****OFFICIAL Happy #Arrestmas DAY! THREAD****

I mean, do you think these news stories about grand juries and testimony and witnesses and informants and pending indictments are just fiction?

You are aware that there are SEVERAL ongoing and very active criminal investigations involving Donald Trump working their way through the judicial system -- not to mention several other civil cases at the same time -- right now, right?
He has been under investigation since his second year of office.

This is it though Torbs, this is the one.
Sooooooo... this is all 3 year old news?

Its amazing how many times you guys will fall for the same shit.

They don't have shit, they never had shit, if they did have shit, they would actually prosecute him. But they don't actually have shit, which is why this falls on its face, just like last time.

And the social outcast and losers will drink it up praying this is the time they finally get to take down the big bad guy.
If you believe that so strongly will you quit the board and never post again if Trump is indicted?
As anyone with a functional brain knew would be the case and hence my easiest vote cast ever for the email lady.
You didn't vote foe a guy because you knew his opponents would start a bunch of unfounded and unsuccessful investigations into a guy?

Outstanding logic Chris, how are those investigations into Chinese connections to the Biden family playing into that logic?
He has been under investigation since his second year of office.

This is it though Torbs, this is the one.
The timeline makes perfect sense.

Congress attempted to use the impeachment power to punish him for his crimes - TWICE - but the GOP members of Congress decided to not hold him accountable.

Then Trump's appointed lackey AG determined a sitting president could not face criminal charges, so any and all investigations were effectively on hold until Trump (grudgingly and mostly involuntarily) left office.

Then the clock started up again, requiring witnesses and evidence to be gathered during much of 2021 and 2022 and now heading from the Grand Jury room back to the various prosecuting offices for determination of charges.

I presume you don't follow a lot of trials or other judicial investigations, but this is actually proceeding at a fairly rapid pace compared to many.

Here are some fun facts you may not know about our last criminal president and his eventual reckoning with justice:

The break in at the Democratic National Headquarters happened on June 17, 1972.

April 6, 1973: White House counsel John Dean begins cooperating with federal Watergate prosecutors.

July 23, 1973: Nixon refuses to turn over presidential tapes to the Senate Watergate Committee or the special prosecutor.

October 20, 1973: "Saturday Night Massacre" – Nixon orders Elliot Richardson and Ruckelshaus to fire special prosecutor Cox. They both refuse to comply and resign. Robert Bork considers resigning but carries out the order.

March 4, 1974: The "Watergate Seven" (Mitchell, Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Colson, Gordon C. Strachan, Robert Mardian, and Kenneth Parkinson) are formally indicted.

May 9, 1974: Impeachment hearings begin before the House Judiciary Committee.

July 24, 1974: United States v. Nixon decided: Nixon is ordered to give up tapes to investigators.

August 8, 1974: Nixon delivers his resignation speech in front of a nationally televised audience.

The lesson? The wheels of justice turn slowly when a POTUS is involved.

But they do turn.
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The timeline makes perfect sense.

Congress attempted to use the impeachment power to punish him for his crimes - TWICE - but the GOP members of Congress decided to not hold him accountable.

Then Trump's appointed lackey AG determined a sitting president could not face criminal charges, so any and all investigations were effectively on hold until Trump (grudgingly and mostly involuntarily) left office.

Then the clock started up again, requiring witnesses and evidence to be gathered during much of 2021 and 2022 and now heading from the Grand Jury room back to the various prosecuting offices for determination of charges.

I presume you don't follow a lot of trials or other judicial investigations, but this is actually proceeding at a fairly rapid pace compared to many.
So, the DA didn't decide to pursue the charges in the first place? It was the "grand jury"? Do you know how any of this works?
The DA's office is asked to investigate.

Utilizing law enforcement and its own capacity to compel witness testimony, it begins the criminal investigation.

Upon the collection of enough witness testimony and evidence, a determination is made internally whether there is enough evidence to convince a grand jury that there is enough probably cause to pursue criminal charges and an arrest.

The Grand Jury is sworn in and presented with both witness testimony and other collected evidence.

That Grand Jury deliberates and informs the DA whether or not it is recommending criminal charges be pursued.

In this particular situation, we are waiting to hear what the Grand Jury determined, though it has been reported that it did conclude criminal charges were warranted.
Absolutely not.

Convene a grand jury and if that jury comes back with an indictment recommendation, I will say take it to court for a final determination.

But then, I like American democracy and rule of law, unlike you MAGAts.
Holy shit that's rich. Hey everyone, guess what, the far left nutjobs like American democracy AND the rule of law again! Why you ask? Bc its being used for a purpose they actually agree with!
The DA's office is asked to investigate.

Utilizing law enforcement and its own capacity to compel witness testimony, it begins the criminal investigation.

Upon the collection of enough witness testimony and evidence, a determination is made internally whether there is enough evidence to convince a grand jury that there is enough probably cause to pursue criminal charges and an arrest.

The Grand Jury is sworn in and presented with both witness testimony and other collected evidence.

That Grand Jury deliberates and informs the DA whether or not it is recommending criminal charges be pursued.

In this particular situation, we are waiting to hear what the Grand Jury determined, though it has been reported that it did conclude criminal charges were warranted.
Which in no way refutes the point that in this case, and every case, the driving force in the decision to pursue charges is the DAs office.
Which in no way refutes the point that in this case, and every case, the driving force in the decision to pursue charges is the DAs office.
Well yeah, their JOB is to root out corruption and criminal activity.

I know why you wish they wouldn't do their job in this case, but thankfully for America, they didn't bend to political pressure like the Republican cowards in Congress during the TWO impeachments.
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Holy shit that's rich. Hey everyone, guess what, the far left nutjobs like American democracy AND the rule of law again! Why you ask? Bc its being used for a purpose they actually agree with!
WTF are you talking about? Torbee just gave you a lesson on how indictments work regardless of political affiliation. Learn something and STFU.
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Holy shit that's rich. Hey everyone, guess what, the far left nutjobs like American democracy AND the rule of law again! Why you ask? Bc its being used for a purpose they actually agree with!

Guess what, the far right nutjobs don't like American democracy AND the rule of law again! Why you ask? Bc its being used for a purpose that doesn't benefit them.
Guess what, the far right nutjobs don't like American democracy AND the rule of law again! Why you ask? Bc its being used for a purpose that doesn't benefit them.
Maybe so. But SOME level of consistency would be nice. How bout this. When this DA is done with Trump,I'm sure he'll dive head first into the Epstein client list and bring all the child rapists to justice. Hell Epstein was awaiting prosecution in NY when he died, Gislaine was charged and tried there, so he should have all the details he needs. I mean, rule of law, justice matters above politic and all that.
Maybe so. But SOME level of consistency would be nice. How bout this. When this DA is done with Trump,I'm sure he'll dive head first into the Epstein client list and bring all the child rapists to justice. Hell Epstein was awaiting prosecution in NY when he died, Gislaine was charged and tried there, so he should have all the details he needs. I mean, rule of law, justice matters above politic and all that.
Epstein “killed himself” in a federal prison Union Barr and Trump’s watch.
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Maybe so. But SOME level of consistency would be nice. How bout this. When this DA is done with Trump,I'm sure he'll dive head first into the Epstein client list and bring all the child rapists to justice. Hell Epstein was awaiting prosecution in NY when he died, Gislaine was charged and tried there, so he should have all the details he needs. I mean, rule of law, justice matters above politic and all that.
That’s a bipartisan topic we all agree on. We’ve been beating the drum to prosecute those pedophiles for awhile now. If there’s republicans on the list, watch out for a witch hunts though.
Epstein “killed himself” in a federal prison Union Barr and Trump’s watch.
Who cares? Who did he and maxwell traffic to and why haven't they all been brought to justice? NY was ground zero for much of his activities for decades. Hundreds of victims, hundreds of "johns" many or all prominent pols, celebs, and businessmen but by all means orange man paying off a porn star is what really matters.
That’s a bipartisan topic we all agree on. We’ve been beating the drum to prosecute those pedophiles for awhile now. If there’s republicans on the list, watch out for a witch hunts though.
Good. Hang em all. But you and I know it'll never happen.
Who cares? Who did he and maxwell traffic to and why haven't they all been brought to justice? NY was ground zero for much of his activities for decades. Hundreds of victims, hundreds of "johns" many or all prominent pols, celebs, and businessmen but by all means orange man paying off a porn star is what really matters.

Epstein's clients were given immunity by Alex Acosta when he was US Attorney in Miami during the GW Bush years.

It would make sense if the DA gave a shit about people breaking the law and not just political opposition breaking the law. And if he's doing it for political reasons (which he is), he should at least realize that the risk/ reward is heavily skewed against the result he is trying to achieve. And if you think a stronger Trump is a nightmare for the GOP and not the DEms, you haven't been paying attention to anything that has happened over the past 8 years.

This shit got started with Dems doing everything they could to make Trump the easily defeatable opponent for Hillary and ended up being our nightmare that's still ongoing. You believe this could never happen again, eh? Good luck.
I always thought it kinda started with the impeachment of Bill Clinton.
Holy shit that's rich. Hey everyone, guess what, the far left nutjobs like American democracy AND the rule of law again! Why you ask? Bc its being used for a purpose they actually agree with!
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