President Biden addresses the country after the student loan decision

This had to be a Newsmax reporter. Total asshole question.

It was a legitimate question.

Biden, who once doubted his own authority to offer student loan forgiveness, said later Friday he would push ahead with a new debt relief plan

yeah, sleepy joe tried to do something to help working people. what an asshole when he could have been working for more tax cuts for people (wealthy) that don't need them.
It was a vote grab…he knew it was unconstitutional. Don’t be naive….

Smart politically though…

Pretty disappointed he seems to want to double down on bypassing Congress.
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If biden actually wanted to get this accomplished he would have implemented his policy with a modicum of intelligence. The top brass knew this would fail at scotus as it was blatantly illegal, but this way they can posture and continue their grifting
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In 2017 I told a good friend who is republican that Trump was great for R's in the short term but would be a disaster in the long term and that has proven true so far.

Of all the recent rulings this one bothers me the least but I think this republican hijacked Supreme Court will go the same way. Enjoy it now, mouthbreathers
In 2017 I told a good friend who is republican that Trump was great for R's in the short term but would be a disaster in the long term and that has proven true so far.

Of all the recent rulings this one bothers me the least but I think this republican hijacked Supreme Court will go the same way. Enjoy it now, mouthbreathers

How has it been hijacked?
Ild Joe is actually admitting it had nothing to do with the COVID emergency and everything to do with trying to write off loans no matter what. He's actually validating the SCOTUS decision.
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yeah, sleepy joe tried to do something to help working people. what an asshole when he could have been working for more tax cuts for people (wealthy) that don't need them.
If they were working, they could pay off their student loans.
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Ild Joe is actually admitting it had nothing to do with the COVID emergency and everything to do with trying to write off loans no matter what. He's actually validating the SCOTUS decision.
I can't wait to watch you try and explain why banks should get a bailout the next time they tank the economy.
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You didn’t say a word when republican presidents ballooned the debt. It’s only an issue for you GQP clowns when someone other than white billionaires and deca-millionaires, and their corporations, benefit from government dollars.
Because it's our phucking money to begin with?