (You know you actually have to swing at a strike, right?......Then again, I know baseball isn't Northwestern's strong suit.)
I think I'll put the kid gloves back on now to give you a chance, since you mistakenly came crawling back for seconds.

Meh, they could see a short term bump from this. However, they still wear purple, play in a high school stadium, and have some of the toughest academic standards for athletes in the country. Don’t see them competing for championships on a consistent level anytime soon.
And Oh! Beat teams in the West.
What you guys don't realize is NU's workout and practice facilities used to be over a mile away from campus. Now, they are RIGHT ON CAMPUS and they're outstanding with spectacular views! That translates into more efficient use of time and players spending more time working out or getting treatments in an excellent facility. It's THE place to be on campus for athletes!

Again...EVERYTHING IS RIGHT ON CAMPUS! Never had that before.
Not to be rude, but I know where their old facilities were. In fact, I attended several NW practices back in the day.
That's really sweet, but at the end of the day they're still just Northwestern and they still play in a shit hole.
And I bet that stadium will continue to be a shit hole they can't possibly have any major money available for a while to give Ryan field any updates was there 2 years ago place is a toilet.
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Not to be rude, but I know where their old facilities were. In fact, I attended several NW practices back in the day.

Then you would know that they were over a mile away from campus. Ryan Field is NOT on main campus.
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Yeah, probably Texas high schools with better stadiums than NW. Last time there the sound system sounded like a 1980s boom box playing so loud it was all distorted cause the kids thought that was coooooooooooooooooolllll.
And I bet that stadium will continue to be a shit hole they can't possibly have any major money available for a while to give Ryan field any updates was there 2 years ago place is a toilet.

No money available? Lol! Former player Pat Ryan is a multi-billionaire. Just one of the many financially successful former grads out there who are former players. A stadium renovation is on the horizon.

And what was the outcome for the Hawks that day? Or in Kinnick this year? LOL!
I mean cool, they have a new 'practice' facility. They're still playing in a slightly glorified high school stadium - I live in Texas and I drive by outdated, below standards high school facilities (for TX) better than what NW plays home games in.
Not many schools can offer that quality of facilities and a great view of Lake Michigan. Kudos to NU.

Fine University, lousy football stadium. Back in the day when NW routinely got clobbered by everybody...their band used to chant, "That's all right, that's OK, you'll all work for us some day".
Being distracted during workout sessions isn’t a good recipe for maximum results.

LOL! Do you think Fitz has them staring out the window all day? NU had by far the lowest number of penalties in FBS football last year. Yeah, they're distracted. Hilarious fail.
Anyone else think that if they over spent everyone else by $50-100 million that it might have been a poor use of money?

The rate of return on that has to be extremely low.
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Fine University, lousy football stadium. Back in the day when NW routinely got clobbered by everybody...their band used to chant, "That's all right, that's OK, you'll all work for us some day".

True back then and true today. How many Iowa grads work for Pat Ryan's 50,000-employee AON Corporation?

And the feel of the wind off the lake come January.

And it's balmy in Iowa City in January? I must have missed the palm trees on Iowa's campus last time I was there.
Anyone else think that if they over spent everyone else by $50-100 million that it might have been a poor use of money?

The rate of return on that has to be extremely low.

Northwestern didn't spend a dime! The facilities were paid for by donations to the program.
You can't "lead the nation" in facilities when your football stadium is in the bottom 5.

Sooo, they have the best facilities in the nation except for 21 hours in the fall. I'll take that if I were a player today. Nice education, too.
That might be correct, but NW athletics had the price of the project in place prior to asking the donors to pledge their giving.

I compare it to a school paying a coach $30m when every other school is paying their coach $10m. Sure you can do it, but as a steward of the money.....was that really smart?

Northwestern didn't spend a dime! The facilities were paid for by donations to the program.
True back then and true today. How many Iowa grads work for Pat Ryan's 50,000-employee AON Corporation?

And it's balmy in Iowa City in January? I must have missed the palm trees on Iowa's campus last time I was there.

Your posts smack of over compensation. Dying to know about your Doctorate. Please impress us all. (which is what you're really here for)

Having an advanced degree is a bit like being "cool". If you have to tell people you have it...well...

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