Their job is to win arguments for their side. It would be nice if their arguments were consistent. It would be nice if they were always intellectually honest. But their job is to win, and just like a lawyer, they are going to loyally argue for the best interests of their team regardless of whether they are in the right or wrong on any particular topic.
In debate, it is a common exercise to argue a topic and then switch positions and do it again. The best can win both, sometimes handily. They win, and then turn around and argue against the case they just made. This is precisely what we're watching in DC.
I'm not saying that this is right. I'm not saying that we shouldn't storm DC and demand more. I'm just saying that's why Biden, Turtlehead, et al make diametrically opposing statements depending on which currently benefits their party. I'm just saying that this behavior is what we should be expecting until we do something about it... and that beating each other up over it is asinine.
They all do it. We should probably all stop acting shocked.
In debate, it is a common exercise to argue a topic and then switch positions and do it again. The best can win both, sometimes handily. They win, and then turn around and argue against the case they just made. This is precisely what we're watching in DC.
I'm not saying that this is right. I'm not saying that we shouldn't storm DC and demand more. I'm just saying that's why Biden, Turtlehead, et al make diametrically opposing statements depending on which currently benefits their party. I'm just saying that this behavior is what we should be expecting until we do something about it... and that beating each other up over it is asinine.
They all do it. We should probably all stop acting shocked.