Obama screws American workers yet again

Originally posted by IMCC965:

When you factor in the people you're talking about (illegal aliens) you change the equation. If you're talking about red-blooded LEGAL folks, read natural born Americans and immigrants that went through the process the right way and became citizents, the equation remains lucent.
Props on use of the word lucent, but I think you could do with a bit of light yourself. Fred is talking about the companies and workers covered by this visa program, not illegal aliens. How do you feel about this visa program?
Originally posted by fredjr82:

Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by fredjr82:

Originally posted by timinatoria:

Originally posted by fredjr82:

Originally posted by timinatoria:

Originally posted by fredjr82:

Originally posted by timinatoria:

Originally posted by fredjr82:

Originally posted by Lone Clone:

One company brought a bunch of Indians to California and paid them $1.20 an hour . 
So where is the outrage for the companies that are abusing this?  The President is allowing them to run their business as they see fit and they are choosing foreign workers that can be paid less than what an American would be paid.  The $1.20 an hour for the Indian workers was what they made compared to their wage in rupees at their workplace in India.  

Of course that is illegal here in the United States because of the minimum wage laws.  Republicans now care about the minimum wage?  A couple of months ago the Wal-Mart employee should just suck it up, but now they care about the foreign worker?  The President didn't set the wage these workers get paid, the business decided to try to break the law and got caught.    
Do you hold President Obama responsible for ANYTHING?

Would you actually comment on the what Obama is doing with the Visa program and whether you agree with it or not?
Sure.  I disagree with it.  It needs more regulation not less.  

So can you answer this question for me?  When have the Republicans ever cared about minimum wage or regulation when it wasn't the opposite stance of what Obama was doing?  You guys should be cheering this.  If he added regulation to it and required American companies to hire American citizens or face a penalty you'd complain about how he's handcuffing these CEOs from creating jobs.  Not to mention that OP seems really upset that these foreign workers only made $1.20 when the actual American citizen can suck it up and live off the wage they earn. 
I'm a Republican and I care about having a minimum wage.  What I don't think is that is should be a 'living wage', like $15 an hour.  I also see the need for regulation in business and lots of other things.  That said, that doesn't mean the government doesn't use TOO MUCH regulation at times.

This is such a silly, lazy argument by you.  It's kind of like when someone says they think taxes are too high, the nearest Democrat say, "you Republicans don't want ANY taxes!".  False.

So now that we have established that I'm a republican, and that I care about minimum wage and regulation, what was your point again?

You disagree with the President, but not enough to actually ever criticize him or anything.  You're too busy bashing Republicans.....for what I'm still not exactly sure.
Please provide a link to where you actually praised something the President did.  Maybe you have praised him in the past but that didn't stop your hyperbole of thinking that I agree with everything he's done so I guess I can assume as well.  It's not a silly or lazy argument.  The Republicans constantly move the goalposts to fit their argument (Dems aren't innocent of this either) so please pardon me if I think all of a sudden your party has some compassion for what these foreign workers had to endure and how we should all think of the American worker.  The average CEO makes 331 times more than the average worker.  I'm sure you now care about that as well when before your party's argument was that the CEO has earned the right to make what he makes and the American worker can again "suck it up".  So you'll have to excuse me if I formed an opinion of what the party you align yourself with agrees and disagrees with.

What does any of this have to do with the OP's topic.

Lone starts a thread about a decision made by Obama. You jump in and bash republicans, not really addressing the topic. Then you say you disagree with the president (you shouldn't be so hard on the guy), then bash more republicans and start talking about CEO pay. CEO pay is an entirely different topic from foreign workers taking good jobs from talented US citizens.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'm sorry you are having a hard time following along.  

Lone started a thread about how Obama is screwing over the American worker by allowing business's to operate with less regulation and pay people less than minimum wage.  This is something the Republican's cheer for constantly but for some reason since Obama is doing it they are against it now.  The reason I brought CEO pay into it is because you don't seem to understand that the party you align yourself with doesn't give a shit about the American worker and never has.  But now all of a sudden that Obama is doing something that aligns with things your party is constantly championing, some of the members of your party are against it.  

Where did I lose you?  If I was mistaken about your ideology, my apologies.  I assumed since you were painting with such a wide brush I could too.  If you need it dumbed down more than that, let's just move on.
No, you've dumbed it down plenty from the beginning.

Can you link to were Republicans don't like ANY regulations?  Sure, many republicans including myself things this administration is going overboard with regulations in some aspects, but that doesn't mean we don't want ANY regulations on anything.  That's your argument.  And it's dumb.

In this case I think using executive action to allow more foreign workers to take work from US citizens is bad for the country, regardless of the president's political affiliation.

You just wanted to rip on Republicans, so you did.  There are LOTS of republicans who care about working Americans, because most of us ARE working Americans.

President Obama(D)....owns this.  If you want to bash on someone for not giving a shit about the American worker, why don't you start with him?
One thing that wasn't included in Lone's link is the amount of denials from India from 2012 - 2014.  It was a staggering 56% of denials.  The average denial rate for most countries is 13% in the same time frame.  Keep in mind that India has invested $17 billion dollars which generated 80,000 jobs in the US for 2014 alone.  So really this is Obama's way of making sure that India continues to invest in our country by relaxing some of the regulations on the L-1B visa (which you just admitted you were for).  

I'm sorry that you are so butthurt over me bashing Republicans, I have an opinion of the Republican party. I believe it is fair from the platforms they run on.  I never said they don't like ANY regulations and my point was they are very much more relaxed on regulations than the Democrats generally.  So when Obama throws your party a bone on relaxing regulations on business you tear him down for it.  Can you not see the irony in that?    So while your opinion of me is that I only praise Obama for his actions you seem to always tear him down even when he's toeing your party's line.  I think its probably best if we just move on to a different topic because you don't seem to grasp my point I'm trying to make and I can't use crayons while on HROT.

He's not throwing anyone a bone other than the tech companies that donate to him and the rest of the Democrats. And please....the only person who's butthurt is you. You get a little bitchy when anyone levels any fair criticism against Obama.

I like your crayon idea though, it would reflect the level of your deep thinking on this topic.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by fredjr82:

Originally posted by timinatoria:
Originally posted by fredjr82:

Originally posted by timinatoria:

Originally posted by fredjr82:

Originally posted by timinatoria:

Originally posted by fredjr82:

Originally posted by timinatoria:

Originally posted by fredjr82:

Originally posted by Lone Clone:

One company brought a bunch of Indians to California and paid them $1.20 an hour .ÂÂ
So where is the outrage for the companies that are abusing this?  The President is allowing them to run their business as they see fit and they are choosing foreign workers that can be paid less than what an American would be paid.  The $1.20 an hour for the Indian workers was what they made compared to their wage in rupees at their workplace in India. ÂÂ

Of course that is illegal here in the United States because of the minimum wage laws.  Republicans now care about the minimum wage?  A couple of months ago the Wal-Mart employee should just suck it up, but now they care about the foreign worker?  The President didn't set the wage these workers get paid, the business decided to try to break the law and got caught.  ÂÂ
Do you hold President Obama responsible for ANYTHING?

Would you actually comment on the what Obama is doing with the Visa program and whether you agree with it or not?
Sure.  I disagree with it.  It needs more regulation not less. ÂÂ

So can you answer this question for me?  When have the Republicans ever cared about minimum wage or regulation when it wasn't the opposite stance of what Obama was doing?  You guys should be cheering this.  If he added regulation to it and required American companies to hire American citizens or face a penalty you'd complain about how he's handcuffing these CEOs from creating jobs.  Not to mention that OP seems really upset that these foreign workers only made $1.20 when the actual American citizen can suck it up and live off the wage they earn.ÂÂ
I'm a Republican and I care about having a minimum wage. What I don't think is that is should be a 'living wage', like $15 an hour. I also see the need for regulation in business and lots of other things. That said, that doesn't mean the government doesn't use TOO MUCH regulation at times.

This is such a silly, lazy argument by you. It's kind of like when someone says they think taxes are too high, the nearest Democrat say, "you Republicans don't want ANY taxes!". False.

So now that we have established that I'm a republican, and that I care about minimum wage and regulation, what was your point again?

You disagree with the President, but not enough to actually ever criticize him or anything. You're too busy bashing Republicans.....for what I'm still not exactly sure.
Please provide a link to where you actually praised something the President did.  Maybe you have praised him in the past but that didn't stop your hyperbole of thinking that I agree with everything he's done so I guess I can assume as well.  It's not a silly or lazy argument.  The Republicans constantly move the goalposts to fit their argument (Dems aren't innocent of this either) so please pardon me if I think all of a sudden your party has some compassion for what these foreign workers had to endure and how we should all think of the American worker.  The average CEO makes 331 times more than the average worker.  I'm sure you now care about that as well when before your party's argument was that the CEO has earned the right to make what he makes and the American worker can again "suck it up".  So you'll have to excuse me if I formed an opinion of what the party you align yourself with agrees and disagrees with.

What does any of this have to do with the OP's topic.

Lone starts a thread about a decision made by Obama. You jump in and bash republicans, not really addressing the topic. Then you say you disagree with the president (you shouldn't be so hard on the guy), then bash more republicans and start talking about CEO pay. CEO pay is an entirely different topic from foreign workers taking good jobs from talented US citizens.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
I'm sorry you are having a hard time following along. Â

Lone started a thread about how Obama is screwing over the American worker by allowing business's to operate with less regulation and pay people less than minimum wage.  This is something the Republican's cheer for constantly but for some reason since Obama is doing it they are against it now.  The reason I brought CEO pay into it is because you don't seem to understand that the party you align yourself with doesn't give a shit about the American worker and never has.  But now all of a sudden that Obama is doing something that aligns with things your party is constantly championing, some of the members of your party are against it. Â

Where did I lose you?  If I was mistaken about your ideology, my apologies.  I assumed since you were painting with such a wide brush I could too.  If you need it dumbed down more than that, let's just move on.
No, you've dumbed it down plenty from the beginning.

Can you link to were Republicans don't like ANY regulations? Sure, many republicans including myself things this administration is going overboard with regulations in some aspects, but that doesn't mean we don't want ANY regulations on anything. That's your argument. And it's dumb.

In this case I think using executive action to allow more foreign workers to take work from US citizens is bad for the country, regardless of the president's political affiliation.

You just wanted to rip on Republicans, so you did. There are LOTS of republicans who care about working Americans, because most of us ARE working Americans.

President Obama(D)....owns this. If you want to bash on someone for not giving a shit about the American worker, why don't you start with him?
One thing that wasn't included in Lone's link is the amount of denials from India from 2012 - 2014. Â It was a staggering 56% of denials. Â The average denial rate for most countries is 13% in the same time frame. Â Keep in mind that India has invested $17 billion dollars which generated 80,000 jobs in the US for 2014 alone. Â So really this is Obama's way of making sure that India continues to invest in our country by relaxing some of the regulations on the L-1B visa (which you just admitted you were for). Â

I'm sorry that you are so butthurt over me bashing Republicans, I have an opinion of the Republican party. I believe it is fair from the platforms they run on. Â I never said they don't like ANY regulations and my point was they are very much more relaxed on regulations than the Democrats generally. Â So when Obama throws your party a bone on relaxing regulations on business you tear him down for it. Â Can you not see the irony in that? Â Â So while your opinion of me is that I only praise Obama for his actions you seem to always tear him down even when he's toeing your party's line. Â I think its probably best if we just move on to a different topic because you don't seem to grasp my point I'm trying to make and I can't use crayons while on HROT.

He's not throwing anyone a bone other than the tech companies that donate to him and the rest of the Democrats. And please....the only person who's butthurt is you. You get a little bitchy when anyone levels any fair criticism against Obama.

I like your crayon idea though, it would reflect the level of your deep thinking on this topic.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
You prove once again how little you know on this subject. But please continue.

In most cases, both cable and technology companies practice bipartisan giving. Google's PAC split its contributions this cycle roughly equally between Democrats and Republicans, while Comcast's has given slightly more to Democrats. Rarely do these corporate committees stray outside the 40 percent to 60 percent range for either party.

Here is a picture my 3 year old drew you a picture regarding how money works. Hope it helps


This post was edited on 3/26 1:57 PM by fredjr82
Originally posted by fredjr82:

You prove once again how little you know on this subject. But please continue.

In most cases, both cable and technology companies practice bipartisan giving. Google's PAC split its contributions this cycle roughly equally between Democrats and Republicans, while Comcast's has given slightly more to Democrats. Rarely do these corporate committees stray outside the 40 percent to 60 percent range for either party.

Here is a picture my 3 year old drew you regarding how money works. Hope it helps

"My name is Michael, I got a nickel
I got a nickel, shiny and new
I'm gonna buy me all kinds of candy
That's what I'm gonna do"


"Playground In My Mind"
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by 22*43*51:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

You have my support for securing our borders. Can I have your support for securing our markets?
Let me know how I can be of assistance.
Support unions and oppose this visa plan would be a good start.
I can oppose this Visa plan.

Cannot universally support Unions. I view them in an "as needed" way.

They need to protect workers from unfit work and pay conditions.

In this day and age I think that is the case
Originally posted by 22*43*51:
Originally posted by naturalmwa:

Originally posted by 22*43*51:

Originally posted by naturalmwa:

You have my support for securing our borders. Can I have your support for securing our markets?
Let me know how I can be of assistance.
Support unions and oppose this visa plan would be a good start.
I can oppose this Visa plan.

Cannot universally support Unions. I view them in an "as needed" way.

They need to protect workers from unfit work and pay conditions.

In this day and age I think that is the case
Originally posted by fredjr82:
Originally posted by Lone Clone:

One company brought a bunch of Indians to California and paid them $1.20 an hour .
So where is the outrage for the companies that are abusing this? The President is allowing them to run their business as they see fit and they are choosing foreign workers that can be paid less than what an American would be paid. The $1.20 an hour for the Indian workers was what they made compared to their wage in rupees at their workplace in India.

Of course that is illegal here in the United States because of the minimum wage laws. Republicans now care about the minimum wage? A couple of months ago the Wal-Mart employee should just suck it up, but now they care about the foreign worker? The President didn't set the wage these workers get paid, the business decided to try to break the law and got caught.
Obama just showing his capitalist/corporatist colors (again).

It's amazing how cons hate Obama so much they even get upset when he backs the things they want.