***** OFFICIAL IOWA vs. Penn State Game Thread *****

This just might be the worst offensive game I've seen us play since the day Michigan State's punter had more rushing yards than our entire offense.
ballsy call when you can't block to throw on 1st down from your endzone. Solution might be to block better.

Since the ball propelled forward in direction the arm was throwing the ball, that looks like incomplete pass to me.
Iowa having the same issues up front. 3 guys in the middle blocking the same fuking guy, while the safety or backer runs free on a delay and mauls Stanley. You guys want someone fired? Fire the OLine coach, because Polasek hasn't fixed shit.
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Good thing iowa waited 49 seconds to run that play so as to allow the review.
All part of Kirk's brilliant plan to make Franklin burn his timeouts. Little does Franklin know that you get 4 points per timeout you don't use in each half.
So much for O-line being a strong point. So much for us having an offense that score or move at will against teams with a heart beat! More of the same KF football with his tag along who couldn’t call a pop warner football game!
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Stanley and this offense line suck. Plain and simple they are bad.
Someone should lose a job over this crap.
Who? Kirk hired Polasek knowing he never coached the o-line before. Fire Polasek and let Kirk make another dumb hire? Hell, he just might move Parker to o-line.