Our portal strikeouts are comical at this point. What are we offering, Lincoln Logs and a Sam's Club membership?? Freakin' joke to be this bad.

As other’s have said…if you don’t contribute to the Swarm you have no basis for complaining. Cash is now the driving force in college football even if we don’t like it.
go eat a bag of dicks, how about that. You rubes that have been conned in to paying for student athletes are absolute morons. To even remotely pretend there isn’t enough money is absolutely laughable. There is so much money in college football to even think your $20 does anything more than buy a 4th stringer a lunch at McDonalds shows me how many god damn idiots we have.
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Maybe it's not what we're offering financially as much as what we're offering on the field. Shitty offense every damn year!! How many total starting snaps has an Iowa qb made in NFL over the past 20 years??? Maybe 35 total? How many starting snaps has an Iowa wide receiver made in the NFL over the past 20 years??? Zero! Easy to recruit against shit. However, I also feel our NIL funds are way lower than reported. At this point we have no choice but to do what Tennessee is doing next year, adding a 10% talent fee onto every football ticket next year. We could raise $500k-$700k every home game for NIL if we follow that path. We don't have the huge corporate donor's other teams have so we have to do something or continue to slide into complete irrelevance.
If I was you I would follow a different team
go eat a bag of dicks, how about that. You rubes that have been conned in to paying for student athletes are absolute morons. To even remotely pretend there isn’t enough money is absolutely laughable. There is so much money in college football to even think your $20 does anything more than buy a 4th stringer a lunch at McDonalds shows me how many god damn idiots we have.
You’re not wrong. It would take 10,000 donors, contributing $20/month, to generate just shy of $2.5 million. Truly, every bit counts, but it would take a massive effort to convince that many donors, for little to no benefits, to do so. Importantly, given a campaign of that depth would be nationwide, the benefits to those donors are truly non-existent, given most are for local/state establishments.

Pretty much, the biggest consideration is if you have excess charitable contributions to place, beyond your impactful charitable giving plan, for the sake of taxes. IMHO, that’s not relevant to most $20/month donors, with all due respect.
shows me how many god damn idiots we have.
People in general are really bad with money.
The USA is broke, and by extension so is its population.
The avg Joe shouldn't be giving money to anyone ... especially a sports-religion that is less rewarding than whatever Jim Jones was pushing.

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