JFC this thread has somehow managed to get even shittier! The 2023 WPOTY award will be a 26-way tie.
You assholes want to party? You got yourselves a f#ckin’ party. Trying to read through this thread is more confusing than Father’s Day in Ferguson. Speaking of that, did you know 72% of black children are born out of wedlock? Having multiple “baby mommas” and “baby daddies” is a badge of honor in their “culture”. The child is then left to be raised by grandma or auntie while the “parents“ are out breeding like gophers - with anyone and everyone other than their previous partner. For most black parents responsibility ends with bestowing upon the baby a unique name like “D’JarQuandrayvenous” or “Camquishna”.
Blacks make up only 13.6% of the U.S.population yet commit 60% of all violent crimes. They shoplift so much that greedy corporations are throwing in the towel and closing stores in droves in urban areas as a result. They pollute our airwaves with mumble rap promoting violence and misogyny. Their race has been here for 300+ years, yet most can’t put together a proper sentence. They are absolutely some of the most racist people towards Mexican, Indian, and Asian Americans yet play the “people of color“ card when they need a bigger tent. They expect us to dumb down public education and teach Ebonics because they too damned lazy to parent their children and help them learn to read and speak proper English. The other 87% of the population should lower its standards while Asian countries continue to lap us in math and science,
Those of us who work and pay taxes provide Blacks with free education, housing (Section 8 and/or prison), food (welfare and food stamps), and healthcare (Medicaid), and have done so for decades. Now Blacks are clamoring for “reparations“?! Their kind is a net drag on our society and economy. Their “reparations“ should consist of nothing more than a revocation of citizenship and a one-way ticket to Botswana, The Congo, or whatever shithole they claim as an ancestral homeland.
See what a slippery slope it is when you lump all Muslims together with the Hamas savages?
P.S. You c0cksuckers were warned (see post#783)