OT - How many of you guys (gals) have real jobs?

I have a direct connect to Medicinal, I take cbd and Platinum Cookies at the moment. I don't give a shit about bullshit Iowa laws.

I've dropped of from 6 prescription drugs to one now and I don't have to deal with side effects, withdrawals or taxing the shit out of my liver and kidneys. @el dub
Good for you, Souci. Happy to hear that you have found a way through to some real treatment! Counting the days....
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If theres ever a zombie apocalypse, HR could get together and form a pretty damn successful colony i'd say. We've got everything under the sun here from landscapers, to cannabis experts, to doctors and the guys with a ton of education to oversee everything... and i'm sure more than a few here are 'adequate' with a hunting rifle/other firearms. :cool::)
I ’spect we’ll get tired of passing around the same three women......I know they would! :)
I guess we are in the same industry we can split time on the potable water side I already have the filter system designed and can handle about 50 gpm. You are in charge of the wastewater side ;) It seems we are in need of a stratigic plot of land I would say within 100 miles of Carver to get started, also anyone with a good drill rig and some heavy equipment would be much appreciated.

When do the Midlands start!!!!

I got five acres on the East Side.....and we’re only a block from Tommy’s house if he wants to drop in to the bunker and regale us with stories from the room!
OP: Do you guys have jobs?

200+ posts later...

OK, that was a legitimate LOL. Well played, PapaBear. :p
Gotta get at least one more post on this thread. Merry Christmas to all you hard workers, all you non-workers, and all you well-medicated wrestling fans out there. Wishing you all safe travels and great memories with family and loved ones. Remember the real reason we all celebrate this time of year, even though it may be different for some. I, myself am very thankful for the baby that came to die for me, and that will come back as King someday, for without Him I would be lost.
I renewed my med card last month and the doc slathered my upper back/neck with a Cannabis infused ointment during the appointment. I wasn’t expecting much. But within minutes, the only pain I felt was from the injured area. (There was no more pain going up my neck or down my back.)

I thought that was the end of it, but the next day my back started to self adjust when I’d turn my head in either direction.

I experienced relief for more than a week with that one application. She makes it herself and it’s spendy. But It sure made a difference in my case.
It is tough to deal with neck pains (C5-C7 exploded for me the last game of my HS football season). That is why I did not do a SR season in wrestling. Suffered through nearly 20 years (about 3 weeks worth of pain every 4 months) until I went to the emergency room and they wanted to do surgery and go through my throat - I said fk that. Took a couple needles of 'roids in the back of my neck and have never been better. Sometimes there is an answer that is better than cutting into the spine.
BTW - while waiting for the needle shots some lady told me she had 3 neck surgeries and none of them worked.
Merry Christmas to all my Hawkeye brothers and sisters out there. Let the self medicating for the day begin
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Had to drag this thread back to page one to see if there are any more employed people on here that will admit it. Getting ready to head to Midlands and I thought I'd give this thread one last chance to hit 300 posts, just because it's a nice round number for a first thread (at least it's the first thread I remember ever starting), plus we"ve gotten to know a little about a lot of folks, and it might be nice to hear from a few more.
I hope to see a few of you at the Sears Centre tomorrow and Saturday. Remember, I'll be wearing the tie-dyed Iowa shirt with TNTWRESTLE on the back, probably during Session 2, but maybe Session 3.
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Had to drag this thread back to page one to see if there are any more employed people on here that will admit it. Getting ready to head to Midlands and I thought I'd give this thread one last chance to hit 300 posts, just because it's a nice round number for a first thread (at least it's the first thread I remember ever starting), plus we"ve gotten to know a little about a lot of folks, and it might be nice to hear from a few more.
I hope to see a few of you at the Sears Centre tomorrow and Saturday. Remember, I'll be wearing the tie-dyed Iowa shirt with TNTWRESTLE on the back, probably during Session 2, but maybe Session 3.

No sense to change clothes between sessions. I personally like to wear the same underwear 2 days in a row, that is if I even wear underwear at all. I am hoping to be there for the semis and finals. I will look for you. I will be the guy with the same underwear on or no underwear at all. :)
I lurk on this board but post mainly on the football board and the off topic.

I've been self-employed for about a decade. After working in the same industry for about 10 years from sales to marketing to management. That helped immensely when I went off on my own. I worked my butt off for 2 or 3 years once I became self-employed and now the business is pretty much on cruise control and I probably work 5 to 10 hours a week. ( many people think I'm semi-retired I know my wife says it all then time)

I spend way too much time on Twitter and HR. I could probably grow my business significantly but I just don't see a reason to since I'm comfortable and growing it would just make me have to work a lot more hours and incur a great deal of stress.

The wife has a great job with fantastic benefits and is about to take a new job making more money not quite as great benefits but much more flexibility particularly for about 4 months of the year. The biggest Downer is going to be losing the Golf Course membership that's included with her current employment.
Had to drag this thread back to page one to see if there are any more employed people on here that will admit it. Getting ready to head to Midlands and I thought I'd give this thread one last chance to hit 300 posts, just because it's a nice round number for a first thread (at least it's the first thread I remember ever starting), plus we"ve gotten to know a little about a lot of folks, and it might be nice to hear from a few more.
I hope to see a few of you at the Sears Centre tomorrow and Saturday. Remember, I'll be wearing the tie-dyed Iowa shirt with TNTWRESTLE on the back, probably during Session 2, but maybe Session 3.

So close, TnT.....better luck next thread!
Been working in consumer goods and manufacturing for about 25 years plus and married the same number of years. Most of my time has been spent in the mid-west working for several Fortune 500 companies. Not an exciting living but has always put food on the table and now putting two kids through college.

I have an employee that always says to forget about the zombie apocalypse because it’s never going to happen and to worry about the f#cktard apocalypse which is already upon us!!
At the tail end of a medical sales career and traveling coach. Smartphones make checking the hawks easy. Just stopped posting for a while. Got a little weird for a while. Seems to be settling down. Ha.
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He had the scene in Ace Ventura when he was trying to see if the guy next to him had a stone missing in his super bowl ring. The guy promptly punched him in the forehead. One of many funny scenes in that movie.

Ok I found it

Maybe Dumb and Dumber

Bathroom jokes are always funny?