Ott's Injury On Ferentz?

The ignorance of many hawk fans who cannot bare to question a coach is mind boggling. No one is comparing playing a star defensive end on the punt and punt return teams with having a speedster playmaker return punts. Bafoons. Of course you want your speedsters like Dwight or King returning punts...they actually make a play and aren't out there just to block and be in the scrum, a feat anyone could do. Ott was not in there to block any kicks.

Clayborn was not in there to block kicks either, he decided to make that play on his own when he saw the opportunity. You lose, as usual.
I'm a little surprised that it hasn't been discussed on this board even at all. Isn't there a single hawk fan out there objective enough to wonder if it made any sense at all to have our all American defensive end...and perhaps our most important defensive player, on the field on special teams punt team, where he ultimately tore his ACL? I mean seriously. Ott's career and the remainder of our season is in jeopardy in part because coach Ferentz didn't think through the pros and cons of putting our star player out there on plays where it made absolutely no difference if it was Ott on the field or Steve Ferentz on the field. There was no purpose for him being out there. There was no QB to sack. While we're at it, why don't we but CJB on the extra point block team?

Personally, I find the personnel move a boneheaded decision that cost our team dearly.
Did he dislocate his elbow on special teams? Should we fault KF for that. You can be hurt on any play in any game. His knee could have buckled on pass rush. You're premise is not only faulty, but looking, well stretching to find some way to assign blame. I guess it's what you have to do when you're 6-0.

Laughable but not surprising. Nice try but no it's not his fault. Most smart people or someone without an agenda would recognize that.
The ignorance of many hawk fans who cannot bare to question a coach is mind boggling. No one is comparing playing a star defensive end on the punt and punt return teams with having a speedster playmaker return punts. Bafoons. Of course you want your speedsters like Dwight or King returning punts...they actually make a play and aren't out there just to block and be in the scrum, a feat anyone could do. Ott was not in there to block any kicks.
Fart noises.
Amazing, after being ripped by dozens of posters he has the nerve to get back on for another salvo.

Iowalaw dislikes Ferentz and Iowa which is obvious by his incessant negative posts. No place for someone like that on this board. Should have been banned a long time a go. He hold be outta here.
It was a punt "safe" call...not out of the ordinary for an entire starting defense to stay in the game...iowalaw's football I.Q. is lower than the mercury reads this morning.
The ignorance of many hawk fans who cannot bare to question a coach is mind boggling. No one is comparing playing a star defensive end on the punt and punt return teams with having a speedster playmaker return punts. Bafoons. Of course you want your speedsters like Dwight or King returning punts...they actually make a play and aren't out there just to block and be in the scrum, a feat anyone could do. Ott was not in there to block any kicks.

You saw the pic I posted, right. Look at it, remember that game, use that lawbrain.

Also, capitalize proper nouns like Hawk, cannot *bear* to question, and buffoon. Seriously, make an effort here, kid.