Poll: Should You Have To Pass A Test To Vote?

Pass A Test To Vote?

  • Yes

  • No

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No surprise the leftists overwhelmingly say no. They know an informed voter is a smart voter. They can brainwash the ignorant.
No, however, you should be disqualified if:

- You are a convicted felon.
- You are NOT a legal citizen.
- You have not paid taxes for at least 3 of the past 5 years.
Well,,,,,,when the constitution was written you had to own property to vote. So you had to be smart or industrious enough to acquire land or a slave.

Then we went and let women vote, JFC has that been a mistake.

Hell, up until 1974 a woman could not get a loan from most banks without a male co-signer. Plus, when they did get approval, they could only get the loan based on 50% of their wages. This is how much the world has changed.

This is where our fathers and grandfathers screwed up, they gave women too much power, and now they tell us what to do. So the next time your wife or girlfriend is bossing you around, just remember at one time we had the beasts under control, and we messed up. Maybe it is not too late to go back, I dunno?