Illegals shouldn't even BE here.
What's your point? The entire world has been resettled.
Or is it still being resettled.
Wasn't it always?Yup and it's debatable if it's a good thing.
I bet if they looked Canadian, the Rs would have come to the table to fix this long no. If Canadians were largely conservative and were coming into the country to live here, the dems would be freaking the fu$k out preventing them from living here.
Wasn't it always?
As long as they have shows. I can't abide a casino without shows.Depends on who you ask. Maybe us whites will get casinos.
I bet if they looked Canadian, the Rs would have come to the table to fix this long ago.
So your saying everyone benefits if we import other failed nations poverty problems? Are you offended by the idea that legal immigrants with skill sets are better than illegal immigrants whose only skill set is making low-intelligence babies they can't afford.
No, this has no relevance to what I said. I said if the illegals were white english speakers Rs would have dealt with the issue rather then keep it around to stir up their base.So your saying everyone benefits if we import other failed nations poverty problems? Are you offended by the idea that legal immigrants with skill sets are better than illegal immigrants whose only skill set is making low-intelligence babies they can't afford.
When the Mexicans come in and take the country by force, I reckon they can do whatever they want.
Standard conservative response. Our old crimes don't count. Only your new crimes count. Because we say so.What's your point? The entire world has been resettled.
Illegals shouldn't even BE here.
Welcome to sanity, also known as conservatism. Glad to have ya aboard.
This, almost every policy position Rs take can be understood through the cheap labor prism.I suppose to accept that as reality you would have to ignore that conservatives have interest in cheap, and undereducated labor. If conservatives/liberals really wanted to stop undocumented immigrants from making their way across the board they would put harsh if not very harsh punishments on the business owners that hire illegally. If the cost of getting caught for hiring illegally was stiff enough it would likely make hiring illegals a risk not worth taking.
Or we can pretend a magical fence will stop them.
This, almost every policy position Rs take can be understood through the cheap labor prism.
Dear Moran Victory.
When you find yourself intellectually married to a kid who has swallowed so much sperm that his brain has been chemically altered, you're on the wrong path.
Dear naturalame,
Who wants amnesty for millions of cheap labor illegals? Liberals.
Who started this poll and is happy with the result? A conservative.
Can you see how ironic your comment is now? BTW, Republican doesn't equal conservative. Romney and McCain aren't conservatives. I don't expect your hormone hobbled brain to comprehend the knowledge being dropped on you.
Psst, once you make them legal, they are no longer cheap. Did a light just go on? And sperm makes people happy, it's science. Tell your partner or better yet, cure yourself. You're clearly in need of having a good load dropped on you.Dear Moran Victory.
When you find yourself intellectually married to a kid who has swallowed so much sperm that his brain has been chemically altered, you're on the wrong path.
Dear naturalame,
Who wants amnesty for millions of cheap labor illegals? Liberals.
Who started this poll and is happy with the result? A conservative.
Can you see how ironic your comment is now? BTW, Republican doesn't equal conservative. Romney and McCain aren't conservatives. I don't expect your hormone hobbled brain to comprehend the knowledge being dropped on you.
So I am guessing you are all in on magical fences?
I am guessing you are one of the 7 morans who voted to give illegals the same rights as legals. LOL.
What surprises me is that our libertarians tend to side with the cons (to the extent that they are different franchises) and OPPOSE letting the market solve this problem.I suppose to accept that as reality you would have to ignore that conservatives have interest in cheap, and undereducated labor. If conservatives/liberals really wanted to stop undocumented immigrants from making their way across the board they would put harsh if not very harsh punishments on the business owners that hire illegally. If the cost of getting caught for hiring illegally was stiff enough it would likely make hiring illegals a risk not worth taking.
Or we can pretend a magical fence will stop them.
Only if they can prove they are from Mars.OTHERWISE NO.
Put tariffs on the products of those offending nations. Put them on the terrorist watch lists as state sponsors of economic and environmental terrorism. Strip them of most favored nation status. Let them decide whether they want to pay us the money in tariffs, or invest that money in their own social betterment - which will have the result of giving their own people better lives.
If he isn't cheating his workers, or abusing them, or making them work in unsafe conditions, and if he is paying the proper taxes and such, where's the problem? Why should we "put harsh if not very harsh punishments on the business owners"?
If they aren't helping to pay the salaries of our elected officials, they have no business choosing who they are. It's as simple as that.I guess, first thing would be to figure out how broadly you are defining the term, since legal immigrants are often dragged in to this, without the ability to vote.
But, yes, in local elections.
Of course not. Is this a real question? Absurd.
Clearly you are new to this board and unaware of the naturROT crackpots who back anything to advance Democrat election victories.
If they aren't helping to pay the salaries of our elected officials, they have no business choosing who they are. It's as simple as that.
Tell me how many other counties allow such foreign participation in their elections?