Thought the same thing. Can leave Kris or tony in with them.
Yeah, Kris is really bringing it
Thought the same thing. Can leave Kris or tony in with them.
He is giving up 20 pounds of muscle to his defender and except for 2-3 guys the whole team is playing chicken shit basketball. This happens when you are overmatched athletically at all 5 positions.PMac is Charmin soft.
We aren’t faster or stronger or bigger than them.. 😔 some how Iowa needs to keep them out of the laneThis game is over
Too athletic for us
Timeout and light these guys up Fran.
As some here have said, this is another soft Iowa team in the paint.Men vs Boys
The voice and video were not synched for some of the broadcast. Of course the announcers weren't on screen so you couldn't tell with them. But for the studio cutaways it was really obvious.
Makes me appreciate the B1G and ESPN broadcasts.