"Congratulations! The Biden-Harris Administration has forgiven your federal student loan(s) listed below with Aidvantage in full."

I am truly surpised that with as many post as you have on this site that you do not know what this is refering to. But, Reynolds started a school choice voucher program here in Iowa where taxpayer funds are being used to let people choose alternatives to public education. Now, I chose to send my kids to our private Catholic Grade school and would NEVER expect another taxpayer to pay for the choice that I made. But, that is what is happening with what Biden did. Biden is taking OUR tax dollars and paying off the loans of people who made stupid choices and now don't want to pay their loan back.

So, are you for BOTH of these moves?

I’m in Missouri. Not Iowa.

I am against taxpayer dollars, which already fund schools, also funding the rich kids going to private schools.

As far as bailing out student borrowers, if the rich corporations get bailed out every time they shit the bed - and they do - I see no reason why students should not also get bailed out.
I think both are dumb.

However, the bank bailouts, came with bank reforms at least. Maybe worthless ones, but they went together.

There’s no reforming going on (that I see) for student loans.
I Dont Believe You Dr Strangelove GIF
How about we stop giving out money altogether? It’s a f-ing disease. God damn debt is out of control, inflation has taken two years of rate escalations to tame and we out here playing hero to people that paid thousands of dollars for degrees with no ROI.

At some point, just burn it all down, give these poors the Cuban utopia they want, and truly cater to the lowest common denominators.
How about we stop giving out money altogether? It’s a f-ing disease. God damn debt is out of control, inflation has taken two years of rate escalations to tame and we out here playing hero to people that paid thousands of dollars for degrees with no ROI.

At some point, just burn it all down, give these poors the Cuban utopia they want, and truly cater to the lowest common denominators.

I don't think things would get any better if only the independently wealthy can afford to enter into fields of service like non-profits and education.
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I’m in Missouri. Not Iowa.

I am against taxpayer dollars, which already fund schools, also funding the rich kids going to private schools.

As far as bailing out student borrowers, if the rich corporations get bailed out every time they shit the bed - and they do - I see no reason why students should not also get bailed out.
WOW. That make utterly NO SENSE. See, I am also not for bailing out corporations. but BOTH Libs and Cons must see the value in keeping businesses afloat that would cause a trickle effect if they shuttered..because they have both done it.

But, you say your against taxpayer dollars...but then go on to say you see no reason why the taxpayers should not be paying off someone elses loan when the person getting the money MADE THE CHOICE TO GO TO COLLEGE. Nice hypocrisy there fella. :rolleyes:
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After 14 years and a few months on the phone with suicide hotline, a veteran teacher in a well paying district earns just above the median household income. This after spending tens of thousands on a piece of paper.

The median starting wage for an American teacher is about $35k.

A teacher with 25 years of experience won’t make what a decent 25 year old plumber makes in any American city.
You think 90k is the median income in Iowa?

Your condescending attitude towards a plumber is interesting
Sure......LOL!! Tell you what, why don't YOU enlighten the rest of us as to how I am wrong since you felt the need to come to your sons defense. Seriously, can either one of you come up with just one cohesive answer? 😂

I don't know who you mean by "us", but loan forgiveness for years of service in areas like education and healthcare isn't new and certainly isn't illegal, like you said it was.
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WOW. That make utterly NO SENSE. See, I am also not for bailing out corporations. but BOTH Libs and Cons must see the value in keeping businesses afloat that would cause a trickle effect if they shuttered..because they have both done it.

But, you say your against taxpayer dollars...but then go on to say you see no reason why the taxpayers should not be paying off someone elses loan when the person getting the money MADE THE CHOICE TO GO TO COLLEGE. Nice hypocrisy there fella. :rolleyes:

Stockholders and investors MADE THE CHOICE TO INVEST. They should lose their investment if management makes bad decisions.

They should not be bailed out with my tax dollars. What you want is investment without risk for corporations but students get nothing.

That’s a pretty sweet deal.
You think 90k is the median income in Iowa?

Your condescending attitude towards a plumber is interesting
The median income in the US is pushing $90k.

I don’t have a condescending attitude toward plumbers—it was an example—but a 25 year old decent plumber shouldn’t be making way more than a veteran teacher with 25 years of experience, but they sure do. Last time I hired one for gas line work, the rate was nearly $400/hour for a guy and his helper.
Stockholders and investors MADE THE CHOICE TO INVEST. They should lose their investment if management makes bad decisions.

They should not be bailed out with my tax dollars. What you want is investment without risk for corporations but students get nothing.

That’s a pretty sweet deal.
Where the hell are you getting this "you want investments without risk for corporations garbage?" Do businesses and corporations not fail and go tits up constantly? Dems and Repubs have bailed out banks and corporations before, quit pretending that is a gop supported position. Your boy Obama lead his share and you all loved it.
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Where the hell are you getting this "you want investments without risk for corporations garbage?" Do businesses and corporations not fail and go tits up constantly? Dems and Repubs have bailed out banks and corporations before, quit pretending that is a gop supported position. Your boy Obama lead his share and you all loved it.

We spent billions to bail out banks, S and L’s, AIG, Freddie, Fannie, airlines, GM, and on and on and on …

But it’s a bridge too far to help out Clare the art teacher with her student loans.

Got it.
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I don't know who you mean by "us", but loan forgiveness for years of service in areas like education and healthcare isn't new and certainly isn't illegal, like you said it was.
Ummm, I think you know who I meant when I said "us". YOU inserted your stupid comment into the thread at me commenting for your son. :rolleyes:

And, please......THIS "Biden Loan Forgivness" is ABSOLUTLY against the law and is illegal. The Supreme Court ruled on it and ruled that BIDEN could not do it. For petes sake, even Biden admitted it that, and STILL said he was going to do it anyway.
Stockholders and investors MADE THE CHOICE TO INVEST. They should lose their investment if management makes bad decisions.

They should not be bailed out with my tax dollars. What you want is investment without risk for corporations but students get nothing.

That’s a pretty sweet deal.
Where in the heck did I EVER say that I wanted corporations to be bailed out? Please show me where I said this? Nice try and fail. I simply acknowledge that BOTH parties do it with corporations and they probably do it to at the very least save some thousands. But, I still don't agree with it.

But, you flip the page and say that select students, who make bad decisions in thier school lives should simply get their debt paid by the rest of us. Now THAT is a sweet deal. LOL!

Now, I will say this. If someone has been paying on their student loan for years and has paid MORE then the principle of the loan was, and they destitute.....I am fine with the rest of the interest debt being forgiven.....again, in some circumstances.

But, students get plenty. You an education. I got a GREAT education and worked my ass off to pay EVERY cent of my debt off. My kids are getting GREAT educations and will work hard to paid EVERY cent of their debt off. You CHOOSE to go to college? GREAT pay for it yourself. I should not have too. Good grief.
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Ummm, I think you know who I meant when I said "us". YOU inserted your stupid comment into the thread at me commenting for your son. :rolleyes:

And, please......THIS "Biden Loan Forgivness" is ABSOLUTLY against the law and is illegal. The Supreme Court ruled on it and ruled that BIDEN could not do it. For petes sake, even Biden admitted it that, and STILL said he was going to do it anyway.

I don't know what to tell you other than student loans have been getting forgiven for sustained work in fields like education for some time. As far as I'm aware the 400 billion dollar debt forgiveness plan that was struck down is not being implemented. The expansion and focus on existing models is just not the same thing.
I don't know what to tell you other than student loans have been getting forgiven for sustained work in fields like education for some time. As far as I'm aware the 400 billion dollar debt forgiveness plan that was struck down is not being implemented. The expansion and focus on existing models is just not the same thing.
Please, I don't know what to tell you. NOTHING like this has EVER been done on this scale and you know it. Again, Biden even admitted what he was doing was against a ruling of the Supreme Court.
Where in the heck did I EVER say that I wanted corporations to be bailed out? Please show me where I said this? Nice try and fail. I simply acknowledge that BOTH parties do it with corporations and they probably do it to at the very least save some thousands. But, I still don't agree with it.

But, you flip the page and say that select students, who make bad decisions in thier school lives should simply get their debt paid by the rest of us. Now THAT is a sweet deal. LOL!

Now, I will say this. If someone has been paying on their student loan for years and has paid MORE then the principle of the loan was, and they destitute.....I am fine with the rest of the interest debt being forgiven.....again, in some circumstances.

But, students get plenty. You an education. I got a GREAT education and worked my ass off to pay EVERY cent of my debt off. My kids are getting GREAT educations and will work hard to paid EVERY cent of their debt off. You CHOOSE to go to college? GREAT pay for it yourself. I should not have too. Good grief.

I never said you wanted corporations bailed out. I said that we - Americans - have repeatedly bailed out corporations from their bad decisions but the usual suspects in this thread want to draw the line at helping Clare the art student.

That’s it.
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I am truly surpised that with as many post as you have on this site that you do not know what this is refering to. But, Reynolds started a school choice voucher program here in Iowa where taxpayer funds are being used to let people choose alternatives to public education. Now, I chose to send my kids to our private Catholic Grade school and would NEVER expect another taxpayer to pay for the choice that I made. But, that is what is happening with what Biden did. Biden is taking OUR tax dollars and paying off the loans of people who made stupid choices and now don't want to pay their loan back.

So, are you for BOTH of these moves?
Do you think parents putting their children in private schools is making a stupid choice? Many, if not most, can't afford that.

College students, on the other hand...if they can't afford, they CHOOSE to take out a loan, and then default on it. Two different things, I think.
Do you think parents putting their children in private schools is making a stupid choice?
I’m an atheist with kids in Catholic school and it is the best decision I made for their education. If given a voucher, I would cash it without a care. I’m a tax donor, and with the feds out here paying 90% of people just to exist, be nice to get a little freebie for once
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I never said you wanted corporations bailed out. I said that we - Americans - have repeatedly bailed out corporations from their bad decisions but the usual suspects in this thread want to draw the line at helping Clare the art student.

That’s it.
Good grief. At least have the guts to accept what you said....and I quote "
They should not be bailed out with my tax dollars. What you want is investment without risk for corporations but students get nothing.

That’s a pretty sweet deal."

And as I said, at least I am consistent with my views on taxpayer dollars. But, you and others like you are all for helping some person named Clare who made the idiotic choice to go deep in debt because she liked art, but you put the middle finger up at the 6 year old whos school is failing them and who's parents want help finding them a better solution, but can't afford it.

No taxpayer dollars should be paid because someone made a CHOICE they should have known was bad.
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Even his new basis is wrong and he had NO RIGHT to do this. You can spout all you want. He should NEVER have done this and you know it. It is wrong on all levels. BTW, when did you get your letter moving your debt to the rest of us?


You don’t even know which law was the legal basis but you are absolutely sure he had no right to do it. That’s some top notch logic.

And I paid off my law access loans years ago. I could not have afforded school without them.
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You don’t even know which law was the legal basis but you are absolutely sure he had no right to do it. That’s some top notch logic.

And I paid off my law access loans years ago. I could not have afforded school without them.
LOL!! Sure you did. You have provided some amazing proof yourself. And again, you are the hypocrite in this conversation. You can't even explain why you are against the 6 year old, while being for Clare the art student. Seriously......
The median income in the US is pushing $90k.

I don’t have a condescending attitude toward plumbers—it was an example—but a 25 year old decent plumber shouldn’t be making way more than a veteran teacher with 25 years of experience, but they sure do. Last time I hired one for gas line work, the rate was nearly $400/hour for a guy and his helper.
Median income is around 50k. Perhaps as you shit on plumbers you should take a step back from your superiority complex.
LOL!! Sure you did. You have provided some amazing proof yourself. And again, you are the hypocrite in this conversation. You can't even explain why you are against the 6 year old, while being for Clare the art student. Seriously......

What does the 6 year old have to do with this? Strawman argument much?

I’m only for Clare because we have bailed out corporate America time and again - stockholders who supposedly take the risk and reap the rewards, but when it goes south, they come hat in hand looking for a government bailout.
Retiring at 58 and complaining about crushing student debt...

Both are/were assistant principals.... Sound like you CHOSE to not prioritize paying your debt.

Then hit the loan forgiveness lottery.
Which means their income was either approaching or exceeded 200k annually. Poor

That being said, any other entity that set up a loan scheme like student loans would be prosecuted for predatory lending.

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