My dad always used to say, if you don't take care of business then someone else will and don't be surprised when you don't like the way they do it. Gaza can't clean up their mess, that "international cooperation" that you talked about doesn't exist, The UN isn't willing to go in, We're not willing to go in, so guess what, Israel is going to take care of business their way. Those flies that have been biting them for years now became hornets that need to be taken care of.
Regarding the hostages, they might be a secondary goal, but tell me in history where getting the hostages/pow's was ever the #1 priority. The first priority is winning the war.
I feel like your dislike for Bibi has you in a mode where you're just not going to like anything Israel does. I get it, I feel that same way about everything trump does. It's hard for me to see anything good from trump. Try to not look at this so much as "Bibi's war", because you'll always find a reason to disagree with it.