Looks like it will be the 3rd or even possibly the 2nd highest crest in history at Guttenberg. It's already higher than this 2019 crest...
Looks like it will be the 3rd or even possibly the 2nd highest crest in history at Guttenberg. It's already higher than this 2019 crest...

Yep, forecast to hit right around the 21 foot mark this coming weekend.

As much as I like The Island community, this is why I've never had a real desire to actually buy a place there. Fortunately my place will never get hit with flooding (I'm above the railroad embankment...but barely above it).

21 foot - that will come within maybe 1-2 vertical feet of the tracks. It will cover Island Road though for certain though. The 2001 flood did and that was 21.68 feet. That crest I saw, got a few pics from it. Here's a couple images from 2001 - the site states these were takes 2 days post crest, the river was in the mid 20's by then.

Island Road...


This is how close it got to the tracks...


1965 though, it got above that. I have a book from the Guttenberg Press about that 1965 flood. For those familiar with Guttenberg, imagine US 52 today at it goes through town being under water - that's how high 23.65 feet in Guttenberg gets if you don't have that flood wall. The entire town goes under water.

Incredible to think about really...
My son's sled hockey season got cut short again as The River's Edge will be shutting down for a while. No ice time to be had in the QC for the foreseeable future. I was down there Sunday evening and the water was covering all but a few parking spaces in the John O'Donnel lot.
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Looks like River Dr toward marquette is completely under water for quite a ways
Barriers are down, roads are close to being all open. That's how its done
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