****Official Crypto Degen Thread****

He was trying to get you in early on the pump and dump scheme. You missed out.
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This guy is a really good trader. Here he has some advice on how to watch BTC'S price action

Here he answers a question I have

This guy is a really good trader. Here he has some advice on how to watch BTC'S price action

Here he answers a question I have

He is definitely taking the safe path, however, he will not buy in bitcoin likely until bitcoin is at the 28-30k region this time around. I am invested in MSTR and at those prices from the most recent bottom I could see MSTR at $500-$600 a triple to a quadruple from the bottom prices Due to a short squeeze. I admit this has the chance of going the way of the dodo bird, but riddle me this, why does MSTR share price continue to trend higher gradually with the same relative respective price. Currently at almost $200 bitcoin at 17k. This summer bitcoin was 17.5k at the low point MSTR was $140. I guess that action would make sense if the short position was reducing - that is not the case MSTR hit its highest short position this year at over 40% of the float. The whole crux of the bear thesis is that interest in cryptocurrency and stocks is waning, by the price action in MSTR that thesis is completely wrong. People continue to buy up the short shares. If the margin begins to compress, I will reevaluate everything in my gut tells me we are going to see a wicked short squeeze in the future. How soon I am not sure, but for MSTR stock sooner rather than later, the borrowing costs today are up to 88%. MSTR has some immense risk. This isn’t something I am recommending to anyone. It is just very interesting price action,
Since banned parody account. This is only slightly exaggerated from the original quote

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Cobie has a thread about the scam that was Kasta. Moon Carl and his friends fleeced a lot of people with Kasta. I followed the launch and collapse at the time.

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Just when you thought House Democrat, and easily one of the smartest people in Congress, Maxine Waters couldn't humiliate herself and outrage the peasantry any further with her white-glove treatment of Sam Bankman-Fried, whose fraud was behind the largest ponzi scheme since Bernie Madoff, she has bested herself once more.

Waters, the House Financial Services Committee Chair, is not planning on subpoenaing Sam Bankman-Fried, or is that Sam Bankman-Freed - to testify at the upcoming December 13th Congressional hearing about the collapse of FTX.

"Waters informed committee members of her decision at a private meeting Tuesday with Securities and Exchange Commission chair Gary Gensler on Capitol Hill," CNBC reported late in the day on Wednesday.

Waters apparently said "she wants committee staff try to convince Bankman-Fried to voluntarily testify".

And if he disagrees? Well... oops, but that's what all those tens of millions in donations to Democrats were for.
Some 1800s style organized bank runs would force these exchanges to clean up their act. Those aren't likely but the slow drip of people leaving and the eventual cascade of deposit balances will root out the fraudulent exchanges and force the industry to clean up their act.

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