Pat Fitzgerald Suspended...NOW FIRED....Has Hired a High-Profile Attorney to Fight Back

I’ve got to stop thinking most people on here argue with a semblance of Truth & honor.

I started out assuming maybe you were right then I decided to look… The third post in the thread was you comparing Iowa/Northwestern and how Northwestern got a worse sentence…

Which in all honesty a two week suspension versus a $2 million fine I don’t think equate.

Tom Osborne & Nebraska wasn’t brought into the equation until the 25th post.

And that only because over and over and over again you kept talking about relevancy and all the same stupid tripe you’re always talking about!

I then reposted clearly in bold so you could see that I admitted we weren’t nearly as relevant as the oh so wonderful Nebraska in the 80s and 90s and then you say…. “If” I posted that, I wasn’t talking to you..?

What the F dude… You lose more and more personal relevancy every time you open your mouth!

You can’t even keep your own facts straight!

Years back I liked Nebraska, I mentioned 100 times if I said it once to friends how impressive it was they won 9+ games for 30 straight years… I followed him close enough to know the fans were getting tired of Tom, not winning the big one and suddenly come the 90s & along with three national championships he had a ****ing renegade crew of criminals and you’re over here talking shit and you haven’t been relevant for 20+ years…

I know this ain’t gonna chase you off but, but you should just know there are about 20 to 30 guys in here you’re arguing with that I’ve posted with for 20+ years they have no fear of OR Axe to grind with Nebraska. We are okay with you greatness 20 plus years ago. Kudos, you deserve it, renegades & all, we’ve had our fair share.

But at this point in time you are at best third tier in this conference, and You are the one grinding AXES!

I’m sorry your arrival to the Big10 didn’t work out the way you wanted it to, but if I was on the Nebraska board talking like this, they would be lambasting mean and I would deserve it!

Hence you’re the board clown and there’s quite a few Iowa fans on here I don’t care that much for, who would share your belief that we aren’t relevant.

Now I’m going to go back to taking my own advice and not talking to you!
Nebraska’s arrival in the bigten has nothing to do with its struggles from 2015-2022.
I will add if any of those scandals happened from the 90s with those aforementioned teams in the last 5 to 10 years things would’ve been wildly different for those teams…

Using the hog humpers point that he thinks is hurting our feelings, my Lord, is he dumb. We aren’t as relevant as those aforementioned teams, (then) and this racial thing lasted a long, long time!

Tom Osborne wouldn’t have gotten away with what happened in the 80s and 90s now. Because as Hog Humper said they were SO relevant that the media attention it caused would’ve made serious legalities fall down on them…

I do enjoy when peoples own rhetoric convicts them…

I don’t believe we’ve had a rival fan as active as he is that take’s himself as serious as he does ever be as dumb as he is…. Most of them get it eventually, not this cat!

I always call the 90's championship years teams as Miami but with better P.R. Look at the year they joined the B1G. The BTN played that propaganda documentary from the '94 season non stop that summer.
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so the Northwestern players made the freshman wear nebraska jerseys and perform sexual acts on farm animals ?
am I understanding the article correctly ?
It's looking like Coach Fitz has coached his last game. Assuming these allegations are true, but it sounds like there are enough people speaking up that Northwestern doesn't have any choice.
Nebraska’s arrival in the bigten has nothing to do with its struggles from 2015-2022.

Undoubtably that would go against your five month agenda on here… However, they really weren’t that good when they got here in 2011 either….

Unless this routinely happened in the Big 12….


Sub.500 NW…25-28


Ohio st….38-63




Minne again…24-28

And man Wisconsin has absolutely dominated u guys!

Hell had you not made me look it up I would’ve assumed you guys had done better than that… Let’s hope you are a hell of a lot better in the big 12 in the 2000s than you’ve been in the Big Ten since you got here!!

That was from 2011 to 2014 when you’ve been telling us you were good!

Well, let’s remember you weren’t very good in 2011 to 2014 that shows your delusion pretty clearly!!

Again now what?

Did you guys lose like that in the big 12?


Nothing for this, bud… Were you this bad in the big 12 from 2000 to 2010….


Sub.500 NW…25-28


Ohio st….38-63




Minne again…24-28

And man Wisconsin has absolutely dominated u guys!
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My ass. Your delusional. Once they stopped playing in a one pony conference like the "little 12", wins didn't come so easy for the shuckers. Say what you want, the proof's in the pudding.....
It’s been proven over and over the Big12> Big2 little8 bigten most years. Nebraska 1-0 against Iowa. #liveherenow. Bigten west is full of crap teams including Nebraska since 2015.

That’s what I thought….but that’s not relevant is it…?!

Far from it….

Beat Iowa.
2012….beat Iowa
2014…..beat Iowa


No not at all….


Sub.500 NW…25-28


Ohio st….38-63




Minne again…24-28

And man Wisconsin has absolutely dominated u guys!
I never thought I'd see a bigger douche bag here than some of the clones who drop in when it's convenient. Boy was I wrong.
I agree but the complete morons who keep taking the bait and replying to him are pretty bad too. I don't get how its so hard to just ignore one of the most obvious and pathetic trolls in the history of this site.

The guys who "took over" at beginning of the year clearly don't care if he diarrheas all over this board all day, every day
I agree but the complete morons who keep taking the bait and replying to him are pretty bad too. I don't get how its so hard to just ignore one of the most obvious and pathetic trolls in the history of this site.

The guys who "took over" at beginning of the year clearly don't care if he diarrheas all over this board all day, every day
It is funny how anything even remotely challenging gets you thrown off the ISU or Nebbie board. The mods don't seem to care much here.
It is funny how anything even remotely challenging gets you thrown off the ISU or Nebbie board. The mods don't seem to care much here.
The Nebraska board mods are pretty tolerant, don’t start any Iowa fan typical BS threads over there and don’t post typical Iowa fan unsubstantiated BS opinions involving Nebraska’s storied history and you’ll be fine. You’ll notice I never start threads here, that would be low class.. Many, many Iowa fans post on the husker board. Unlike the Nebraska obsession by Iowa fans here, there are very few threads and posts about Iowa over there.
Wouldn’t know, I have never been to the Nebbie board….seen plenty here though?

And I don’t care if you “know” or not, I do and you ARE here….Doh!!
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According to the Northwestern Daily, teammates commonly identified players for "running" by clapping their hands above their heads around that player, a motion [Pat] Fitzgerald allegedly made repeatedly during practices. One player who spoke with the Daily believes that other players interpreted that as Fitzgerald "encouraging" the hazing. - article shared.

How long has this been a part Northwestern football program history.

A women's basketball player's death was due to hazing back in 2016 on campus. How much is hazing a part of student life at Northwestern❓️

Sad stories in Evanston this month and in the past there.
Less severe allegations than the Iowa racism and more severe punishment, crazy. Did Iowa suspend KF for any amount of time?? Please correct me if I’m wrong as I didn’t follow the racism case that closely.
You're spinning the scenario.

Doyle and Brian did asshole things that could be perceived as being racially insensitive. Poor communication pathways allowed for a situation to marinate until it some players felt like they were walking on "eggshells." The situation was wholly preventable and certainly unfortunate. Neither Doyle nor Brian are racists.

Given that you're a rival fan, it's no surprise that you'd use language to suggest that there was "Iowa racism" that merited more severe punishment.

In BOTH cases ... at Iowa and Northwestern a situation was allowed to persist that allowed for the creation of a negative learning/working environment. Was is chronic/systematic? Was it sweeping and impacted everyone (or singled out particular groups)? Dunno ... certainly a negative for both programs.
You're spinning the scenario.

Doyle and Brian did asshole things that could be perceived as being racially insensitive. Poor communication pathways allowed for a situation to marinate until it some players felt like they were walking on "eggshells." The situation was wholly preventable and certainly unfortunate. Neither Doyle nor Brian are racists.

Given that you're a rival fan, it's no surprise that you'd use language to suggest that there was "Iowa racism" that merited more severe punishment.

In BOTH cases ... at Iowa and Northwestern a situation was allowed to persist that allowed for the creation of a negative learning/working environment. Was is chronic/systematic? Was it sweeping and impacted everyone (or singled out particular groups)? Dunno ... certainly a negative for both programs.
Good post. You’re a credit to your fan base.
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Fitz has been such a huge part of NW, before this I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he got a statue outside of Ryan Field when he retired. Not sure now, it depends on the severity of the supposed hazing. NW is already in the toilet on the field, and this certainly doesn't help off the field. He may be on the hot seat if he isn't outright fired after this.

Also, it amazes me, the same shit head who says all we ever do is derail threads is the same worthless douche bag who literally did that as the literal first post in this thread. Not surprising someone with absolutely no sense of awareness can't see the laughable hypocrisy.

Anyway, did you know Iowa is 8-5 against the bugeaters this century? #liveherenow
Did you know that Iowa has sent more players to the NFL and have more first round picks than the bugeaters? #liveherenow
Since joining the Big Ten, Iowa is 8-4 against the bugeaters? #liveherenow
Also, it doesn’t amaze me, that I’m a shit head who iderails threads I’m a worthless douche bag who literally did that in this thread. Not surprising someone with absolutely no sense of awareness can't see the laughable hypocrisy.
Anyway, did you know Iowa is 0-1 against the huskers ? #liveherenow
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Fitz has been such a huge part of NW, before this I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he got a statue outside of Ryan Field when he retired. Not sure now, it depends on the severity of the supposed hazing. NW is already in the toilet on the field, and this certainly doesn't help off the field. He may be on the hot seat if he isn't outright fired after this.

Also, it amazes me, the same shit head who says all we ever do is derail threads is the same worthless douche bag who literally did that as the literal first post in this thread. Not surprising someone with absolutely no sense of awareness can't see the laughable hypocrisy.

Anyway, did you know Iowa is 8-5 against the bugeaters this century? #liveherenow
Did you know that Iowa has sent more players to the NFL and have more first round picks than the bugeaters? #liveherenow
Since joining the Big Ten, Iowa is 8-4 against the bugeaters? #liveherenow

In the good old days, HogLovin' would have been banned a long time ago
If Fitzgerald sanctioned the hazing he’s gone. If he lied about when he became aware of the hazing he’s gone. This 2 week suspension doesn’t mean Fitzgerald is in the clear. NW was trying to keep this a secret, and I have the feeling that more is going to come to light.

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