*** Official Iowa at Minnesota Game thread ***


HR Legend
Nov 13, 2007
Well it's Friday, but somehow the Big Ten thinks that means its game day so here we are. It's Minnesota and boat rowing time and hopefully we can sink them. The good news is that our team stopped looking like butt last week, bad news is it was against Michigan State. Hopefully the not butt team is what we get tonight.

Here's a video to get you psyched for tonight

Actually, it's the 368 Receiving yards they achieved last year that concerns me; not the 63 Rushing yards they gained.
Actually, it's the 368 Receiving yards they achieved last year that concerns me; not the 63 Rushing yards they gained.
For what it's worth Iowa's defense was playing pretty relaxed coverage for much of the second half and MN was more pass-heavy because they were down. Iowa limited the big plays but gave up a bunch of incremental 10-15 yard catches over the middle to Johnson and Bateman. Very typical bend but don't break Iowa defense which kept Iowa ahead while their own offense was hot garbage.
Actually, it's the 368 Receiving yards they achieved last year that concerns me; not the 63 Rushing yards they gained.
i’ll take those numbers even with the inflated pass yards. imo if we stop their rush we win no question. otherwise it’ll be a pu or nw type painful experience.
Minn. throws plenty of hail mary's last year they won most of those jump balls. They also like to run the slant over the middle.
Anyone here know if WHO, after game, post-game, and Soundoff, is doing game replay?
33 Current temp
23 Feels like temp
12 MPH SSE wind

30 projected temp at 10 pm

Looks like many parents made it to the Mini Apple.


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I will begin by singing the ballad I did exiting Kinnick last year after beating the goobers.

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily
Your perfect season was just a dream
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Starting DB out for Minnesota. Not sure that matters as I expect we'll be much like last week... heavy run with short passing game sprinkled in.
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Ed and Gary mangled the coin flip, but sounds like gophers won it and took the wind?