*** Official *** Minnesota Dual predictions, preparations, discussion, etc.

3rd period
RW on top
esc in 15 seoncds
RW with an ankle
VV draped over
RW on top and VV has a leg
Not in control
VV sitting out
RW on his head
37 seoncds
not good here
almost neutral danger
eaach has a leg
RWon the ankle
at least it's better for RW
hang on
5-2 winner for RW.
They were on the mat a long time rolling.
"not how you want to win"
Rathjen vs Roberts
They wrestled in 22
Rathjen won 11-5
a couple of almost slide bys
mostly hand fighting
Rathjen duck and single
Roberts clings on top
Roberts has a leg and Rathjen on top
Leg is free covers
then esc in 14 seconds
1 min left
Rathjen not a legger but got the leg in that in.
Snap by CR and he can't cover
Robertsdives for a leg and nothing
14.6 RT
end of 1
Nobody going to mention AJ Ferrari sitting behind the bench??
I Dont Know Her Mariah Carey GIF
2nd period
CR down
up and dumped
leg in
Roberts tries to spencer tilt and CR gets free and is out
scooted the hips
-14 RT
4-1 lead
1:11 left
not many shots lately.
CR duck to a single head to the inside
Draped again,
Roberts head to the mat
Turning into him
They roll for the last 30 seconds.,
end of 2

3rd period
Roberts up and out in 7 seconds
Roberts first shot and CR almsot cuts
CR another single but adds the second leg up and dumps and covers
quick finish- cut to the double while on his knees
TD for CR
must be 7-3 so ESC for Roberts
53 seconds left
Roberts finally has some life
not getting close but moving a lot is Roberts
end of 3
Caleb Rathjen wins 7-3.
Franek vs Blockus
Blockus is from Cresco but wrestled at NH and then started at UNI, right?
Blockus is #11
Bockis dives and totally misses as both change levels
2 min
FRanek with the slowest blast double you will ever see
Rolls with Blockus and covers
out in 20 seconds
Nice solid double and no real roll option
36 seconds
Blockus with a single
Franek is stacked and head on the mat
has a ankle as Blockus tries to cut
6 seconds
end of 1
3-1 with 20 Seconds RT.
When are we going to see bonus near fall points from an Iowa wrestler?

Asking for Val's friend.
Ice man got some Friday! Even with 3pt TD we seem to make it harder than it needs to be to score bonus points.

Woods didn't wrestle a good match from neutral or top. Credit to Vombaur, he did wrestle tough.
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2nd period
Franek down
Almost out
Blockus has an ankle and holds on. trying to kick out
Now out
-13 RT
1 min.
Beatty on the mic and likes how Franek changed it up on the esc.
Franek heavy with the hands
and wrestling in the center
not much
end of 2
Franek misses a double Td
Blockus whizzard
Ref calls SM with 40 seconds
with 14 seocnds Blockus gets a TD and wins.
Franek loses 4-5.
Ironside and Beatty want that back. They want the 90 seconds in the 2nd period to score.