Oklahoma High School Students Doing Oklahoma Things to Ruin Their Short Term Futures

More prevalent in Red States.
I doubt that's arguable.
It’s more prevalent in rural areas regardless of the state.

But, yeah, there seems to be a strong correlation with racism and the Bible belt. It’s almost as if areas where large numbers of people easily duped into believing fairy tales and fables in a book from antiquity are more prone to being racist and in general shitty human beings. Odd how that works.
It’s more prevalent in rural areas regardless of the state.

But, yeah, there seems to be a strong correlation with racism and the Bible belt. It’s almost as if areas where large numbers of people easily duped into believing fairy tales and fables in a book from antiquity are more prone to being racist and in general shitty human beings. Odd how that works.
Here in Mississippi North, we feel that pain.
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I do agree things have been getting worse in last 16 years. I had hope that things were about to change for the better. I had the same feelings though in 1964 with the passage of the Cival Rights act, and in many ways things did change for the better, not for everyone by any means but a baby step I’d hoped . Hope and change is a thing many of us strive for, just like trying to form a more perfect Union but not everyone cares for those high ideals. Best we can hope for I think is people treat each other as they’d themselves like to be treated.
As long as people in this country continue to cling to archaic beliefs and religious superstitions, progress will be minimal.

Most of the modern world shakes their heads and laughs at how stupid Americans are.
The kids did not come up with this on their own.
Have you ever seen high school students? They probably thought it was hilarious. In high school, it's cool to "break the rules" and do things you aren't supposed to do. These kids likely have very little contact with anyone but white people so the decision making process for them probably made this "stunt" the same level of violation as skipping a class or speeding. I am not saying they shouldn't face consequences for this, but this is what happens when their surrounding environment, parents, school, peer group, do not properly prepare them for the consequences the internet will bring down on them and how serious doing something like this is.

Or maybe their parents and school did everything in their power to prepare them for this and they ignored that stuff anyway. It wouldn't be the first time high school kids did something incredibly stupid despite being warned not to do it. Well, they're going to find out now. Maybe next time they'll believe it when people tell them some bad decisions can have long term consequences.

*Edit: Also, I'm not ruling out the possibility these kids are just card carrying racists as well as being colossally stupid, I just don't know anything about them beyond this picture.
Oh it has for sure but growing up in the 80s/90s for middle school to college years and in the deep south you did not see stuff like this in the open. The few obviously racist rednecks would never do stuff like this at school and take pictures to share. Maybe I am biased as a GenX’r, the first generation where white people, myself included, grew up enjoying and even embracing black culture and having black heroes (athletes, musicians, actors, comedians) but it feels like now race relations between black and white are worse. They peaked around 2008, for some reason I can’t seem to put my finger on, and have been receding last 16 years.
Boomers were among the first generation to attend school and work with Black Americans and we came from mixed backgrounds where we heard some of our classmates say things like “My Daddy said I don’t have to sit next to a ****** in class” (actually heard a kid say this) to never having any issues with it. I graduated high school in the late 60’s and I had Black classmates.
We had a large number of Black students at FSU in the late 60’s and early 70’s.
In some ways we lived under a false sense of thinking “hey this is going to be easy”, but there’s been a resurgence of a culture of anger, resentment and frankly it’s fueled by social media.
We cannot go back. It’s on us to make sure it doesn’t. We are the adults in the room.
My thoughts:
1) I imagine they frequently hear this word at home
2) Its good their faces are now plastered across the forever internet, we need a picture of their parents as well
3) They clearly thought their society would support this action
4) I'm guessing a good Christian university like Liberty will be offering them a scholarship

OK High School Students Form Sign Spelling N-Word​

September 22, 2024

The Oklahoman reports:

Sports Illustrated reports:
Correct. You inbred rednecks came out of the woodwork and have been having a giant tantrum ever since a black man was elected to the Oval Office.

Now come on. It isn't like the GOP nominee for the last 3 elections started off by saying the first black president wasn't born in America or anything, and it isn't like he goes out of his way to say his middle name when referring to him.. he totally does that with everyone and there isn't an undercurrent of racism there at all.
Tishamingo. OK is 4% black. Those kids have said or heard that word every day of their lives. Piece of shit, racist bullies who would piss their pants daily if they had to attend an urban public school.
I tried to converse with him and held off ignoring because on occasion he had something to add to a conversation. Once I realized it was nothing but lunacy, he went on ignore.
I haven't ignored him because I like to respond at times, but I know he has ignored me. I don't think his alter ego (Hawkeye Swarm) has ignored me yet.
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Well, this kind of went as expected. Hard to get people of different political faiths to share ideas and opinions.

Bad judgment, bad manners, bad sentiments. Worse than the widespread anti-Semitism on display in many places? No
Well, this kind of went as expected. Hard to get people of different political faiths to share ideas and opinions.

The poster with the Trump avatar is complaining about the board being a "liberal cesspool". No mention or condemnation of the actions that are the subject of the thread. At least we know what username Northern posts under there.
Honestly, it's like hillbilly central over there. You try and give Oklahomans a chance to defend themselves and so many of them just double down.
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