Oct 31, 2022: Fran brings up putting Students behind the Benches (Beth wants students around the court). Future Renovation of Carver-Hawkeye Arena?

Fran has had 13 years to make this happen and he hasn't used his inside job position to get it accomplished, and yes, if it took a little blackmailing so be it. Fran could care less about the students or for that matter anything out side of his inner basketball family other then his fund raisers for cancer. That doesn't bring in students to the games.
What happened to the Black and Gold preseason extravaganza that got the fans excited for the upcoming seasons. Fran took that away after Woodbury and Gesell signed on the dotted line.

As I said, Frans had ample time to have half of the student moved behind the player benches and hasn't even come close to making it happen, not once and I'll be dead and buried before the next coach or AD ever attempts to improve the game day experience by making that happen. Talk is cheap, action get's it done!

To be fair, it has now been over 2 years since Fran brought up that they were thinking of moving students closer to the floor & behind the benches.

What changes have been made by Beth?

This was the Oct 31, 2022 video that I posted in post #1 of this thread on Oct 31, 2022. As you can see, donors would have to be moved if students are going to get those prime seats.

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Cid, I see you were up at 4:09 am doing your normal trolling & bumping the duplicate thread.

Well, everyone knows by now that you are nothing more than a troll, but wow! 4:09 am! Hope it's all been worthwhile, dude.

Any way, you never did post a link backing up all of your claims you made in this thread 2 years ago.

Your claims:

The original plan for Hawkeye Arena was for that location and with a mid level concourse. The initial plan didn’t call for a donors name on it either. Fundraising didn’t go as well as hoped and the mid level concourse went and the Carver name was added.
Cid, still waiting for the link to any story backing up the claims you made in THIS THREAD, where you said that the original plans for Carver had a mid level concourse and would not have had a donor's name on it.
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This is from Monday Dec 9, at Assembly Hall, vs Minnesota. The announced attendance (tickets sold & distributed) was 17,222. IU improved to 8-2, 1-0 conference, with an 82-67 win.

Lots of no shows/empty seats.

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Yesterday's (Thur Dec 12, 2024) Clown U at IOWA game tipped off at 6:30 PM CT. The game was televised on FS1.

The announced attendance (total tickets sold & distributed) was just 13,033. That number, as we saw at the end, included a LOT of loud Clown fans cheering "Lets Go State."

It was a Sunday, nice weather, very good tip time!!!

This, however, was 17 minutes before today's 1:00 pm CT tip.


The weather was a lot worse around Iowa City than I expected. It was still just above freezing with a lot of ice on the streets and sidewalks. It was also very foggy, which caused a lot of travers along I80 to drive very slow.

I didn’t have any issues getting there and back, just took a little longer than I expected. I also saw numerous elderly folk skating down the sidewalk trying to get to the game. Most of the sidewalks were still sheets of ice in the neighborhood. The university had their walk ways clear, of course, but they seemed to be the only ones.
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Thursday Dec 12, 2024's Clown U at IOWA game tipped off at 6:30 PM CT. The game was televised on FS1.

The announced attendance (total tickets sold & distributed) was just 13,033. That number, as we saw at the end, included a LOT of loud Clown fans cheering "Lets Go State."

Thursday Dec 12, 2024's Clown U at IOWA game tipped off at 6:30 PM CT. The game was televised on FS1.

The announced attendance (total tickets sold & distributed) was just 13,033. That number, as we saw at the end, included a LOT of loud Clown fans cheering "Lets Go State."

Dochterman (see his tweet above) estimated 1/3 of the crowd was Clown fans.

The Iowa fans that did show up were LOUD (.67 x 13,033 = approximately 8,700 Iowa fans, which means approximately 4,300 Clown fans).

Some thoughts by a Hawkeye fan:

Carver renovations are a going to happen. I believe a Kinnick edge like club level is likely from free throw line to free throw line on bench side of arena. Students will move closer behind the benches. Older fans unwilling or unable (high prices) to relocate to less convenient seat locations will relinquish tickets. ushering in a new generation of ticket holders. Iowa has to improve the in game timeout experience with on court play to match. Ideal capacity 12k or less.

Attendance in the next years will be challenged with a new parking ramp planned in the dental lot which move many parking pass holders much further away.

Yes WBB and WR sell out, but neither program revenue exceed expenses so enhancing profitability for MBB is critical for whole athletic department.