POLE: Strip Clubs

Do you frequent strip clubs?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 3 2.5%
  • No.

    Votes: 46 39.0%
  • Back before I was married

    Votes: 13 11.0%
  • Back in my yute

    Votes: 43 36.4%
  • Only for group functions, e.g., buddy's in town, work function, etc.

    Votes: 16 13.6%
  • Yes (but you can't tell anyone)

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 1.7%

  • Total voters
Little swappity swapping after? Deets?
Yes indeed. It was the first full swap for them and us. They had done MMF a couple times before, we had only done FFM.
She was pretty, a little thicker, not fat, and had a great set of tits. She was all about just her and me fvcking, but her fiancé really wanted a full swap, he kept saying my wife reminded him of Fiona from Shameless, which I can see, but my wife is shorter. It took some convincing but she eventually agreed. She had fun, he had 30 seconds of fun, I had fun, my wife not so much.
I made sure she got off, that’s just the kind of guy I am. He was not much of a giver.
They ended up breaking up a year later because she said he became obsessed with my wife. You have to be a very strong couple and put jealousy aside if you’re going to be in that lifestyle.
I did have one memorable night at Ossie's in Carroll. (good memories)

But never, ever, go to a strip club around the Ozarks. I know I have posted that before, but I still can't here "faithfully" by Journey without PTSD kicking in from what I saw down there.
  • Haha
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Never understood why guys would pay to go to a place you can't touch the women. I've been to a few for parties and such, I can say that I went to Crazy Horse in Chicago for a party and the talent was top shelf.
A few years back I was a sales director and the nerds were always asking to go to the strip clubs. So I sat through some horrendous nights at Girls Girls Girls in Atlanta and Rachels in Orlando. Where you could eat Steak on sniffers row. Was kind of crazy. The girls were not good, the nerds went nuts for it though.
I've been three times:
1. Best friend had buddies over from England that wanted to go.
2. Bachelor party
3. Final Four at a strip club that had great big... TVs. Got to see Big Country @ OkSt.

Other than that, never really saw the draw - dated girls that had stripped, so I knew the deal.
1995 Seattle. Was at that Final Four.
  • Wow
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This is a true story.

Two years ago I was with some guys and we got pretty drunk and caught a ride to a strip club over the river from Red Wing, Minn., in the Wisconsin countryside. We walked in and sat down near the runway stage and sitting directly across from me in a chair was an Australian Shepherd.

This dog had no humans sitting anywhere near it. Completely alone. The dog also had several single dollars tucked in its collar.

The music hits and this stripper gets on stage and she's doing her thing and starts going around motor boating guys in the front row and she gets to the dog. She has a confused, puzzled look on her face. Then she shrugged and rubbed her mammz in the face of the dog, took $1 from the collar, and moved on down the line like nothing happened.

One of those moments I wish I had video of.
On my way to deploy we ended up going to some sketch part of Newport News that the cab driver kept warning against. The place just ended up being this weird lap dance club where you paid ten dollars, they loaded a bunch of dudes around a table, lap dances by ladies happened, then you either paid another 10 or had to leave the room, it was very efficient. I was the whitest thing in the building. CSB
You were on all fours as you were walking?
Crawling. :)
I was going to say only a couple times. But then started to think about the different cities I have been to one.... crap, its way more than I'd want to admit. All in my 20s and just to follow the group that wanted to, it was never my scene. Even the air feels dirty in those places.

But, we used to go to one A LOT in Virginia Beach. One of my roommates was dating the female bartender in a club so we could go and drink for basically free all night. We were so poor back then, I'd probably go to a Chippendales if I could drink for free all night.
Used to work at one. That was years ago and have only stepped inside once ever since. The one exception was the club from Sopranos in Newark. That place actually exists.

A few things I learned from working in the field:
--the dancers don't like you and usually think you're a loser
--strippers are the worst people you'll ever work with at any point in your life
--being near a military base, military guys are the biggest idiots of all time with their money. Payday weekends were insane. Non-payday weekends, not so good. Thanks for your service, morons.
A few things I learned from working in the field:
--the dancers don't like you and usually think you're a loser
--strippers are the worst people you'll ever work with at any point in your life
--being near a military base, military guys are the biggest idiots of all time with their money. Payday weekends were insane. Non-payday weekends, not so good. Thanks for your service, morons.
That's the impression I got. As I looked around the club in AK, I couldn't help but notice the patheticness (if that's a word) of it all. These guys come in from the bush/ships and blow all their money on women who couldn't give two flying farts about them. I'm glad I was able to get the guys out of their.

Once we got here, the night got much better!

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Never understood why guys would pay to go to a place you can't touch the women. I've been to a few for parties and such, I can say that I went to Crazy Horse in Chicago for a party and the talent was top shelf.
A few years back I was a sales director and the nerds were always asking to go to the strip clubs. So I sat through some horrendous nights at Girls Girls Girls in Atlanta and Rachels in Orlando. Where you could eat Steak on sniffers row. Was kind of crazy. The girls were not good, the nerds went nuts for it though.
Can't touch them? You've obviously never been to a strip club in Medellin. For 400mil COP (about $100USD currently) you can do pretty much anything you'd like.
Been to a few back in my 20's for birthday parties of buddies or bachelor parties. Doubt I went more then a handful of times in my life.
Went to one with some friends when we turned 18. That was the first time and will be the last time.
This. My parents let us go to Des Moines for state basketball by ourselves senior year. Several had recently turned 18 so we naturally bdecided to hit up lumberyard. It just felt creepy. I don't get the point of spending money for women to not sleep with you. Never been back to one.
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Best strip club story for me is, a long time ago the guy in the apartment below me comes up to my room on a Monday night and says he has been invited to a party at a strippers house and he needs me for back up.

We get there and there are 20-25 guys milling about and no girls. My friend says he wants to stay in case she shows up so we stay for 15 minutes.

What a fricking joke of a night.