Ontario PM slapping 25% surcharge cost to US electricity buyers on top of 25% tariffs; Wow trump started this rumble

Also, this may or may not be a familiar with some of you, but when you are the partner that provides less to a relationship, a good way to find yourself replaced is to pull the "you are never going to find someone else like me/ you don't know how good you have it" shit.

We hold the cards.
Not the way trade works though. You could have plenty of asymmetric trading (between trade partners) in a scenario that best suites your nation's needs.
You think the country that gets 2% of its shit is going to flinch before the country that gets 25% of its shit.

You guys don't think long term do you?

Also, this may or may not be a familiar with some of you, but when you are the partner that provides less to a relationship, a good way to find yourself replaced is to pull the "you are never going to find someone else like me/ you don't know how good you have it" shit.

We hold the cards.
I’m sure China is willing to help out the Canucks..
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Wow. trumpsters are living in an alternate reality.
“We’re big and bad, and you’ve coasted long enough”
“We’re #1!” (Not really. The U.S. sucks on so many levels)
“We’ve made bad deals!” (lol @ this trump parrot talk)

Since the U.S. sided with sh1t stain Russia, this isn’t my country any more. And I’m good with that.
Wow. trumpsters are living in an alternate reality.
“We’re big and bad, and you’ve coasted long enough”
“We’re #1!” (Not really. The U.S. sucks on so many levels)
“We’ve made bad deals!” (lol @ this trump parrot talk)

Since the U.S. sided with sh1t stain Russia, this isn’t my country any more. And I’m good with that.
You going to take your ball also?
Candy and nuts, Christmas everyday.

It won't happen, it's all politics at this point.

Now, being dumb wddt, I actually hope that is the pish to get us on nuclear, and yes i know the ramp up time.
Nuclear is absolutely the right answer. Glad I live in a nuclear powered area.
What if he doesn’t? Should we invade?
No, we should remind them we have multiple states that have larger economies than their entire country.

You guys don't get it.

The golden rule is, he with the gold rules.

So all the feelings and all that other shit, doesn't matter to "russia" or "china". They will work a human to death to make 2 pennies for the top .0000000001 and you guys want to give "them" advantages ( any trade partner) while also being the Baston on equality. It doesn't work like that, no matter how big your heart is.
Like electing a criminal dictator wannabe. How does that fit in to your values?

Doesn’t at all. I don’t like America being a bully, that’s not the values that have been espoused my entire life. I don’t like bullies even when they are supposed in my side. I think whatever short term gain by doing this garbage would be offset by terrible long term gain.
And when the war is done, the middle east is actually working towards peace( including hostages), and "Hitler" hasn't invaded Mexico, I ask that you acknowledge those as well.
When the war is done?? Isn't it done already?? I remember Bonespurs campaign promise that he'd end it day 1. Was that a lie... or just stupidity? Which one?
The days of America providing the security to make sure everyone plays nice, the fist when anyone gets out of line, and the tab at the end of the night are over.

We made bad deals and those along with deals our partners are not honoring will be addressed.
In the case of Canada and Mexico who made the “bad deals”.
No, we should remind them we have multiple states that have larger economies than their entire country.

You guys don't get it.

The golden rule is, he with the gold rules.

So all the feelings and all that other shit, doesn't matter to "russia" or "china". They will work a human to death to make 2 pennies for the top .0000000001 and you guys want to give "them" advantages ( any trade partner) while also being the Baston on equality. It doesn't work like that, no matter how big your heart is.
But if we do invade you will be on the front line right? You will need to lose some weight