

HR Legend
Oct 2, 2009
For our HROT philosophers or those who can read, Plato's Republic Book IX, 2,500 years ago and today stolen from Reddit:

"[Who is the most miserable man?] He who is of a tyrannical nature, and instead of leading a private life has been cursed with the further misfortune of being a public tyrant....

"He has to be master of others when he is not master of himself: he is like a diseased or paralytic man who is compelled to pass his life, not in retirement, but fighting and combating with other men.

"He who is the real tyrant, whatever men may think, is the real slave, and is obliged to practise the greatest adulation and servility, and to be the flatterer of the vilest of mankind. He has desires which he is utterly unable to satisfy, and has more wants than any one, and is truly poor, if you know how to inspect the whole soul of him: all his life long he is beset with fear and is full of convulsions and distractions, even as the State which he resembles: and surely the resemblance holds?

"Moreover, as we were saying before, he grows worse from having power: he becomes and is of necessity more jealous, more faithless, more unjust, more friendless, more impious, than he was at first; he is the purveyor and cherisher of every sort of vice, and the consequence is that he is supremely miserable, and that he makes everybody else as miserable as himself."
If anyone has read Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" in the Republic (I teach that shiz, BTW) the prisoner of the cave is another great analogy for Trump and Trump supporters.
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