**Official CNN Republican Debate Thread**

Kasich believes that the president has the authority to unlawfully detain people that disagree with each other into tiny little rooms.

I like the Latina, especially her cute little accent. I feel a little bad for looking at her and thinking the same guy that did Michael Jackson's nose did hers as well.
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I find it odd that Trump is anti-drugs. What does he think fueled the all night gambling binges at his casinos that helped to make him rich?
Trump has the best views on both foreign policy and the domestic economy/free trade.

Someone please explain to me why he isn't hands down the best candidate on the stage right now.

Because he represents the beginning of the end of the R party as we know it and then eventually the Dem party as well. Because of this both parties, the media, everyone is ganging up on him, he represents the spark that burns DC politics to the ground. I want to see the parties burnt to a crisp by this guy and will take 4 - 8 potential years of a blow hard and even tough times if it means every day Americans get their govt back.
Carson reminds me of the "Donny" charachter in "The Big Lebowski"...

"I'm Ben..." I'm Ben".. I'm Ben Car..."..etc... and nobody is listening or caring...
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Ben Carson has sucked in too much nitrous oxide in his surgery rooms. Dude is high as a kite all the time, might just be God in his body though. Idk how that feels.
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I now know why Marco sweats so much, he is trying so hard to remember his lines (see his closing argument) that he just absolutely freaks himself out while delivering his canned lines.
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Does Rubio oppose Gay Marriage? He just asked us all to get behind him.

Does Ted Cruz have deer eyes?

Kasich - That's a down to earth dude right there, he could be my guy, until he quits.

Carson - Every time he opens his mouth, I want him to say something great, and he doesn't.

Trump - Really? Going with Make America Great Again still? Hmm, how is he not slipping?
Whoever started the thread about Deace's Twitter inspired me to go check it out tonight. Pretty sure Deace and Cruz secretly give each other reach arounds when they see each other.
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Cruz will never be president with that nasal voice. Sounds like the bitch neighbor everybody hates.

Rubio swings that bible too often and seems to talk down to people.

Trump is a flawed outsider. Has good points and might actually do some things to help the country. I just don't see the republican machine giving him the chance.

Just don't see Hillary getting beat.

You know in a head-to head with Hillary Rubio and Cruz would go full religious nuts.

Besides trump will go third party if the republican machine wrongs him just to nuke the process. Would cost him a dime either, the networks would love him in the debates and the masss would do the leg work to ft him on the ballot.

It's over, unless Hillary has a health crisis.

If I was Isis I would stay in the down low until Hillary wins.
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Chris Matthews is just abusing Gov. Abbott of Texas right now. He's on the post debate coverage as a Cruz surrogate and Matthews is just bulldogging him down in an attempt to get Abbott to point out one time Cruz got something done in the Senate.
Chris Matthews is just abusing Gov. Abbott of Texas right now. He's on the post debate coverage as a Cruz surrogate and Matthews is just bulldogging him down in an attempt to get Abbott to point out one time Cruz got something done in the Senate.
In Texas you are not expected to accomplish any thing. The last Texan that did a damned thing in the Senate was a guy named Lyndon. ;)
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Chris Matthews is just abusing Gov. Abbott of Texas right now. He's on the post debate coverage as a Cruz surrogate and Matthews is just bulldogging him down in an attempt to get Abbott to point out one time Cruz got something done in the Senate.
This is the same Governor that wasted state funds to make sure the Feds weren't invading last summer. He's Texas smart.
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