NPR suspends veteran editor who blew whistle on liberal bias at organization

Horrible look for NPR.
How so exactly, you have someone of the opinion they should have more diversity, not necessarily that stories are heavily right or left leaning and the fact they are going for the truth. It’s not like Fox putting out lies and defending it in lawsuits calling it entertainment.
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not a great look for NPR, but...

if you publicly criticize your employer, you probably shouldn't be surprised if you get reprimanded
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So conservatives are in favor of NPR lowering their journalistic standards just for the sake of hiring some Republicans?
Remember when npr claimed the hunter biden laptop story was Russian misinformation? So much for those journalistic standards...
I'm still trying to process how the newsroom at NPR consists of 87 democrats and zero republicans.
Well, when your hiring practices require you to say factually based information and that would include saying it was a fair and valid election, that eliminates every Republican right there. If providing honest information is a requirement, you just aren't going to get any Republicans that qualify. You can't do that and still be Republican anymore.
i bet this isn't all that uncommon, or unique to newsrooms

i bet there are a lot of professions/organizations that are dominated, maybe even entirely made up of, members of a single political party/general position

go to a rural police many registered democrats are we likely to find?
Well, when your hiring practices require you to say factually based information and that would include saying it was a fair and valid election, that eliminates every Republican right there. If providing honest information is a requirement, you just aren't going to get any Republicans that qualify. You can't do that and still be Republican anymore.
Laughs in 2016
Remember when NPR actually believed and spread the lies spewed by Adam Schiff?...
"Journalistic integrity" lol
Link to the MSNBC defamation lawsuits and settlements?
Covington kids would like a word.
It's fascinating to watch. And they think of themselves as being so worldly.
I just love seeing the claims that NPR, etc are bastions of truth when they lied about Russian collusion, bounties, the fine people hoax, the sucker hoax, etc. They lie constantly and now we know why it's always for one side only. They will suspend/fire/not hire you at all if you're not just as committed to the cult as the rest are. Diversity is super important until it comes to diversity of thought. Then libs get real angry.
This is amusing. NPR is somewhat biased but it's not out of control. It's not like Fox News which is the worst of all. CNN is even worse than NPR.

Why the angst for a network that most Americans don't listen to?
Care to address the 87-0 count?
Why do you think that matters? Do you think there was a time when Republicans made up a large percentage of the total?

See...the only reason - the ONLY reason - "87-0" could possibly matter is if he had the totals from when he thought they were doing it right. I would suspect the count has ALWAYS tilted heavily if not completely toward the Democrats...yet, Mr. Berliner seems to remember a happier time when NPR was so very "balanced". Curious, eh?
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Surprised it took them this long to retaliate...

Diversity my ass.

Horrible look for NPR.

This will definitely help with their optics problem lmfao

Taxpayer funding of NPR needs to stop. It’s a communist propaganda controlled by I’m guessing 100% Democrats.

Over/under on how many MAGAt Republicans send death threats to NPR News' editor after rightly rebuking the reporter that trashed the organization that employs him? I'd set the betting line at about a hundred.

And while slightly to the left, NPR still bodes well on the bias metrics...
Over/under on how many MAGAt Republicans send death threats to NPR News' editor after rightly rebuking the reporter that trashed the organization that employs him? I'd set the betting line at about a hundred.

And while slightly to the left, NPR still bodes well on the bias metrics...
Significantly less than Brett Kavanaugh got if I had to guess. They mostly seem fine making fun of her ridiculous and cringe filled x history.
Well, death threats for a rapist are somewhat more understandable.
I've been confidently told by the leftists on this forum (Including you I'm pretty sure) that only an indictment means they're guilty. Definitely been told this in regards to the ashley biden diary calling her dad a rapist. Sorry, but Ford obviously lying isn't credible and cannot be trusted as fact. Interesting justification though.
I've been confidently told by the leftists on this forum (Including you I'm pretty sure) that only an indictment means they're guilty. Definitely been told this in regards to the ashley biden diary calling her dad a rapist. Sorry, but Ford obviously lying isn't credible and cannot be trusted as fact. Interesting justification though.
No such diary entry. Except in your fantasies, of course.
How so exactly, you have someone of the opinion they should have more diversity, not necessarily that stories are heavily right or left leaning and the fact they are going for the truth. It’s not like Fox putting out lies and defending it in lawsuits calling it entertainment.
Take an English class, what you just typed makes zero sense. Maybe take 5th grade grammar again.
It's fascinating to watch. And they think of themselves as being so worldly.
Why do you think that matters? Do you think there was a time when Republicans made up a large percentage of the total?

See...the only reason - the ONLY reason - "87-0" could possibly matter is if he had the totals from when he thought they were doing it right. I would suspect the count has ALWAYS tilted heavily if not completely toward the Democrats...yet, Mr. Berliner seems to remember a happier time when NPR was so very "balanced". Curious, eh?
Can you address this, Mr. Worldly?
No such diary entry. Except in your fantasies, of course.
Except it's totally real and two people were charged and pled guilty to trafficking her diary lol you're coping massively, Menace. You keep excusing those inappropriate showers though, you good person you.