Translation = He much like Obama is an American apologist.Standard conservative response. Our old crimes don't count. Only your new crimes count. Because we say so.
You don't like gays or breeders? Interesting take.Well if life exists on Mars, it is microbial with a very low IQ. But if you're saying microbials still have a higher IQ than breeder scum south of the border, I'm gonna have to concede your point.
Did I just get offered a fiefdom?Clearly you are new to this board and unaware of the naturROT crackpots who back anything to advance Democrat election victories.
When the Mexicans come in and take the country by force, I reckon they can do whatever they want.
But more to the point, your photo and assertion should be a wake-up call to everyone.
Care to make another comment about the Duggers or did you admit defeat?Your act has gotten old; time for a new one.Translation = He much like Obama is an American apologist.
You do realize this is not about the Duggars, Mr. One Track Mind?Care to make another comment about the Duggers or did you admit defeat?Your act has gotten old; time for a new one.
The OP said illegal,....correct?LOL, so are you going to join those who claim that immigrants don't pay taxes? Especially local ones?
Just trying to get your goat.You do realize this is not about the Duggars, Mr. One Track Mind?
theIowaHawk said: ↑
LOL, so are you going to join those who claim that immigrants don't pay taxes? Especially local ones?
The OP said illegal,....correct?
Murderers pay local taxes so what's your point?Do you think that immigrants, even illegal ones, don't pay taxes? Do you think they don't pay local taxes as well?
When they buy something sure. Do they report their earnings all of the time? No. Even when they do, depending on how much they get paid, they either get a large portion of their income taxes back or all of them back. They can use fake SS's for the purpose of getting in a payroll, or they get paid under the table and there is no reporting at all. It all depends on the person themselves.Do you think that immigrants, even illegal ones, don't pay taxes? Do you think they don't pay local taxes as well?
When they buy something sure. Do they report their earnings all of the time? No. Even when they do, depending on how much they get paid, they either get a large portion of their income taxes back or all of them back. They can use fake SS's for the purpose of getting in a payroll, or they get paid under the table and there is no reporting at all. It all depends on the person themselves.
If they aren't helping to pay the salaries of our elected officials, they have no business choosing who they are. It's as simple as that.
Then you'd be for letting out felons who simply had drug possession charges out of jail, including those in possession of illegal firearms? Would you also be forAt least you answered the question. Are a lot of convicted murderers in a position to vote, i.e. effected by local elections? Also, I'm in favor of allowing felons the right to vote, even those in prison. But I would restrict their "local voting", because they don't really have a locality in prison.
I'm on board with letting felons exercise Constitutional rights though, I know, makes me crazy.
Here you go again, repeating what someone says as if they don't know what they already just said.Ok, so now they might buy something, and they might pay taxes, but not like every time guys, its not the same!
So, they use fake SS's...........for the purposes of payroll................................................................................................which deducts taxes, and they don't get it back.
So to sum up: They do pay taxes, or maybe not, but sometimes, and you just aren't sure where you are going with this, but your previous post:
is bunk, because they may, in fact, be "helping to pay the salaries of our elected officials." know, a requirement that has never once been an actual requirement of voting in our great nation.
I'll bet you don't even understand why I specifically brought up local elections, especially in regards to taxes, do you?
Do you rattle this easily in real life? I mean if you can be this shaken up and stirred in message board, how do you deal with real stress?Since I'm signing off for the night, want to clarify something: I don't think I'm objectively "right" in my opinion here, and it should be a hotly debated topic. I just take issue with the simpletons, like Prime/Aegon, who can't seem to wrap their head around a rational thought and articulately express it. Example: Prime claims that one must contribute to the pay of the elected officials, but when pointed out that many illegal immigrants would satisfy that, I'm sure he will find some other excuse. There should be a good, thoughtful, intelligent debate on this topic. I understand that most disagree with me, not a surprising event, but Prime thinks that, because he agrees with people in principle, that they actually support his idiocy...which I would bet most don't.
Carry on.
What have you said that isn't what you believe should happen? It's no different than what I've said. You claim that parents of legally born children should be allowed to vote, despite not themselves being legal. I can MAYBE cater to that, but the question is how do you keep track of that. The IRS itself doesn't even care if someone reports income taxes without having a valid SS. So how can we expect the voting booth counts to be accurate, when you open them up to be voted upon by just about anybody that comes along.Feel free to counter anything I posted, you haven't yet.
Here we go changing the subject again. Once again Iowahawk is having a thought, and he's under the belief that he's the only one who's ever had it. Tell us what it is Iowa. Dazzle us. Let me guess, you're going to have 3 criterias listed.That Billy Madison line comes to mind. Prime, do you really not understand voter registration?
Here we go changing the subject again. Once again Iowahawk is having a thought, and he's under the belief that he's the only one who's ever had it. Tell us what it is Iowa. Dazzle us. Let me guess, you're going to have 3 criterias listed.