I would bet it's because of the youth clinic after the practice, forecast is for 25deg. at night. May be afraid parents will not want to wait around in the cold. (And wind ) Shoulda kept it on a Saturday afternoon?That's interesting. I thought spring ball was limited on the number of practices, not hours? Thus, it seems strange to waste one of the allotted practices to just one hour.
They're undoubtedly doing this as a PR strategy and, as such, are at the mercy of the weather gods since its outside. I much prefer Sat, too, but I've read in a couple places that their target demographic (HS students) usually have a lot of activities taking place on Sat, so they'd miss out. I can tell you that last year's practice was on a sat under balmy (almost hot) conditions, and the turnout was really small.I would bet it's because of the youth clinic after the practice, forecast is for 25deg. at night. May be afraid parents will not want to wait around in the cold. (And wind ) Shoulda kept it on a Saturday afternoon?
The wind--garbage pickup day--and every one of the containers in a two block area was blown over and contents, if blowable, were scattered. Be fun to see how CJ could hit receivers with this wind!They're undoubtedly doing this as a PR strategy and, as such, are at the mercy of the weather gods since its outside. I much prefer Sat, too, but I've read in a couple places that their target demographic (HS students) usually have a lot of activities taking place on Sat, so they'd miss out. I can tell you that last year's practice was on a sat under balmy (almost hot) conditions, and the turnout was really small.
They need to do this in Sioux City. Then Okoboji. Then Glenwood. Then back to Des Moines. Screw Eastern Iowa!!!!!!!!!
I always thought they should hold a practice at Kinnick Stadium in Omaha. Tons of Hawk fans in the area and kick a little dirt the Huskers way.