Personal finances of Walz and Vance show stark differences

So what I take from all this banter is Walz is a pretty normal dude who's reached a level in politics that is usually graced by privileged silver spoon babies and/or people who chose to chase the almighty dollar above all else in life.
Choice = America
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That is probably a bit low, but it depends on assumptions as to interest rate & when the person is eligible to start drawing. As a quick example, I think he's 60; assume he can start drawing in 5 years, when he turns 65. At that point, his life expectancy would be about 17 years, so at $165k annual he'd be getting $13,750 per month for 204 months. At 6 percent, the current value of that cash flow stream would be about $1.3 million. If you use the $800k mentioned in the original article, with the same assumptions as above it would be about $8450 per month, or about $100k per year.
That's not wealthy by any means, but $100k per year (plus SS benefits that are probably another $25k), he's not going to be eating dog food in his retirement.
I manage just fine on less than that.
Mrs. Walz also gets at least SSI and that adds to the household.
They fit in the top for retirees regardless.
And the rough dollar amount per month of a million dollar pension? The numbers im coming up with and the numbers provided above are drastically different. A federal.pension may pay higher than any calculations I can find.
I don't know that answer. I just know that my monthly IPERS income will continue as long as I live. I have a guaranteed monthly income for the rest of my life no matter if I end up collecting more than my employer and I contributed.
Hey bud, I'm a poor soul. I was born into a family that used food stamps and went to the food bank to get government cheese and meats. I grew up thinking "budding" ham was a high end. I don't have any negative view of poor people, I like people who start at x and end up at x+, no matter what base you associate "x" with.
Oh god, stfu already.
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I pullwd that from the estimated 800k pension plus thr one accounted for from the article, assuming that was the entirety of his government.

I think I'm talking total value and you are looking yearly income.

The annual amount of the pension is needed to calculate the total value-
There are a couple of ways to calculate

(annual pension/rate of return divisor) * percentage probability of pension being paid until death probability
Using the assumptions listed for the annual pension federal only, 10-year treasury (3.88 today rounded to 4) multiplied by 90%
(127000/4%)*90%= $2,875,500

Here is the calculation from Investopedia
P=PMT×r1−((1+r)n1)= $1,746,426.33 ( check my math but it is close)
P=Present value of an annuity stream
PMT=Dollar amount of each annuity paymentr=
Interest rate (also known as discount rate)n=
Number of periods in which payments will be made

The value of every calculation I can find, including some calculators, is over 1 million, which is why I asked how you calculated it.
So what I take from all this banter is Walz is a pretty normal dude who's reached a level in politics that is usually graced by privileged silver spoon babies and/or people who chose to chase the almighty dollar above all else in life.

Yes. But some numpties feel they need to argue about it for 7 pages. And at 55, with a net worth around a million, I’d say he wasn’t doing too bad.

What a dumb argument.
And the rough dollar amount per month of a million dollar pension? The numbers im coming up with and the numbers provided above are drastically different. A federal.pension may pay higher than any calculations I can find.
I looked at this again and it seems like you are asking what the monthly benefit amount would be. IPERS monthly benefits aren't based on the amount you have contributed. Monthly benefits for teachers in Iowa are arrived at by the following formula:

Regular Members​

Your IPERS retirement benefit is calculated using this formula:​

benefit calculation graphic

YOUR AVERAGE SALARY is the average of your highest five years’ salaries. These don’t have to be the five years that immediately precede your retirement.

THE MULTIPLIER increases two percentage points each year you work in IPERS-covered employment up to year 30. From year 31 to 35, the multiplier increases one percentage point each year. The maximum multiplier is 65% at 35 years in covered employment.

At retirement, you may “purchase service” — or buy work time — to increase your multiplier.

A REDUCTION is applied if you retire before you reach a normal retirement age. IPERS will reduce your retirement benefit by 0.5% for each month (or 6% annually) that you receive retirement benefits before age 65.

It's amazing how well Vance has done due to his puppet master and foreigner former lover Peter Thiel.
Nothing wrong with it - and I’ve not said differently (as you know) but nothing wrong with the career path Vance chose either. Both men are allowed to choose a profession that they are drawn to and they know the risk/reward associated with them from day one.
Posters playing one upsmanship must not understand that.
Then why did you have the response you did about Walz not having money?
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  • We need to get rid of elites and drain the swamp.
  • Well known rich New Yorker is the guy that understands us.
  • Venture Capital attorney is the perfect VP candidate.
Democrats listen and choose a middle class former teacher and guardsman from the Midwest to be the VP candidate.

  • Walz military service doesn't count.
  • Walz doesn't have a high enough net worth for the job.

These people are not only crazy, they make no sense!
Hard to make sense when you are that stupid.
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It isn't about being rich, it's about someone thinking they have great ideas when their personal production is shit.

I'm not trying to have the guy that goes 1 for 10 tell me how to play baseball.

* and I'm sure as shit nor going to let someone try and tell me he is "good".
Define 'personal production'? He taught and influenced hundreds of kids when he could have chased many other careers with much less societal benefit, like your guys.
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Waltz is an idiot, If it's true that he doesn't have any investments in stock or real estate.....

120k isn't an extraordinary amount of earnings, but plenty to invest. I'd like to think that he has some retirement IRAs or SOMETHING. I may not like some of his politics, but he seems like a smart guy and would have financial plans for retirement.
Waltz is an idiot, If it's true that he doesn't have any investments in stock or real estate.....

120k isn't an extraordinary amount of earnings, but plenty to invest. I'd like to think that he has some retirement IRAs or SOMETHING. I may not like some of his politics, but he seems like a smart guy and would have financial plans for retirement.
He has a pension and likely other savings. And I think you meant he’s “uncorruptable”:

Tim Walz has previously expressed in congress that he staunchly believes that owning stocks or making large investments as a politician leads to conflict of interest. He also sponsored STOCK act.
He has a pension and likely other savings. And I think you meant he’s “uncorruptable”:

Tim Walz has previously expressed in congress that he staunchly believes that owning stocks or making large investments as a politician leads to conflict of interest. He also sponsored STOCK act.
Notice how it's only the second tier numpties that are still getting pounded on this issue?
He hasn't been a teacher for 20 years.

Hey bud, I'm a poor soul. I was born into a family that used food stamps and went to the food bank to get government cheese and meats. I grew up thinking "budding" ham was a high end. I don't have any negative view of poor people,

Seems to me you have judged Walz to be poor by your standards and you have portrayed a negative view of him throughout this thread. Who are you to judge someone else on what is success in life? @3boysmom pointed out earlier in this thread that Walz and his wife had to go the IVF route to have children, It’s very expensive, Maybe just maybe being able to have children made Walz and his wife feel far more successful in life than any dollar amount you place on success. True happiness in life isn’t measured in dollar amounts by everyone. Obviously it does seem to be your driving factor.
The whole thing about whose wallet is fatter is a waste of time IMO.
Talk about what you want to take out of my wallet.
Sure, sure. Now that you and a bunch of your ilk have been shown to be woefully ignorant on this matter you want to change the subject.
Sure, sure. Now that you and a bunch of your ilk have been shown to be woefully ignorant on this matter you want to change the subject.
Well if you prefer we could always just talk about what an asshole you are.
Well if you prefer we could always just talk about what an asshole you are.
Again, I'm sure you would like to change the subject to anything that takes the focus off of how ignorant you and your right wing buddies have been.