POLL: Chelsea Manning

What do you think should happen to Chelsea Manning?

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Surprised I was the first person to vote for keep her in solitary until she dies. Bunch of leftists on this board. MSNBC was bending over backward to defend her yesterday. She's a coward that endangered her fellow soldiers and endangered her country. She violated the oaths she/he took. I have no sympathy about going into solitary. You break the rules as a prisoner face the consequences.
You join the military, you obey orders unless they are of most egregious violations of the Constitution. Manning's actions don't fall into that category. Treason is treason. Reasonable voters winning 15-7.
You join the military, you obey orders unless they are of most egregious violations of the Constitution. Manning's actions don't fall into that category. Treason is treason. Reasonable voters winning 15-7.
I kind of forget what he did, but weren't they of this nature? Wasn't it the NSA stuff?
You join the military, you obey orders unless they are of most egregious violations of the Constitution. Manning's actions don't fall into that category. Treason is treason. Reasonable voters winning 15-7.
Sorry, but you are totally wrong on this one.

First of all, it isn't just violations of the constitution that justify not following orders. More importantly it's war crimes. And that was what prompted Manning to blow the whistle and what the documents she uncovered revealed - among other things.

The people who call her a traitor are looking only at the chain of command and orders she undoubtedly violated and are totally ignoring the greater good. Sadly, thanks to this attitude - reinforced by the party in power and the party out of power, and their propaganda ministries - most people no longer remember what Manning revealed.

The full court press on Manning, Wikileaks, Assange, Snowden, and others who have tried to tell us about wrongdoing by our government have been very successful at convincing otherwise reasonable Americans not to look behind the curtain.
She leaked thousands and thousands of documents in a broad net. There's my problem. What if others do it?

This wasn't a whistle blower catching some guy red handed. It was a person in the military with a bucket bailing out any information she could grab. How about all the sensitive and secret material that didn't reveal any "war crimes" (some I agree were, some not".)

I'll make you guys a deal. Put up a statue over her for revealing what she did that should have been exposed, and the rest of us will keep her locked up for the treason of exposing secrets that our enemies need not know.

(Her methods were like tossing a hand grenade into a plane full of hostages and hostage takers and then walking away saying, "Got 'em!" Yeah, some hero. The weight of judgment in my mind, my opinion, falls on what was her job, what was her oath, and did she violate it? expose what any sensible person already knows, s..t happens during war.)
She leaked thousands and thousands of documents in a broad net. There's my problem. What if others do it?

This wasn't a whistle blower catching some guy red handed. It was a person in the military with a bucket bailing out any information she could grab. How about all the sensitive and secret material that didn't reveal any "war crimes" (some I agree were, some not".)

I'll make you guys a deal. Put up a statue over her for revealing what she did that should have been exposed, and the rest of us will keep her locked up for the treason of exposing secrets that our enemies need not know.

(Her methods were like tossing a hand grenade into a plane full of hostages and hostage takers and then walking away saying, "Got 'em!" Yeah, some hero. The weight of judgment in my mind, my opinion, falls on what was her job, what was her oath, and did she violate it? expose what any sensible person already knows, s..t happens during war.)
I'm sorry but this is bullshit.

Our government was in the wrong. It was lying to the American public. It was lying to foreign governments. It was breaking domestic and international laws. And you are bitching that the whistleblower failed to execute surgical precision?

The fact is that Wikileaks and the news folks like Guardian and NY Times exercised great care to prevent harm from the disclosures - with a high degree of success.

The wrongdoer here was our government. The whistleblower is the good guy. She's in jail and you want to keep her there. Shame on you.
Interesting show on Netflix: War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security State. It doesn't deal with Snowden and only touched Manning in passing, but it's a good look at several whistleblowers and what happened to them.
I'm sorry but this is bullshit.

Our government was in the wrong. It was lying to the American public. It was lying to foreign governments. It was breaking domestic and international laws. And you are bitching that the whistleblower failed to execute surgical precision?

The fact is that Wikileaks and the news folks like Guardian and NY Times exercised great care to prevent harm from the disclosures - with a high degree of success.

The wrongdoer here was our government. The whistleblower is the good guy. She's in jail and you want to keep her there. Shame on you.

I'm going to go back and like your post for the passion in it. But I still disagree. You can't steal thousands of records just to go through them and see what you find.
Is anybody in service still in danger because of Chelsea's past actions? Have those issues been addressed by our military and clandestine services? I voted grant her parole, but I'd prefer if there was an option for "only after a reduced sentence and good behavior." No reality show, no press tour, no announcement. Just a reduced sentence, parole, and 1 more chance at an honest life. Man or woman.
So, Chelsea is a traitor, but, not our politicians who have put our troops in harms way under a complete lie? Got it. Didn't we learn that the guards at Auchwittz were just as guilty?
I'm going to go back and like your post for the passion in it. But I still disagree. You can't steal thousands of records just to go through them and see what you find.
That wasn't what happened. It was already clear that plenty of criminal and immoral behavior was in those documents. So, yes, you go through more of them to see what else is there.

If you hear a kid being beaten in a house and decide to risk going in to stop it, do you leave it at that, or do you look to see if there are other abused children there? Same principle.

Once you decide to take action, you should probably be as thorough about it as you can. Isn't that what you would do? Look at Ellsberg, or Snowden. Once they decided that the actions of the government needed to be brought to the attention of the American people, they didn't go halfway.
So, Chelsea is a traitor, but, not our politicians who have put our troops in harms way under a complete lie? Got it. Didn't we learn that the guards at Auchwittz were just as guilty?
Yep. Disloyalty (whistleblowing) is so much more wrong. Let's not look at what the government was doing, or what the troops were doing, or what the torturers were doing.
Compare this with the My Lai massacre. Two salient points from Wiki:

1) Twenty-six soldiers were charged with criminal offenses, but only Lieutenant William Calley Jr., a platoon leader in C Company, was convicted. Found guilty of killing 22 villagers, he was originally given a life sentence, but served only three and a half years under house arrest.

Think about that. The guy who led the massacre served 3 and a half years under house arrest. Everybody else - including higher-ups charged with covering up - got off scot-free. I think Manning has already been locked up over 5 years, much of that in solitary. And remember, she did NOT kill anyone and she exposed rather than covered up wrongdoings.

2) Initially, three U.S. servicemen who had tried to halt the massacre and rescue the hiding civilians were shunned, and even denounced as traitors by several U.S. Congressmen....

Note that these were the guys who objected to the war crimes. Traitors.
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War is Hell. Many crummy things have been done and yes, some by "our side". Again, war is Hell.

Pearl Harbor didn't have to happen.
Hussein didn't have to invade Kuwait and then screw around until he egged another Hawk (Bush) into starting the fight a second time.
9/11 didn't have to happen.

I'll stand my ground on this one. We don't get things right all the time, but I don't think some folks outside the military that don't know jack about it should be judging "our side" so harshly.

WWJD, you have it pretty good. ;) You get to pee down quite a few legs that go places and do things (sometimes wrong) so you don't have to. Me? If they say the lady should be locked up, I believe them.
You join the military, you obey orders unless they are of most egregious violations of the Constitution. Manning's actions don't fall into that category. Treason is treason. Reasonable voters winning 15-7.

That's why you will NEVER see me in the military. Well, I'm too old now. But, during Desert Storm there was talk swirling around about a draft reinstatement and high casualty rates projected, etc. Regardless, they would never have gotten me. I never registered for Selective Service either. F'em! If my home is threatened, I'll be here to defend it.
I'm somewhat torn here. While I agree, somewhat with DanL53... I just instinctively want to pull for the rogues. I agree, War is Hell. But, that doesn't mean you have to add to the Hell when you have the knowledge and ability to Heaven-ize it. I dunno, people go to war willingly... always. A part of me admires what shim did a great deal. We're taught certain "etiquette" toward country, and I believe that is biased. Soldiers taking an oath to uphold the Constitution rarely know what it even says, or means. It's just a token ritual and then on to degrading you, building you up, and training you to obey. What a total waste of time.
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I'm somewhat torn here. While I agree, somewhat with DanL53... I just instinctively want to pull for the rogues. I agree, War is Hell. But, that doesn't mean you have to add to the Hell when you have the knowledge and ability to Heaven-ize it. I dunno, people go to war willingly... always. A part of me admires what shim did a great deal. We're taught certain "etiquette" toward country, and I believe that is biased. Soldiers taking an oath to uphold the Constitution rarely know what it even says, or means. It's just a token ritual and then on to degrading you, building you up, and training you to obey. What a total waste of time.

I get what you are saying.

My main outlook revolves around two ideas:

1) We can't have 319 million people running our wars. Our job is to elect leaders which will represent our ideals. Ideals I assume are something like, "Truth, Justice and the American Way." I know that things go wrong in war, it is dirty business. We are intentionally recruiting young men and women without a lot of means, or education, and we're turning them into soldiers. And sometimes it appears we expect them all to be these perfect citizen's who don't get angry and abuse prisoners, who don't decide to fire on a group of people that turn out not to be the enemy, that don't succumb to the pressures and stresses placed upon them and react violently. Wow, we get to sit back and expect them to do the dirty work, and we get to complain when everything isn't handled perfectly. We want to make this as clean as possible? Let's do our job and elect good leaders and let them do their jobs. Or join the military and take our grandiose ideas of morality and do a better job ourselves.

2) As to information gathering in unlawful ways for good causes. There is no such thing. Nor should there be. It sure seems pretty easy for our society to catch cops behaving badly, or crooks robbing a convenience store. We've got cars that can be remotely turned off if stolen, DNA, cameras everywhere, phones that tell on us as to where we are, computers that we can hit with a crowbar and they still give up info! This is no secret world anymore! And if there is one thing we want, I think, if we're going to send these young people into a war is to protect them. Is to allow our military to have secrets! We've got a justice system in our military for law breakers. If we're concerned that it isn't doing it's job? Well than go after it! But to justify treasonous theft and distribution of our nations secret documents? No. We need out nation to be able to have secrets. It is not comfortable, but again if concerned let's do our jobs and elect good leaders, or join the military and do their jobs better, or buy time on the television and talk about our concerns.

I was in Camp Pendleton visiting family during the investigation into the Abu Ghraib mess. Personally sick to my stomach at what, once again we good guys, had done in that Prison. At the PX, while we were checking out I picked up a Stars and Stripes and there in that military magazine was an article applauding the ( I believe I recall it was a Marine) person called to testify who refused! That took me by surprise because I always believed our military was "Yes Sir!" to the government. That article kind of woke me up that things aren't peachy keen between the military, the Government and us. You know what, they are, to a very, very great extent. But start going through their underwear drawer or doing random cavity searches on them like some on this thread seem to support? Ask yourself how long they'll be willing to take a bullet, for us.

The military will be as good as the leaders we elect to lead it. That's our job. Not giving away our secrets, not only to ourselves, but the rest of the world. That was treason.
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I'm somewhat torn here. While I agree, somewhat with DanL53... I just instinctively want to pull for the rogues. I agree, War is Hell. But, that doesn't mean you have to add to the Hell when you have the knowledge and ability to Heaven-ize it. I dunno, people go to war willingly... always. A part of me admires what shim did a great deal. We're taught certain "etiquette" toward country, and I believe that is biased. Soldiers taking an oath to uphold the Constitution rarely know what it even says, or means. It's just a token ritual and then on to degrading you, building you up, and training you to obey. What a total waste of time.
I can't like this enough. It's not okay to work for the military and betray your peers. But it's also not okay to be asked to fight a war you don't understand in a language you don't speak. Are the people who were threatened by this safe now? This should not be glamorized, but there's no reason to keep this person in a glue trap unless innocent people would be in danger. Or anyone else who can live without behaving violently.
Sorry, but you are totally wrong on this one.

First of all, it isn't just violations of the constitution that justify not following orders. More importantly it's war crimes. And that was what prompted Manning to blow the whistle and what the documents she uncovered revealed - among other things.

The people who call her a traitor are looking only at the chain of command and orders she undoubtedly violated and are totally ignoring the greater good. Sadly, thanks to this attitude - reinforced by the party in power and the party out of power, and their propaganda ministries - most people no longer remember what Manning revealed.

The full court press on Manning, Wikileaks, Assange, Snowden, and others who have tried to tell us about wrongdoing by our government have been very successful at convincing otherwise reasonable Americans not to look behind the curtain.

among other things....if he/she had just kept to exposing the "war crime" I'd see your point but he/she facilitated a massive dump of classified information...99% of which had nothing to do with the "war crime".
War is Hell. Many crummy things have been done and yes, some by "our side". Again, war is Hell.

Pearl Harbor didn't have to happen.
Hussein didn't have to invade Kuwait and then screw around until he egged another Hawk (Bush) into starting the fight a second time.
9/11 didn't have to happen.

I'll stand my ground on this one. We don't get things right all the time, but I don't think some folks outside the military that don't know jack about it should be judging "our side" so harshly.

WWJD, you have it pretty good. ;) You get to pee down quite a few legs that go places and do things (sometimes wrong) so you don't have to. Me? If they say the lady should be locked up, I believe them.
Yes, war is hell. That doesn't mean we should look the other way when atrocities and war crimes occur.

As for the canard that those people fought for me . . . if they ever do it in a just cause, I'll be the first to call them heroes and thank them. Those who fought in Vietnam and Iraq - the 2 big wars of my adult lifetime - were not heroes. They were dupes. They were cannon fodder. And in too many cases, they were criminals. Their willing obedience killed millions of mostly innocent people. And destroyed America moral foundation along with its economy.

If you believe the government about this, what credibility will you have if you are critical of the government on other things?
Yes, war is hell. That doesn't mean we should look the other way when atrocities and war crimes occur.

As for the canard that those people fought for me . . . if they ever do it in a just cause, I'll be the first to call them heroes and thank them. Those who fought in Vietnam and Iraq - the 2 big wars of my adult lifetime - were not heroes. They were dupes. They were cannon fodder. And in too many cases, they were criminals. Their willing obedience killed millions of mostly innocent people. And destroyed America moral foundation along with its economy.

If you believe the government about this, what credibility will you have if you are critical of the government on other things?

I don't know what you are trying to say here. My argument is not that we must believe the government in all matters. It is that if we're concerned we can:

1) Elect the right people.
2) Join the military ourselves so that it is not filled with these "dupes".
3) Buy tv time, write books, whatever you think it takes to make people aware of this horrible culture of duplicity and beyond you seem to think exists.

The way to fixing this does not include the theft of government secrets in a wide, bucket scoop wide, grasp for anything we can find.

Your methods would castrate the ability of the United States to wage war. Unless of course you happen to agree with that particular war and then I doubt the fervor to look over every single record would exist.
[1] The way to fixing this does not include the theft of government secrets in a wide, bucket scoop wide, grasp for anything we can find.

[2] Your methods would castrate the ability of the United States to wage war. Unless of course you happen to agree with that particular war and then I doubt the fervor to look over every single record would exist.
[1] When our government is hiding behind secrecy laws to keep us from seeing its crimes, then yes it does.

[2] That doesn't follow. If the "leaker" is leaking legitimate secrets and not exposing war crimes or government malfeasance, no one is saying the leaker should escape punishment on moral grounds.

You don't prosecute the fireman for busting down the door to get in a burning house to rescue a kid. You don't even bitch that he could have used the key under the mat or broken the door with less frame damage.

Keep your eye on what's important, Dan.
[1] When our government is hiding behind secrecy laws to keep us from seeing its crimes, then yes it does.

[2] That doesn't follow. If the "leaker" is leaking legitimate secrets and not exposing war crimes or government malfeasance, no one is saying the leaker should escape punishment on moral grounds.

You don't prosecute the fireman for busting down the door to get in a burning house to rescue a kid. You don't even bitch that he could have used the key under the mat or broken the door with less frame damage.

Keep your eye on what's important, Dan.

She did.

I've presented legitimate methods to prevent cover ups of your "War Crimes". Add to them, again, the point made that the investigatory arms of the military can always be strengthened. What is important is that we understand that spying on our own military and releasing classified documents is treason.

Your shovel bucket is throwing the baby out with the bath.
She did.

I've presented legitimate methods to prevent cover ups of your "War Crimes". Add to them, again, the point made that the investigatory arms of the military can always be strengthened. What is important is that we understand that spying on our own military and releasing classified documents is treason.

Your shovel bucket is throwing the baby out with the bath.
That's what I say about you.

Your so-called legitimate methods for preventing coverups won't stop the current coverups and current war crimes and current slaughter of innocents.

When you see evil happening, do you think "I should elect better reps to prevent this sort of thing"?

Or do you think "I think I'll apply for a position to be a police officer, so I know there will be at least one cop who doesn't let this sort of thing happen"?

Or maybe you think "I should write a book about this"?

You are letting evil occur and you are willing to put people in jail to keep war crimes from coming to light and to protect the "right" of our government and our troops to continue behaving badly.

I'd put your lean meter waaay back to the right. That's where you find it for knee-jerk patriots who follow the "my country right or wrong" mantra.
When our government is hiding behind secrecy laws to keep us from seeing its crimes, then yes it does.

That's pretty indisputable! And, the US Government continues to become more and more bought-off, sold-out and beholden to entities and voices other than it's constituency. If there was a flashpoint- some event that REALLY incriminated the government and a reaction something on the level of the French Revolution- I would say that Manning would be one of the first prisoners released after the Bastille is stormed.
That's pretty indisputable! And, the US Government continues to become more and more bought-off, sold-out and beholden to entities and voices other than it's constituency. If there was a flashpoint- some event that REALLY incriminated the government and a reaction something on the level of the French Revolution- I would say that Manning would be one of the first prisoners released after the Bastille is stormed.

The best chance she has is a Presidential Pardon. And I could see it happening.
That's what I say about you.

Your so-called legitimate methods for preventing coverups won't stop the current coverups and current war crimes and current slaughter of innocents.

When you see evil happening, do you think "I should elect better reps to prevent this sort of thing"?

Or do you think "I think I'll apply for a position to be a police officer, so I know there will be at least one cop who doesn't let this sort of thing happen"?

Or maybe you think "I should write a book about this"?

You are letting evil occur and you are willing to put people in jail to keep war crimes from coming to light and to protect the "right" of our government and our troops to continue behaving badly.

I'd put your lean meter waaay back to the right. That's where you find it for knee-jerk patriots who follow the "my country right or wrong" mantra.

My lean meter will always appear far to the right to you. We both know that. :)

Your opinion is than that all legitimate methods to prevent cover ups will fail. And that we should not only celebrate and encourage, but rely on spying on our own military or government. To me that puts you closer to the far right that was freaking out about Jade Helm than I will ever be.
My lean meter will always appear far to the right to you. We both know that. :)

Your opinion is than that all legitimate methods to prevent cover ups will fail. And that we should not only celebrate and encourage, but rely on spying on our own military or government. To me that puts you closer to the far right that was freaking out about Jade Helm than I will ever be.
A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.
Stole 750,000 pages of documents. My opinion, not a Patriot. Opinion of the Court, not a patriot.
Stole 750,000 pages of documents. My opinion, not a Patriot. Opinion of the Court, not a patriot.
Now, if the documents he "stole" contained very incriminating evidence of, say government complicity with 9/11, having deceived the public about the 2008 bank bailout, and revealed other very damning evidence... but, also may have given away our missile locations tot he Russians... would it have been worth it? I mean, if your government needs so much oversight and watchdogs (or whistle-blowers), then what kind of government, and therefore country, do you really have? Is it worth protecting, defending or even living in, if it's that corrupt?
[1] My lean meter will always appear far to the right to you. We both know that. :)

[2] Your opinion is than that all legitimate methods to prevent cover ups will fail.

[3] And that we should not only celebrate and encourage, but rely on spying on our own military or government.

[4] To me that puts you closer to the far right that was freaking out about Jade Helm than I will ever be.
[1] No, you have been reasonable on a number of things lately. Yes, in today's climate, merely being reasonable looks like leaning pretty far left.

[2] Not at all. But they clearly won't always succeed, either. We rely a lot on our government to be honest and our press to engage in aggressive investigative journalism. Sometimes that just isn't the case enough to get to the truth.

[3] Yes to the celebrate and encourage parts. Rely on, not so much. We need good ombudsmen in all places of power, along with much improved transparency and better protections for people who bring their concerns up through the proper channels, so they don't have to become whistleblowers and leakers.

[4] Lefties and libertarians share a concern about too much concentration of power. Lefties are less likely to be nutty about it. Which is why it was your ilk that got the vapors over Jade Helm, not mine. My side likes to rely more on facts. You know, like the facts that the government wants hidden and that Manning and Snowden and Ellsberg released.

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