Orange-Musk dismantling the govt. of great discoveries with cuts in funding and personnel


HB Heisman
Nov 17, 2021
The people of the US funded NASA and perhaps the greatest technical achievement in human history; the landings on the Moon. And research funding for the Moon race included monies for NASA, research into transistors and microchips, funding through DARPA to create the switching equipment and tech for the Internet. The Space Race and winning it has led to no doubt trillions of dollars in growth for the private sector in micro-electronics, computer programming, materials science, etc

US taxpayers paid for amazing research in genetic and medical research that has led to the Human Genome Project which has given us much better targeted medicines and therapies.

Improvements in radar, wired and wireless communications and so many technologies are researched using public funds and these lead to safer travel,

US taxpayer funds have lead to great public research in weather forescasting by NOAA and universities. Orange/Musk want to sell the Weather Service off.

The Post Office and Social Security system are great, well working systems that are great US taxpayer led systems that Orange Repubs want to cripple or sell to the highest bidder which makes us lose control of them.

People, wake up, be ready to protest, be ready to tell some senators and reps they will lose if they dont protect your US systems.
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Sorry,.. I'll take the cuts.
Right now I know you do not understand the amazing growth we have had in all sectors of the economy due to public funding for research and development.

Small cuts are one thing, targeted cuts but stopping all funding for research, trump is dumb and mad, illogical. There is a shuttle simulator ride at Nasa Cape Canaveral where as you walk up to the ride there are displays of all the many big spinoffs from that program.

Cuts to research etc is so shortsighted.
Right now I know you do not understand the amazing growth we have had in all sectors of the economy due to public funding for research and development.

Small cuts are one thing, targeted cuts but stopping all funding for research, trump is dumb and mad, illogical. There is a shuttle simulator ride at Nasa Cape Canaveral where as you walk up to the ride there are displays of all the many big spinoffs from that program.

Cuts to research etc is so shortsighted.
And one of the craziest most cynical things about all this DOGE bs is that Elon's companies have benefited from billions of this funding. Hypocritical whores.
Sorry,.. I'll take the cuts.
The cuts don't amount to much. The tax cuts for the super-rich if taken off the table save 100 times the reductions yet none of you talk about that. A lot of these layoffs are symbolic like the wall. Plus they'll have downstream economic effects. Much like Trump's steel tax in the first term it benefited steel companies and hurt everyone else. I have no issue with reducing the amount of federal workers but the way it's being done is reckless and not very well thought out.
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The cuts don't amount to much. The tax cuts for the super-rich if taken off the table save 100 times the reductions yet none of you talk about that. A lot of these layoffs are symbolic like the wall. Plus they'll have downstream economic effects. Much like Trump's steel tax in the first term it benefited steel companies and hurt everyone else. I have no issue with reducing the amount of federal workers but the way it's being done is reckless and not very well thought out.
I'm not buying the "we will start saving money next month" anymore.
The Post Office and Social Security system are great, well working systems that are great US taxpayer led systems

What's so great about Social Security's inability to fund claims after 2033?

In 8 years the 'trust fund' will be exhausted, and the Ponzi will need another (23rd? 24th? I've lost track) tax increase, but it's already had so many tax increases that it is a dollar for dollar loser for everyone born after 1975 with the existing benefit schedule (which existing funding can't even maintain).

Why do you think this is a 'great, well working system'? On what basis?
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What's so great about Social Security's inability to fund claims after 2033?

In 8 years the 'trust fund' will be exhausted, and the Ponzi will need another (23rd? 24th? I've lost track) tax increase, but it's already had so many tax increases that it is a dollar for dollar loser for everyone born after 1975 with the existing benefit schedule (which existing funding can't even maintain).

Why do you think this is a 'great, well working system'? On what basis?

Maybe the GOP hasn't taken money from it over the years
What's so great about Social Security's inability to fund claims after 2033?

In 8 years the 'trust fund' will be exhausted, and the Ponzi will need another (23rd? 24th? I've lost track) tax increase, but it's already had so many tax increases that it is a dollar for dollar loser for everyone born after 1975 with the existing benefit schedule (which existing funding can't even maintain).

Why do you think this is a 'great, well working system'? On what basis?
If I could opt out of paying into social security today and abandon all payments I might be due one day I'd sign the dotted line in a heartbeat.
Maybe the GOP hasn't taken money from it over the years
When and how?

Social Security outlays, by law, only come from Social Security payroll taxes.
Whenever those payroll tax revenues exceed outlays they are, by law, 'invested' in Federal debt.
That is the 'trust fund'.

No one has ever 'taken money from it over the years', except the Social Security program.

If you don't know what you're talking about, just stay quiet. Don't make shit up.
When and how?

Social Security outlays, by law, only come from Social Security payroll taxes.
Whenever those payroll tax revenues exceed outlays they are, by law, 'invested' in Federal debt.
That is the 'trust fund'.

No one has ever 'taken money from it over the years', except the Social Security program.

If you don't know what you're talking about, just stay quiet. Don't make shit up.

Perhaps you should shut the fvck up

The cuts don't amount to much. The tax cuts for the super-rich if taken off the table save 100 times the reductions yet none of you talk about that. A lot of these layoffs are symbolic like the wall. Plus they'll have downstream economic effects. Much like Trump's steel tax in the first term it benefited steel companies and hurt everyone else. I have no issue with reducing the amount of federal workers but the way it's being done is reckless and not very well thought out.

The cuts will add up, and we are only on the very front end of this DOGE process,.. Spending 6 months to study, argue, and negotiate this type of thing has been proven over and over to not work,.... Cut quickly and then trim further and/or repair where necessary....

"The IOUs in the trust fund are not marketable, and they have no monetary value. They are worthless!"

You, and the author you found, are simply confused by how the government keeps its books:

Public discussion of the investment aspects of the old-age and survivors insurance program sometimes reveals a serious misunderstanding of the nature and significance of the trust fund operations. The Board of Trustees believes that it has a responsibility to correct any misapprehensions among persons who look to the old-age and survivors insurance program for basic protection against income loss because of retirement or death.

The charge has been made that the requirement of existing law that the receipts of the old-age and survivors insurance trust fund which are not currently needed for disbursements of the program shall be invested in Government securities constitutes a misuse of the funds. It is suggested that this type of investment permits the Government to use social security tax collections to finance ordinary Government expenditures, and that hence such collections will not be available to pay social security benefits in future years. It is said that the securities represent IOU's issued by the Government to itself and that the Government will have to tax people a second time for social security to redeem these IOU's.

The investment of the assets of the trust fund in Federal obligations, as required by law, is not a misuse of the money contributed under the insurance program by covered employees, employers, and self-employed persons. These contributions are permanently appropriated by law to the Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund which is separate from the general funds of the United States Treasury. All the assets of this fund are kept available and may be used only for the payment of the benefits and administrative expenses of the insurance program.

When the Treasury pays back money borrowed from the trust fund, the public will not be taxed a second time for social security. If taxes are levied to redeem the securities held by the trust fund, these taxes will not be levied for the purpose of paying social security benefits. Rather, they will be levied for the purposes for which the money was originally borrowed, such as the costs arising out of World War II.
The cuts will add up, and we are only on the very front end of this DOGE process,.. Spending 6 months to study, argue, and negotiate this type of thing has been proven over and over to not work,.... Cut quickly and then trim further and/or repair where necessary....
The amount of water you carry for a lying criminal is impressive. Cutting research for childhood cancer makes sense to you? Yeah, I'm sure they were studying the repercussions of that.
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"The IOUs in the trust fund are not marketable, and they have no monetary value. They are worthless!"

You, and the author you found, are simply confused by how the government keeps its books:

Public discussion of the investment aspects of the old-age and survivors insurance program sometimes reveals a serious misunderstanding of the nature and significance of the trust fund operations. The Board of Trustees believes that it has a responsibility to correct any misapprehensions among persons who look to the old-age and survivors insurance program for basic protection against income loss because of retirement or death.

The charge has been made that the requirement of existing law that the receipts of the old-age and survivors insurance trust fund which are not currently needed for disbursements of the program shall be invested in Government securities constitutes a misuse of the funds. It is suggested that this type of investment permits the Government to use social security tax collections to finance ordinary Government expenditures, and that hence such collections will not be available to pay social security benefits in future years. It is said that the securities represent IOU's issued by the Government to itself and that the Government will have to tax people a second time for social security to redeem these IOU's.

The investment of the assets of the trust fund in Federal obligations, as required by law, is not a misuse of the money contributed under the insurance program by covered employees, employers, and self-employed persons. These contributions are permanently appropriated by law to the Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund which is separate from the general funds of the United States Treasury. All the assets of this fund are kept available and may be used only for the payment of the benefits and administrative expenses of the insurance program.

When the Treasury pays back money borrowed from the trust fund, the public will not be taxed a second time for social security. If taxes are levied to redeem the securities held by the trust fund, these taxes will not be levied for the purpose of paying social security benefits. Rather, they will be levied for the purposes for which the money was originally borrowed, such as the costs arising out of World War II.

They were never paid back.....supposed to be paid back by 1989
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I support the cuts, no new tax breaks have been initiated, and unnecessary jobs don't need to exist...
What are you going to say when the tax cuts that are coming happen? You'll defend billionaires getting even more of a break. Elon just got 700 billion from tax payers. The richest man in the world. You're good with that?
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What are you going to say when the tax cuts that are coming happen?

I'll comment at that time, if and when any new tax cuts occur,.. Your complaints are primarily about things that haven't even happened.
I'll comment at that time, if and when any new tax cuts occur,.. Your complaints are primarily about things that haven't even happened.
Are you suggesting he's not going to keep his campaign promises?
They were never paid back.....supposed to be paid back by 1989

With all due respect, dummy, that isn't how it works.
It was never expected to be 'paid back' by any particular date.
Did you imagine that the Social Security Trust fund was at some point a vault with actual money inside?
Never been the case.

Excess payroll tax is 'invested' Treasury debt.

This is denoted with an 'IOU' from the Treasury to the SS trust fund. It isn't a marketable debt instrument, but that is completely ****ing irrelevant, because when the trust fund presents this IOU to the Treasury, the Treasury redeems it without question, on demand.

There is no issue with SS Trust Fund converting their IOUs with the Treasury. Nothing has been stolen, you've been manipulated about something you demonstrably don't grasp.

There is an issue with the payroll tax being insufficient to meet projected outlays, which anyone who understands how a Ponzi functions can explain to you if you can't figure that part out.
The cuts will add up, and we are only on the very front end of this DOGE process,.. Spending 6 months to study, argue, and negotiate this type of thing has been proven over and over to not work,.... Cut quickly and then trim further and/or repair where necessary....
What a stupid strategy. So make spur of the moment cuts knowing they'll create problems that you'll have to clean up later?
Are you suggesting he's not going to keep his campaign promises?

No,.. I'm suggesting that Trump will find it impossible to follow through on every shot-gunned idea that he has ever spewn,... Welcome to politics.