That's what keeps us from beating some of the top teams in the Big Ten at least. We can't get out of our own f***ing way. Stupid.Hawks’ biggest opponent is themselves at the moment
Good thing for TV timeouts......Someone needs to catch the F'ing ball so our defense doesn't get tired in the first goddamn half.
Do we only have one punter?
He wasn't even going to catch the ball.
Right after the pick 6.Penn State - 10
Iowa - 0
Coming up in the less than 4 minutes.
Defense pulled a prank on them this week and they are paying them back?Why is the offense and special teams sucking ass
Yeah because there's tons of options when we've had shitty starting field position and people keep dropping balls.Brian Ferentz for head coach. LOL
Good luck with that. Offense is a joke.
WHY??!! It's a fVcking disaster every time! I wouldn't blame Kirk if he decided to forbid passing for the rest of the season! NOBODY CAN CATCH ONE! Even if it's right on the hands, right in the bread basket. Better we never throw another pass tonight.Throw the damn ball!!!!!!!!!!!!