****OFFICIAL Happy #Arrestmas DAY! THREAD****

Right. Trump isn't running for president but, a decade after the fact when he WOULD be running were he so inclined, he just decides to pay hush money to a porn star for an affair he claims never happened. Sounds just like something Trump would do.

And he didn't use his own money. Cohen took out a loan on his own house to make the payment and was reimbursed.
Look. He's completely fvcking guilty of all of that shit. We both know it. But trying to prove it is incredibly tough. And more importantly, if he's found not guilty, he comes out way stronger, he comes out with a sense of vindication and he comes out with way way more campaign money from it. You may think it's worth the risk, but again, the FEC looked at this already and saw no path forward. Good luck.
NYPD reportedly ordered all sworn officers to report today, in uniform. If true, they think King Orange is going to be arrested.

Not many news sites have the story that all NYPD have been ordered to report today in uniform. Here is one that does, citing CBS News which cites an unnamed source.

So let me get this straight. You are ok with the son of our sitting president selling his dads influence (that his dad took portions of) to foreign nations that are bleeding ALL of the American taxpayers. Yet you are ok with that person trying to arrest his political rival for giving possibly donated money to pay off a hooker.

Just want to make sure you are clearly stating where you stand. Preach more about the fall of democracy please.
Prove it. Just once, prove it. If he is guilty he should go to prison. See how easy that is? Now do your side. You have the party with a bunch of members of Congress asking for pardons. JFC...stop with the false equivalencies. This crap from you guys gets old.
Look. He's completely fvcking guilty of all of that shit. We both know it. But trying to prove it is incredibly tough. And more importantly, if he's found not guilty, he comes out way stronger, he comes out with a sense of vindication and he comes out with way way more campaign money from it. You may think it's worth the risk, but again, the FEC looked at this already and saw no path forward. Good luck.
Look he wins no matter what. His entire career is based on attention. He gets charged attention. He doesn't get charged attention. Even if convicted he still wins. Because it's still attention. Us arguing about it doesn't matter. Andy Warhol said it best about Trump. He's a spoiled bore. That it doesn't matter what the papers say about him. As long as they say something about him.
Hillary Clinton Wow GIF
Look. He's completely fvcking guilty of all of that shit. We both know it. But trying to prove it is incredibly tough. And more importantly, if he's found not guilty, he comes out way stronger, he comes out with a sense of vindication and he comes out with way way more campaign money from it. You may think it's worth the risk, but again, the FEC looked at this already and saw no path forward. Good luck.
So he's guilty as hell but he shouldn't be charged because he might be found not guilty. That's kind of the definition of being "above the law". A stronger Trump is a nightmare for the GOP so guilty or not guilty doesn't really matter to me. And the GOP has the ability to end that nightmare all on their own and they could do it overnight...but, collectively, they don't have a shred of integrity.

And using the FEC as any kind of bellwether on campaign violations is just laughable.
So he's guilty as hell but he shouldn't be charged because he might be found not guilty. That's kind of the definition of being "above the law". A stronger Trump is a nightmare for the GOP so guilty or not guilty doesn't really matter to me. And the GOP has the ability to end that nightmare all on their own and they could do it overnight...but, collectively, they don't have a shred of integrity.

And using the FEC as any kind of bellwether on campaign violations is just laughable.
It would make sense if the DA gave a shit about people breaking the law and not just political opposition breaking the law. And if he's doing it for political reasons (which he is), he should at least realize that the risk/ reward is heavily skewed against the result he is trying to achieve. And if you think a stronger Trump is a nightmare for the GOP and not the DEms, you haven't been paying attention to anything that has happened over the past 8 years.

This shit got started with Dems doing everything they could to make Trump the easily defeatable opponent for Hillary and ended up being our nightmare that's still ongoing. You believe this could never happen again, eh? Good luck.
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It would make sense if the DA gave a shit about people breaking the law and not just political opposition breaking the law. And if he's doing it for political reasons (which he is), he should at least realize that the risk/ reward is heavily skewed against the result he is trying to achieve. And if you think a stronger Trump is a nightmare for the GOP and not the DEms, you haven't been paying attention to anything that has happened over the past 8 years.

This shit got started with Dems doing everything they could to make Trump the easily defeatable opponent for Hillary and ended up being our nightmare that's still ongoing. You believe this could never happen again, eh? Good luck.
😆 yeah that's it. Wow what a take.
It would make sense if the DA gave a shit about people breaking the law and not just political opposition breaking the law. And if he's doing it for political reasons (which he is), he should at least realize that the risk/ reward is heavily skewed against the result he is trying to achieve. And if you think a stronger Trump is a nightmare for the GOP and not the DEms, you haven't been paying attention to anything that has happened over the past 8 years.

This shit got started with Dems doing everything they could to make Trump the easily defeatable opponent for Hillary and ended up being our nightmare that's still ongoing. You believe this could never happen again, eh? Good luck.
So...let me get this's OK to break the law if doing so puts the prosecutor in the position of being viewed as a political hack? You really need to work on this argument. You are bending over backwards to defend a guy you claim is guilty as fvck. And you're claiming your defense is FOR POLITICAL REASONS.
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The lesson here is to hold politicians - even at the highest level - accountable to the rule of law. Period, the end.
Everyone says this when the person actually being charged is a member of the opposite party. If and when some politically charged DA comes for the Bidens, you and the rest will be throwing temper tantrums non stop.
Everyone says this when the person actually being charged is a member of the opposite party. If and when some politically charged DA comes for the Bidens, you and the rest will be throwing temper tantrums non stop.
If they did it, they should be prosecuted. Why is that concept so difficult for you mouth-breathers to comprehend?
Everyone says this when the person actually being charged is a member of the opposite party. If and when some politically charged DA comes for the Bidens, you and the rest will be throwing temper tantrums non stop.

Not if there is proof of crimes having been committed and the defendant was given the proper legal due diligence. I don't care if it is Biden or not. We are supposed to be a nation of laws, I'm not sure why we give the most crocked of us (politicians) the most leeway when comes to breaking them.

As with any case the airwaves are flooded with talking heads from both sides of the issue who have no real insight into the details of the case or evidence presented. Only speculation. Those whose bias it confirms run with it and call it fact.
Everyone says this when the person actually being charged is a member of the opposite party. If and when some politically charged DA comes for the Bidens, you and the rest will be throwing temper tantrums non stop.
Absolutely not.

Convene a grand jury and if that jury comes back with an indictment recommendation, I will say take it to court for a final determination.

But then, I like American democracy and rule of law, unlike you MAGAts.
Everyone says this when the person actually being charged is a member of the opposite party. If and when some politically charged DA comes for the Bidens, you and the rest will be throwing temper tantrums non stop.
Nah, it will just be 15 pages of BUT TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything on the left is seen through the lens of BUT TRUMP.
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Everyone says this when the person actually being charged is a member of the opposite party. If and when some politically charged DA comes for the Bidens, you and the rest will be throwing temper tantrums non stop.
Hypothetical outrage is my favorite outrage. If Biden is a crook, lock him up. Just make sure your evidence is legit.
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Sooooooo... this is all 3 year old news?

Its amazing how many times you guys will fall for the same shit.

They don't have shit, they never had shit, if they did have shit, they would actually prosecute him. But they don't actually have shit, which is why this falls on its face, just like last time.

And the social outcast and losers will drink it up praying this is the time they finally get to take down the big bad guy.
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Sooooooo... this is all 3 year old news?

Its amazing how many times you guys will fall for the same shit.

They don't have shit, they never had shit, if they did have shit, they would actually prosecute him. But they don't actually have shit, which is why this falls on its face, just like last time.

And the social outcast and losers will drink it up praying this is the time they finally get to take down the big bad guy.
NARRATOR: What Whiskey didn't know is that they actually ARE prosecuting him, but that sometimes takes time. Time for grand juries to hear testimony. Time for indictments to be drawn up. But time, time was not on Donald Trump's side this time.
NARRATOR: What Whiskey didn't know is that they actually ARE prosecuting him, but that sometimes takes time. Time for grand juries to hear testimony. Time for indictments to be drawn up. But time, time was not on Donald Trump's side this time.
Alright. ...
Alright. ...
I mean, do you think these news stories about grand juries and testimony and witnesses and informants and pending indictments are just fiction?

You are aware that there are SEVERAL ongoing and very active criminal investigations involving Donald Trump working their way through the judicial system -- not to mention several other civil cases at the same time -- right now, right?