****OFFICIAL Happy #Arrestmas DAY! THREAD****

So let me get this straight. You are ok with the son of our sitting president selling his dads influence (that his dad took portions of) to foreign nations that are bleeding ALL of the American taxpayers. Yet you are ok with that person trying to arrest his political rival for giving possibly donated money to pay off a hooker.

Just want to make sure you are clearly stating where you stand. Preach more about the fall of democracy please.
Holy's really difficult to be a more brazen liar than this. Kudos.
This is what banana republics do.

No this is what banana republics do


We already crossed that line when there was a coup attempt. One that the top leader has not yet been prosecuted for.
I just love that the "defense" of Trump is "sure, he paid off a porn star to benefit his campaign and tried to hide the paper trail" but holding him legally accountable is just unfair!

I mean, what the actual f---k? 😂

I also like how everyone is ignoring the fact there was a GRAND JURY that listened to evidence and made the recommendation.

This is proof that it is a LIE that this is some fishing expedition or overreach by a prosecutor. Because if the prosecutor was overreaching and did not have evidence, THE GRAND JURY WOULD NOT RECOMMEND AN INDICTMENT!

I mean, do you MAGAs not have any idea at all how the U.S judicial system works?
Whataboutisms and "both sides" are in vogue again? Nice!!
In this case, the whataboutism is accurate.

Other politicians who have broken the law have been indicted in the past.

Therefore, Trump should as well, considering a sitting grand jury has apparently determined there is enough evidence to charge him with a crime.

This is not complicated at all.
I just love that the "defense" of Trump is "sure, he paid off a porn star to benefit his campaign and tried to hide the paper trail" but holding him legally accountable is just unfair!

I mean, what the actual f---k? 😂

I also like how everyone is ignoring the fact there was a GRAND JURY that listened to evidence and made the recommendation.

This is proof that it is a LIE that this is some fishing expedition or overreach by a prosecutor. Because if the prosecutor was overreaching and did not have evidence, THE GRAND JURY WOULD NOT RECOMMEND AN INDICTMENT!

I mean, do you MAGAs not have any idea at all how the U.S judicial system works?
I bet some do at a low level….
In this case, the whataboutism is accurate.

Other politicians who have broken the law have been indicted in the past.

Therefore, Trump should as well, considering a sitting grand jury has apparently determined there is enough evidence to charge him with a crime.

This is not complicated at all.
Edwards was accused of taking $900,000 from his campaign fund to pay for it. Trump used his own money and it will need to be proven that he wouldn't have paid this money even if he wasn't running for president. Also, this is 7 years after the fact. Federal finance statute of limitations runs out after 5 years. They're gonna have to try to nail him under state finance laws. So...different.
Edwards was accused of taking $900,000 from his campaign fund to pay for it. Trump used his own money and it will need to be proven that he wouldn't have paid this money even if he wasn't running for president. Also, this is 7 years after the fact. Federal finance statute of limitations runs out after 5 years. They're gonna have to try to nail him under state finance laws. So...different.
Why do you suppose a Grand Jury of New York citizens, not elected officials or government employees, issued a recommendation for indictment?
The cult of Trump is something I will never understand. The endless excuse making from the rural / evangelical Christians of the US and desire to defend and support is so confusing given he is a loud mouth New Yorker, a liar, a cheater, a philanderer, an ugly mother****er and likely could not name more than 3 disciples of Jesus.
The cult of Trump is something I will never understand. The endless excuse making from the rural / evangelical Christians of the US and desire to defend and support is so confusing given he is a loud mouth New Yorker, a liar, a cheater, a philanderer, an ugly mother****er and likely could not name more than 3 disciples of Jesus.
He lashes out at the people they blame for their unhappiness and they love that.
Again, it is just the first indictment of what will eventually be several. Whether it is the "weakest" or "strongest" is irrelevant --- if a Grand Jury has convened and decided the evidence merits an indictment, you move forward with an indictment. This is how the system works.
So let me get this straight. You are ok with the son of our sitting president selling his dads influence (that his dad took portions of) to foreign nations that are bleeding ALL of the American taxpayers. Yet you are ok with that person trying to arrest his political rival for giving possibly donated money to pay off a hooker.

Just want to make sure you are clearly stating where you stand. Preach more about the fall of democracy please.
Biden is arresting Trump?
Why do you suppose a Grand Jury of New York citizens, not elected officials or government employees, issued a recommendation for indictment?
It means that a group of New Yorkers believe there is enough probable cause to move forward with a trial. That's the standard of proof for a Grand Jury. Probably cause. Not "beyond a reasonable doubt". That's the next jury.

Now, explain why this thing that happened 7 years ago, that was looked at by federal prosecutors and passed on, has suddenly been pushed ahead of the 47,000 unprosecuted violent crimes that happened just last year. This thing basically had "cold case" status.

I'm perfectly happy if Trump is found guilty and goes to jail for it. Great. Just quit pretending this has nothing to do with politics or going after a specific person of interest.

An old prosecutors saying is "We prosecute crimes, not people." This is 100% the attempted prosecution of a person who may have committed a crime 7 years ago.
It means that a group of New Yorkers believe there is enough probable cause to move forward with a trial. That's the standard of proof for a Grand Jury. Probably cause. Not "beyond a reasonable doubt". That's the next jury.

Now, explain why this thing that happened 7 years ago, that was looked at by federal prosecutors and passed on, has suddenly been pushed ahead of the 47,000 unprosecuted violent crimes that happened just last year. This thing basically had "cold case" status.

I'm perfectly happy if Trump is found guilty and goes to jail for it. Great. Just quit pretending this has nothing to do with politics or going after a specific person of interest.

An old prosecutors saying is "We prosecute crimes, not people." This is 100% the attempted prosecution of a person who may have committed a crime 7 years ago.
Is he guilty or not? That is what it comes down to. You can make up that it is politically motivated all you want but you can’t be guilty unless you are.
It means that a group of New Yorkers believe there is enough probable cause to move forward with a trial. That's the standard of proof for a Grand Jury. Probably cause. Not "beyond a reasonable doubt". That's the next jury.

Now, explain why this thing that happened 7 years ago, that was looked at by federal prosecutors and passed on, has suddenly been pushed ahead of the 47,000 unprosecuted violent crimes that happened just last year. This thing basically had "cold case" status.

I'm perfectly happy if Trump is found guilty and goes to jail for it. Great. Just quit pretending this has nothing to do with politics or going after a specific person of interest.

An old prosecutors saying is "We prosecute crimes, not people." This is 100% the attempted prosecution of a person who may have committed a crime 7 years ago.
Of course it has to do with politics. He could not be indicted while being a sitting president. That is your answer for "why now."
He gave them the freedom to openly be who they've always been. He emancipated their hate and racism. He made it ok for them to wave confederate and nazi flags and use the N word.

....and they are forever indebted to him for that. Which is why they can't quit him.
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has suddenly been pushed ahead of the 47,000 unprosecuted violent crimes that happened just last year.

Has it been "pushed ahead"?

REMEMBER: prosecutors do not INVESTIGATE crimes - LE needs to gather enough evidence BEFORE the prosecutors can get to work.
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Of course it has to do with politics. He could not be indicted while being a sitting president. That is your answer for "why now."
Really? Because the FEC looked into it in May of 2021 (two years ago) and decided not to go anywhere with it. Two years later it gets resurrected? So no. You're reason for "Why now?" is off by two years.
Politics Lady, who I usually like, says we shouldn't gloat about Orange Jesus being arrested. She obviously doesn't know any GQP MAGA types. It makes no difference whether we are nice or if we gloat, they will still be the same fear ridden, grievance filled, hate spewers. I say milk this for all it's worth and gloat away. Enjoy!!!!

Again, it is just the first indictment of what will eventually be several. Whether it is the "weakest" or "strongest" is irrelevant --- if a Grand Jury has convened and decided the evidence merits an indictment, you move forward with an indictment. This is how the system works.
Yep, the playbook has definitely been leaked... use politically driven DAs to file multiple frivolous charges from now thru the election.
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Edwards was accused of taking $900,000 from his campaign fund to pay for it. Trump used his own money and it will need to be proven that he wouldn't have paid this money even if he wasn't running for president.
Right. Trump isn't running for president but, a decade after the fact when he WOULD be running were he so inclined, he just decides to pay hush money to a porn star for an affair he claims never happened. Sounds just like something Trump would do.

And he didn't use his own money. Cohen took out a loan on his own house to make the payment and was reimbursed.
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