Is 7 home games really necessary from a finances perspective? Isn't the new TV contract going to increase revenue for each school by like 20+ million?
Is the 7 home games just a competitive advantage requirement?
The answer is very likely yes in order to keep abreast of the 'blue bloods'.
While revenues are distributed equally in the Big Ten, costs are rising each and every year. One of the sources of revenue is ticket sales. Less games, less revenue unless the price of a ticket increases substantially to cover the loss of the extra game. One contributor here has at least suggested raising prices for certain games to nearly $200. Can you imagine the public outcry if that were to happen in the near term in Iowa City?
Travel, recruitment, the 'competitive advantage' you speak of all play a factor in desiring as many home contests as possible and feasible.
Iowa finds itself in a quite unique and most unenviable position - play the conference slate of nine games and continue to be obligated to playing a tenth game each year against the same opponent. Most other programs are not as confined by their schedule as Iowa is under the present arrangement.