125 - Lots of suspense. Just knowing something was going to happen - breathtaking.

Megaludis can't get over the hump. Nato- A-, Nico B+
133 - Conoway is the worst wrestler in the country for the first three minutes. And, he's the best in the last four - holy cow! DiJulius is not good. Conoway A, DiJulius D
141- Jordan was underwelming and Gulibon can't stick to a game plan. Jordan B-, Gulibon C+
149 - Rutherfoarde A+. Looks good beating tOSU room guy.
157 - Nolf A++. He's sooooo good. Coach's son gets a C for not getting teched. [Does Nolf ever pin anyone or does he just like playing with his food too much?]
165 - Boring. Penn State guy did nothing and Jordan showed he just a little better than PSU guy at doing nothing. C+ for both guys.
174 - Actually a good match. Nickal is funky and Martin came close. B+s for both. Bravo!
184 - I went to the kitchten to get food.
197 - I wasn't paying attention, but McIntosh sure looked good. B+ for Morgan
285 - Synder is great. I really look forward to seeing him against Gwiz, Hall, and Coon. Synder gets A, PSU heavyguy gets a C.