Nothing beats Saturday morning fall kid sports

Pour some coffee into a mug, walk 6 y/o over to soccer game to watch him bounce off of other kids like a bowling ball then take 10 y/o to other soccer game. Simple times are good.

As a parent of two teenage boys, I thank the universe that sports rarely interested them.

Going to constant Summer/Fall kids sporting events would be my own personal Hell on earth but no qualms with parents that truly enjoy it. To each their own.
Pour some coffee into a mug, walk 6 y/o over to soccer game to watch him bounce off of other kids like a bowling ball then take 10 y/o to other soccer game. Simple times are good.

Enjoy it because it FLIES by. It was weird going to our youngest daughter’s last college game last spring after almost 20 years of going to the kids’ sporting events.
As a parent of two teenage boys, I thank the universe that sports rarely interested them.

Going to constant Summer/Fall kids sporting events would be my own personal Hell on earth but no qualms with parents that truly enjoy it. To each their own.
We preferred that to any choir or band concerts. We were happy both preferred athletics.
As a parent of two teenage boys, I thank the universe that sports rarely interested them.

Going to constant Summer/Fall kids sporting events would be my own personal Hell on earth but no qualms with parents that truly enjoy it. To each their own.
To be clear, this ain't travel/club where we have 20 games each weekend ... Just laid back park and rec stuff
Pour some coffee into a mug, walk 6 y/o over to soccer game to watch him bounce off of other kids like a bowling ball then take 10 y/o to other soccer game. Simple times are good.

Sounds like you have football players playing soccer.
As a parent of two teenage boys, I thank the universe that sports rarely interested them.

Going to constant Summer/Fall kids sporting events would be my own personal Hell on earth but no qualms with parents that truly enjoy it. To each their own.
I miss it. Lots of fun and community.
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Enjoy it because it FLIES by. It was weird going to our youngest daughter’s last college game last spring after almost 20 years of going to the kids’ sporting events.
I would also say to savor it because you never know when the last game will be that the kid plays a sport.
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I miss it. Lots of fun and community.
Fair enough, I know some people that love(d) it. Again, for me, I'd hate life if my kid was in travel ball or constant weekend after weekend events. To the OP's original point, a few games now and then, I could see the enjoyment in that.
Get involved. Volunteer to coach or at least assistant coach. On of the great pleasure is watching those kids grow and improve.
Maybe if I retire early. I left work early for years to help coach and run practices. For now I have enough of my own shit and responsibilities to take care of rather than covering for parents who don’t step up and volunteer for their own kids, yet sit on lawn chairs watching practices.
My 12 yo son plays fall baseball during the week and a football game on Sundays, with practices scattered throughout the week. Not to mention basketball in the winter and baseball all spring through July. I love going to the games, but if I’m being honest I’m kinda glad my 10 yo isn’t interested in sports. Don’t see how I could do it, getting from place to place. Having just one kid in sports is exhausting… I don’t see how people with multiple kids in multiple sports do it. Hell, one of my son’s teammates has 3 siblings who also play multiple travel/club sports.
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My 12 yo son plays fall baseball during the week and a football game on Sundays, with practices scattered throughout the week. Not to mention basketball in the winter and baseball all spring through July. I love going to the games, but if I’m being honest I’m kinda glad my 10 yo isn’t interested in sports. Don’t see how I could do it, getting from place to place. Having just one kid in sports is exhausting… I don’t see how people with multiple kids in multiple sports do it. Hell, one of my son’s teammates has 3 siblings who also play multiple travel/club sports.
When it gets like this, 90% of the time it's more about the parents than the kids. I swear if my nephews weren't doing youth sports my SIL would have absolutely nothing to put on Facebook 2-3x/d.