Ohio votes to make abortion rights protected in their constitution

What basic questions? You can't take just some parts of the Bible literally and not others. That is hilarious.

Who was the first Pope?

The Bible is like a library. There are metaphors.

It's not all meant to be taken literally.
According to you. Edit: There is a difference between Atheism and being Agnostic. Is this something else that you learned from Catholic teachings?

I feel sorry for agnostics.

You won't make a choice on the most important truth there is.

Respect others that don't believe your B.S. please.
Who was the first Pope?

The Bible is like a library. There are metaphors.

It's not all meant to be taken literally.
Ohhh. Just what is selected to be taken literally. Love it. Pick and choose. I do respect religious beliefs. You might want to read back through this thread and see who has no tolerance for others' beliefs. It is obvious that your religion speaks for you. You need help.
Ohhh. Just what is selected to be taken literally. Love it. Pick and choose. I do respect religious beliefs. You might want to read back through this thread and see who has no tolerance for others' beliefs. It is obvious that your religion speaks for you. You need help.

Pick a side, dude.

Agnostics are weak.
I don't know who the first Pope was. Catholics claim that Peter was. Only Catholics. A simple Google search proves your devotion to your religion. That's okay. You can admit it.

You said Peter wasn't the first Pope. So, who was?
You didn't answer.

No wonder you're agnostic.
Protestants do not believe Peter was the first Pope but Catholics do. Again. You just believe what is told to you by the Catholic Church. I stated in my post that I don't know who the first pope was. Never pretended to. I don't need to make crap up to have people follow my lead.
Protestants do not believe Peter was the first Pope but Catholics do. Again. You just believe what is told to you by the Catholic Church. I stated in my post that I don't know who the first pope was. Never pretended to. I don't need to make crap up to have people follow my lead.

I believe based on the history. I've shown that.

At least I've chosen a side. You're just refraining from choosing.

What if God is real and you miss a life with God because you're not willing to pick a side??
There's no such thing as "Catholic" history.

I give you 0 points for not picking a side.
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I answered all your questions.

Please answer mine.
Wut? You are either a troll parading as an Evangelical or you actually believe what you are posting. The second would tend to be worse. Stay in your bubble my friend. What questions?
Wut? You are either a troll parading as an Evangelical or you actually believe what you are posting. The second would tend to be worse. Stay in your bubble my friend. What questions?

I'm not evangelical. Lol

How old are you?

Is your life plan to just remain agnostic until you die?

What if you miss out on God?
Which proves nothing. You keep asking about the first pope. Why do you think that would be important to anyone outside of the Catholic religion? I can't tell you who the pope is now nor do I care.

The letter proves the Catholic Church was around before the year 110 A.D.

I'm responding to your assertions and all you're doing is deflecting.
I’m not arguing that. I believe that too. But over half of the population doesn’t feel that late term abortions are ok. As long as Democrats fight for abortions up to term and Republicans fight for anything from 0 to 6 weeks, there is going to an issue. Is there a compromise that is acceptable that a majority of the population can accept. I think there is and it’s 15 weeks. That’s all I’m arguing here. I want to know why Dems won’t accept what a majority of Americans are willing to accept.

You are using faulty logic.

That a majority believe that abortions should be legal up to 15 weeks does not mean a majority believe abortions should be illegal after 15 weeks. I think 20 weeks would be supported by most Americans. I believe 25 weeks would be supported by most women - which imo is more important.

Also, the 15 weeks is not presented as an attempt to compromise conservatives with progressives - it is a compromise within the conservative community between the hardliners who are opposed from day one (including opposition to the "morning after pill") and everyone else in the GOP. 20 weeks would come closer to representing a compromise between conservatives and progressives.

Consider that many abortion decisions are made based on the results of pre-natal testing that takes place 11 to 20 weeks into a pregnancy. If abortion is to be used for something other than birth control for the careless, women need to have an opportunity find out just what her pregnancy, and her prospective child's life, is going to entail.
What if God is real?

You're really unwilling to choose a side??
I think I have made that apparent. You are either an evangelical or a troll. I think the avatar kinds of hints at it. Why do I need to choose a side if I believe nobody knows what happens when you die.