OT - How many of you guys (gals) have real jobs?

If theres ever a zombie apocalypse, HR could get together and form a pretty damn successful colony i'd say. We've got everything under the sun here from landscapers, to cannabis experts, to doctors and the guys with a ton of education to oversee everything... and i'm sure more than a few here are 'adequate' with a hunting rifle/other firearms. :cool::)

I did Demolitions while in service.....Love C-4 Plastic explosive and Det. cord........
so I can booby trap the entrance to our complex to keep us all safe and protected.

and of course we can always out wrestle any zombies that get thru the Blast/Kill Zone...........
If theres ever a zombie apocalypse, HR could get together and form a pretty damn successful colony i'd say. We've got everything under the sun here from landscapers, to cannabis experts, to doctors and the guys with a ton of education to oversee everything... and i'm sure more than a few here are 'adequate' with a hunting rifle/other firearms. :cool::)

I could contribute to the HR colony for I am a water operator. I treat drinking water for a municipality. Also contract operate water and wastewater systems.
I could contribute to the HR colony for I am a water operator. I treat drinking water for a municipality. Also contract operate water and wastewater systems.
I guess we are in the same industry we can split time on the potable water side I already have the filter system designed and can handle about 50 gpm. You are in charge of the wastewater side ;) It seems we are in need of a stratigic plot of land I would say within 100 miles of Carver to get started, also anyone with a good drill rig and some heavy equipment would be much appreciated.

When do the Midlands start!!!!
It’s no bueno to just smoke oil. I’d save that until before bed. Otherwise a person gets immune to the affects and flowers no longer provide any relief.

I know and that's when I would one hit a heavy indicia shatter, I won't touch any non hybrid sativa due to my anxiety, but then I would just feel to good to sleep.

I only take a hit or two a day of anything so it was nice having the longevity of shatter. However, using shatter, like you said, I could do a bong rip of some Larry Bird and get nothing.
I know and that's when I would one hit a heavy indicia shatter, I won't touch any non hybrid sativa due to my anxiety, but then I would just feel to good to sleep.

I only take a hit or two a day of anything so it was nice having the longevity of shatter. However, using shatter, like you said, I could do a bong rip of some Larry Bird and get nothing.
Okay, I am really liking Sans right now. This dude is legit. Just for the record, my favorite strain ever is Chemdawg, it's the mother of many popular strains these days and just so happens to be a great Iowa Wrestler as well.

Also, as far the prepper crowd is concerned, I am willing to bring my Big Burkey (it's actually a propur) and Harvest Master to the bunker, other than that, I can't make any other real world contribution.
I know and that's when I would one hit a heavy indicia shatter, I won't touch any non hybrid sativa due to my anxiety, but then I would just feel to good to sleep.

I only take a hit or two a day of anything so it was nice having the longevity of shatter. However, using shatter, like you said, I could
do a bong rip of some Larry Bird and get nothing.

The sativa needs to be harvested late to avoid the anxiety you mentioned.

But we harvest indicas early to avoid couch lock.
I went back to work yesterday and I could probably use some of dub's wares. The knee has done great, but my back issues have been rearing their ugly head ever since I started walking more. After ten hours at work yesterday I limped in to my last scheduled PT session. I did survive it, but it took all the resolve I learned from years of wrestling to roll out of bed at 3 AM and do it all over again today. Fortunately, I only have to work tomorrow and then have two weeks of vacation to build myself up for going back again. Of course, two days of that will be spent at Midlands. I had a friend who has never been to Midlands convince me I needed to shell out the ridiculous amount of money they want this year to go (just in case they don't free the Lee). The Midlands rip-off this year is another potential thread though.
I went back to work yesterday and I could probably use some of dub's wares. The knee has done great, but my back issues have been rearing their ugly head ever since I started walking more. After ten hours at work yesterday I limped in to my last scheduled PT session. I did survive it, but it took all the resolve I learned from years of wrestling to roll out of bed at 3 AM and do it all over again today. Fortunately, I only have to work tomorrow and then have two weeks of vacation to build myself up for going back again. Of course, two days of that will be spent at Midlands. I had a friend who has never been to Midlands convince me I needed to shell out the ridiculous amount of money they want this year to go (just in case they don't free the Lee). The Midlands rip-off this year is another potential thread though.
This will be my first year attending Midlands, bought some pretty good seats. How much have tickets usually been in the past?
I went back to work yesterday and I could probably use some of dub's wares. The knee has done great, but my back issues have been rearing their ugly head ever since I started walking more. After ten hours at work yesterday I limped in to my last scheduled PT session. I did survive it, but it took all the resolve I learned from years of wrestling to roll out of bed at 3 AM and do it all over again today. Fortunately, I only have to work tomorrow and then have two weeks of vacation to build myself up for going back again. Of course, two days of that will be spent at Midlands. I had a friend who has never been to Midlands convince me I needed to shell out the ridiculous amount of money they want this year to go (just in case they don't free the Lee). The Midlands rip-off this year is another potential thread though.

I renewed my med card last month and the doc slathered my upper back/neck with a Cannabis infused ointment during the appointment. I wasn’t expecting much. But within minutes, the only pain I felt was from the injured area. (There was no more pain going up my neck or down my back.)

I thought that was the end of it, but the next day my back started to self adjust when I’d turn my head in either direction.

I experienced relief for more than a week with that one application. She makes it herself and it’s spendy. But It sure made a difference in my case.
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This will be my first year attending Midlands, bought some pretty good seats. How much have tickets usually been in the past?

$45 (or maybe $55, I forget) for reserved seats last time I went, but we usually buy GA and get in line early and get really good seats.

I went online and it said I couldn't get all-session tickets anymore, so I called and the guy gave me some crazy story and said they weren't available anymore. Then, when I went to buy each session separately, they added an extra charge to each ticket for each session ($5 for 1 and 2, $6 for 3 and 4). I guess we could have avoided those charges by standing in line and buying them at the arena. Anyway, this better be good for $145 tickets.
If theres ever a zombie apocalypse, HR could get together and form a pretty damn successful colony i'd say. We've got everything under the sun here from landscapers, to cannabis experts, to doctors and the guys with a ton of education to oversee everything... and i'm sure more than a few here are 'adequate' with a hunting rifle/other firearms. :cool::)
Guns .. check. Ammo Check Czech
I can attest for just smoking oils that you get immune to all smoking. Edibles still get me though. Kinda glad I'm moving across the pond in 20 days so I take a break from it. (It will be the longest break I've had since I graduated highschool. Really looking forward to boji for the 4th this year as I will be in the states for the month of July! And will get to enjoy my indicas sativas and hybrids that I have safely stored
I was thinking the same thing. I enjoy couch locking strains during football and wrestling season. It's the only time I don't feel guilty about not being productive.

Just got test results back for my Lemon sour d. This batch contains cbd, cbn and cbg, as well as a respectable level of THC.

I had to google the cbn and cbg components. This is some serious medicine that I’ve never had in my flowers until now. :)
Okay, I am really liking Sans right now. This dude is legit. Just for the record, my favorite strain ever is Chemdawg, it's the mother of many popular strains these days and just so happens to be a great Iowa Wrestler as well.
Also, as far the prepper crowd is concerned, I am willing to bring my Big Burkey (it's actually a propur) and Harvest Master to the bunker, other than that, I can't make any other real world contribution.

I think I commented on the chemdawg nickname on our guy a long time ago.

Yeah, it's definitely one of the greats with offsprings like sour and OG. I just have never been a fan of the diesel flavors and it's almost impossible to medicate with it if you have any respiratory issues like a cold or bronchitis. Quick decarb or firecracker and I'm good. I can handle the OG though, but sour d, no way.

I'm done now, my lieutenant on the force reads this board too.
I renewed my med card last month and the doc slathered my upper back/neck with a Cannabis infused ointment during the appointment. I wasn’t expecting much. But within minutes, the only pain I felt was from the injured area. (There was no more pain going up my neck or down my back.)

I thought that was the end of it, but the next day my back started to self adjust when I’d turn my head in either direction.

I experienced relief for more than a week with that one application. She makes it herself and it’s spendy. But It sure made a difference in my case.
I've got a hemp T-shirt. Will that work? ;)
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I think I commented on the chemdawg nickname on our guy a long time ago.

Yeah, it's definitely one of the greats with offsprings like sour and OG. I just have never been a fan of the diesel flavors and it's almost impossible to medicate with it if you have any respiratory issues like a cold or bronchitis. Quick decarb or firecracker and I'm good. I can handle the OG though, but sour d, no way.

I'm done now, my lieutenant on the force reads this board too.
Now legal in Mass too. Just don't get caught at the wheel with it.
Just when you're leaving the business...
Hopefully you can keep it as a profitable hobby

While we’re selling this property, I MIGHT not be leaving the business. With any luck I could end up finding a new job that pays well enough to rent a place to live where I could also grow.

The biggest problem right now is that the state of Oregon seems hell bent on running the medical program out of existence.

But we twoooo pointed out above, I’ll prolly still grow if that happens. I’ve been doing it for about 12 years and only been on the coast for 3.:D
I doubt you ever wrestled if you never heard of the Afton Quadrangler. I know a guy who was a 3 time champ. He was a stud.

I wrestled for the University of Central Missouri. D2 school. I wrestled at the Mizzou open and wrestled mizzou in a dual but never heard of the Afton Quad, sorry. I'm also 34 so maybe I'm younger or older than you but I can assure I wrestled in college. Anyone who knows me, knows this.
I wrestled for the University of Central Missouri. D2 school. I wrestled at the Mizzou open and wrestled mizzou in a dual but never heard of the Afton Quad, sorry. I'm also 34 so maybe I'm younger or older than you but I can assure I wrestled in college. Anyone who knows me, knows this.
Have you ever heard of Wes Wesley? He will explain it to you. You can find him on You tube. Then you will get the joke. :)
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