Penn State-Ohio State

I noticed the booing myself, but it is not really something most Iowa fans should bring up. I have heard the stalling shouts in Carver for years when the stalling is simply not happening. I was extremely embarrassed by the crowd in the Mizzu match last year. We came off as sore losers. Two guys right next to us were yelling all kinds of stupid things during the Miklus/Meyer match. I would say both fan bases are guilty of the pot calling the kettle black. It is much easier to find fault in others than ourselves. I guess I just consider it part of the sport. Every populat team has its share of idiots. Read both message boards and disagree.
Same could be said about PSU. If I was going off these boards I would think most are smug a holes.
Especially since this is an IOWA message board. They can't help themselves though.

:::Must scour the Internet for any perceived sleight against Cael, PSU, or wrestling in PA. I must defend their honor at all costs. I will espouse my opinion continuously on rivals' websites, even though said opinion is not needed or wanted. Even though my own message board has 3-4 topics involving a rival, I and others will say it's the rival that is obsessed with us. I will leave in disgust because they have not acknowledged the greatness that is Cael and PSU wrestling. I'll scurry back to my own message board to create another topic in proclamation of these heathens' actions, urging others in the holy crusade to prop up the perceived internet honor of all that is PSU.:::
to 86_90 I have to disagree with your premise. first- Yes PSU won a title in 1953 during a time when Most of these PSU posters (including Myself) are too young to have enjoyed it. Second- getting seriously into Iowa in the late 70's is exactly the same as getting seriously into PSU today because winning Titles in bunches will make any fanbase excited. Third- Your "Lean" years comparison is a joke....You are trying to compare 7-8 years of no championships after Zalesky and winning 20 Championships from 1975-2000 to Over 50 years at PSU between 1 championship and today. No comparison of how "Loyal" that kind of winning can make a fan base that grew up enjoying most of it!!!!! Fourth- typing Pen State is very immature ohh oh oh I forgot Fifth- No internet and Forums back then like today, Your observations of how Iowa fans acted are hard to truly compare.

What, no response to the little brother and band-wagon assertions? I guess you agree with those. Good.

I think it's important to look at the 1953 NCAA Championship as a springboard for the future success of pen state wrestling. Why do you deny your own history or at best ignore it? My guess it is because it's simply not convenient when comparing your program to the Hawkeyes. Take another look:

Big difference: The Gable Era marked the 1st NCAA title for Iowa and Hawkeye fans. The sport blew up after that 1st title in 1975 and has never looked back-- 23 titles in 41 years. At pen state, their fans seem to forget about their 1st NCAA team title, which was won in 1953. Added to the recent Sanderson success, they now have a respectable 5 titles in 63 years.

The constant need for validation here on our site by pen state wrestling fans is proof positive of the little brother, wannabe, show off, poor friend complex. It's like you've lived in the projects most of your life, but then you recently won the unicorn/lottery and now pen state fans want to hang out with the cool guys (Iowa Wrestling Fans) and show off your new "stuff." So we get to see you drive up in your new car and brag about how much it costs and how fast it hits 0-60. All the while, you are anxiously staring at what we have in the garage. When we tell you that your car is nice, but we've already seen your car before, you get hyper-defensive and wildly arrogant. (Documented evidence to support this post: See above, below, behind)
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Reasonable post.........BUT....... how do you explain to US the inappropriate booing we all saw in in the PSU-tOSU meet the other day. That was NOT............ a FEW............. isolated people acting that way. That was quite a few people. I assume that you don't see that kind of behavior at High School events. So what happens when they show up at PSU and act like they did? Mind altering drug? Group insanity?

Seriously. I really can't fathom being there and participating in that. Any serious explanation would be appreciated by many here I am sure.

I reckon if you took all of the wrestling knowledge of this freshman class of PSU fans, you could roll it up into a great big loose ball then insert it into the colon of a flea, it would rattle around like a BB in a boxcar.

Damn it man, please interpit this for me.
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That CV coach is a grade A db. Has two kids take a dive and then struts around. Embarrassing POS.
The slam was against the d-bag, his kid was the eye pokee. Your point is still correct. The kid who got slammed apparently failed concussion protocol. The Central Dauphin (Kenny Courts and Pepplemans' HS) coach didn't represent his school very well either . Just thought Cumberland Valley (Mike Evans' PA HS) stepped over the line in more than one way (head coach strutting, assistants taunted CD bench and fans, CV fans counting down to the injury DQ).
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Obviously, there is some inappropriate behavior displayed at high school matches, and not just by the fans. With respect to the high school match referenced above, in my opinion, both coaches should be dismissed.

As far as the PSU/OSU match fan behavior, I was there and except for a few instances, the majority of the booing was to influence the officiating, which I'm certain never happens anywhere other than at Penn State. I did think booing Ryan was wrong at the time of the injury but having watched the replay, I believe he was taking a lunger. The other instance was in the Nickal match when there was no takedown at the end of the period. But in my defense, it looked like a takedown from where I was sitting. Otherwise, we can agree to disagree.

I am personally appreciative of the comments from you guys on our board especially you AZ and several others. Thanks!!
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Obviously, there is some inappropriate behavior displayed at high school matches, and not just by the fans. With respect to the high school match referenced above, in my opinion, both coaches should be dismissed.

As far as the PSU/OSU match fan behavior, I was there and except for a few instances, the majority of the booing was to influence the officiating, which I'm certain never happens anywhere other than at Penn State. I did think booing Ryan was wrong at the time of the injury but having watched the replay, I believe he was taking a lunger. The other instance was in the Nickal match when there was no takedown at the end of the period. But in my defense, it looked like a takedown from where I was sitting. Otherwise, we can agree to disagree.

I am personally appreciative of the comments from you guys on our board especially you AZ and several others. Thanks!!

I said it on another doesn't represent all PA wrestling. I just thought it was funny because of KWood's timing on the "you don't see it at high school meets in PA, right?"

I am listening to FRL right now and Christian Pyles said he was sitting real close and saw their heads hit in the Nolf match. I can guarantee that we would have initially booed if we thought it was a lunger. I sure as hell would have.
I said it on another doesn't represent all PA wrestling. I just thought it was funny because of KWood's timing on the "you don't see it at high school meets in PA, right?"

I am listening to FRL right now and Christian Pyles said he was sitting real close and saw their heads hit in the Nolf match. I can guarantee that we would have initially booed if we thought it was a lunger. I sure as hell would have.

The crowd did clap when Ryan got up. The timing on the high school meets could not have been better, or worse depending on your perspective. Having coached high school in PA, I can tell you our administration would have had me drawn and quartered before I got to the bus.
The Cumberland Valley coach will NOT be coaching his kids at states this year it has been decided. No word on the central Dauphin coach yet.
The Cumberland Valley coach will NOT be coaching his kids at states this year it has been decided. No word on the central Dauphin coach yet.

Central Dauphin coach was suspended for the 1st round of states which took place last night. Not suspended for subsequent rounds which start on Thursday in Hershey. CV coach out for the Hershey rounds (they had a bye in last night's round).
Central Dauphin coach was suspended for the 1st round of states which took place last night. Not suspended for subsequent rounds which start on Thursday in Hershey. CV coach out for the Hershey rounds (they had a bye in last night's round).

Well that'll teach him