****Official Republican Debate 2023 Thread****

Weak ass field of candidates?

I suppose you think the dems have a deep bench.

Anyone of these candidates would be head and shoulders better than the current raisin in the Oval Office. Facts.
Impressive to have such a great first sentence…then follow it up with such nonsense. Hard to do.
Not with her abortion stances and how much of a flip flop she is once exposed.

She was the most open on abortion than anyone else. She said she's against it but also recognized women's rights. I thought she did a pretty good job. I don't agree with her on everything she said but she's my personal frontrunner for the Rep.

The guys that were hard no's after tonight:
1. Vivek
2. DeSantis
3. Scott
4. Pence
5. Obviously Trump

I thought Christie did well but he did not pander to the MAGAs... at all. I loved it.
Was reading a thread from conservatives on Reddit to get the republican take and most on their were largely dogging on Pence and Christie. Vivek was getting mixed reviews. Haley was getting positive reviews also so maybe her performance was considered consensus positive across parties.
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Was reading a thread from conservatives on Reddit to get the republican take and most on their were largely dogging on Pence and Christie. Vivek was getting mixed reviews. Haley was getting positive reviews also so maybe her performance was considered consensus positive across parties.

Ron forgotten?
I disagree with Pence on just about everything. But I can have respect for someone who will be on the right side of history 50 years from now.
He really had no choice but to do what the Constitution provided. He followed the law - worth recognition for a member of the Trump administration, I suppose. Even Eastman conceded that his plot would likely lose 9-0 before the US Supreme Court.
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Ron forgotten?
Very few of the higher comments were about DeSantis other than that people were surprised more of the candidates weren’t trying to go after him and that he hadn’t been that involved early. So I guess I didn’t see anything largely negative or positive on DeSantis in the thread I read.
Overall I think Hailey made the biggest gains. Desantis had more energy but didn't offer anything new. Didn't care for vivek's comments a out the only one not being bought and paid for, seemed desperate to me but he killed it on education, family and culture. Wish Tim Scott got more time to speak and look forward to hearing more from him. The rest can go, there's no chance at victory.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen you post anything of substance. I‘ll bet you are either under 25 years old or over 65. Prove me wrong or go away.
Nah, don't owe you shit. Keep voting for sleepy joe as he drools on himself in Maui though. Really good look for the left.
My take aways

1. Really impressed with Haley, most surprising of the night and probably will get a big bounce
2. I like Desantis, stayed out of the fray, seems stiff though, which he needs to work on
3. No question that Pence is a conservative but he had some cringeworthy moments and kept interrupting
4. Christie was definitely there to go after Trump and Vivek which needed to happen
5. I was very curious about Vivek and was hoping he would do well. I thought he was outmatched, clearly a Trump shill, and what the f$&k was his hands doing when Desantis talked.
6. I like Tim Scott I just don’t think he has the it factor,
If we go strictly from the crowd response, Vivek had a Trump type response by those in attendance, imo.

As we saw in 2016, it seems a certain segment of the electorate simply wants a "non politician" and Vivek certainly wants to portray that.
While none of us seems overly impressed with ANYTHING Ramaswamy said, with Republican voters, it's all about being anti Washington DC.

I think Ramaswamy, Haley, and MAYBE Pence make some gains after tonite.
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If we go strictly from the crowd response, Vivek had a Trump type response by those in attendance, imo.

As we saw in 2016, it seems a certain segment of the electorate simply wants a "non politician" and Vivek certainly wants to portray that.
While none of us seems overly impressed with ANYTHING Ramaswamy said, with Republican voters, it's all about being anti Washington DC.

I think Ramaswamy, Haley, and MAYBE Pence make some gains after tonite.
The crowd was going nuts when Haley made him look like a fool (Vivek)