
Sep 24, 2019
Sorry for sounding like a dumbass, but lately I've been seeing the label "Pepsi'd" being tossed around in various threads.
Help me out with the definition/origins of this label?
A poster with the handle "pepsicock" used to post here regularly. South Carolina Gamecocks and Pepsi-Cola fan. He used to read news in the evenings 12 or 36 hours after everyone else and post new threads about topics that had already been argued for pages.

To post a duplicate thread on a subject became known as doing a "pepsi."
On our old board, we called it an Izim after a poster. Izim was a good dude, but he disappeared a long time ago. The Pepsi is more fun to use in pointing out someone’s rerun.
A poster with the handle "pepsicock" used to post here regularly. South Carolina Gamecocks and Pepsi-Cola fan. He used to read news in the evenings 12 or 36 hours after everyone else and post new threads about topics that had already been argued for pages.

To post a duplicate thread on a subject became known as doing a "pepsi."

His prized possession was a 4x2 standard cab F-150
We harassed him too much. 😢
I remember he posted a picture of himself and some asshole followed him from thread to thread afterwards making fun of him.

I’m drawing a blank on who that poster was, he went through like 10 handles but was usually easily identifiable.
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