Poll: People like single payer, until they hear more details....

Again, that's very similar to the cost of Medicare now. You are younger and undoubtably healthier than the average Medicare recipient. Medicare is much cheaper than private insurance. In polls, Medicare recipients rate their insurance higher than Private insurance.


In my late 40's.

Your socialism is a step backwards.

Slavery has been tried and found wanting.
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The biggest problem with medicine today is the lack of tort reform. Too much defensive medicine going on.

Also, we need to allow people to choose death with dignity. Too often the elderly want to check out, but the kids will use any and all methods to keep them alive because they feel guilty they have not been around much for the last two decades.

We need to try these before we give the government that much control over our lives.
The biggest problem with medicine today is the lack of tort reform. Too much defensive medicine going on.

Also, we need to allow people to choose death with dignity. Too often the elderly want to check out, but the kids will use any and all methods to keep them alive because they feel guilty they have not been around much for the last two decades.

We need to try these before we give the government that much control over our lives.

Tort reform, show me a state that has tort reform that helped the patient? The insurance companies love it, as it limits the amounts they pay out in malpractice by doctors, but does absolutely nothing to help the patient.

I agree that way to many doctors practice defensive medicine, but tort reform will not stop it, it will be just another corporate giveaway that hurts the public at large.
Tort reform in tx helped all texans, doctors, patients,all

How does limiting the amount a person can sue for help the average person that was hurt by malpractice? Yes, the doctors get a lower or freeze of malpractice insurance, the insurance companies end out paying less, thereby making more money. But how does the person hurt by malpractice benefit by capping the amount of money they are allowed to receive? They are not, and are force to go on the "dole" to make up the difference.

Please provide a link that shows the people of Texas thinks this is a great idea.
All i gotta do is link to yhe results of our last election where greg abbott destroyed that liberal feminist idiot wendy davis. Yes the people of texas overwhelmingly support what the repubs around here have been doing for the past couple of decades
All i gotta do is link to yhe results of our last election where greg abbott destroyed that liberal feminist idiot wendy davis. Yes the people of texas overwhelmingly support what the repubs around here have been doing for the past couple of decades

So a poor candidate makes it the truth? In Nebraska tort reform has been a disaster, the people have giving up their right to redress a wrong, but the insurance companies love it. How about the average person?
I don't necessarily agree with it, but medicine isn't the only thing that's going to be socialized in the next 5-10 years. Between millennials getting boned in every direction and boomers not saving for retirement, socialism is coming. It's inevitable at this point
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True...and you didn't elect Branstad and Grassley, either. ;)

I have voted for Grassley, never for Branstad. I have yet to figure out how he keeps winning elections, but he does. Grassley was not always in the pocket of his party, he is now in lock step with the conservatives.
What's that?
I'm not an expert but I believe there is some sort of national organ registry that takes a variety of factors in consideration to match downers with receivers where wealth is not a consideration. Don't you work in a nursing home? I would think you must come into contact with this more than I. Do you recall a rich old person buying their way to the head of the list?
I'm not an expert but I believe there is some sort of national organ registry that takes a variety of factors in consideration to match downers with receivers where wealth is not a consideration. Don't you work in a nursing home? I would think you must come into contact with this more than I. Do you recall a rich old person buying their way to the head of the list?

No, I don't work in a nursing home.

Payer source is always a consideration.
That and much more is in there too.

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Sill looking for the " free healthcare for all " clause. Nope still don't see it.
I know what sways OiT

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Of course they have. That's how people were able to buy catastrophic health insurance policies rather than a policy that covers every little thing, and save a ton of money in the process. Can't do that, now.

Ummmm...catastrophic policies are allowed under the ACA. They're total crap, of course.
I'll say it again.

The government dictates what sort of treatments your doctor can be paid to do, how it must be done and documented, and how much they'll pay for it. If you doctor does any of those things wrong, your doctor doesn't get paid.

How is that NOT government run?

So. What?

Actuaries do EXACTLY the same thing for insurance companies.You think doctors are making those calls? That's funny.
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