"Congratulations! The Biden-Harris Administration has forgiven your federal student loan(s) listed below with Aidvantage in full."

What does the 6 year old have to do with this? Strawman argument much?

I’m only for Clare because we have bailed out corporate America time and again - stockholders who supposedly take the risk and reap the rewards, but when it goes south, they come hat in hand looking for a government bailout.
I have ALREADY expained this to you. How you cannot connect the dots is amazing. So, one more time. In Iowa (and other states), the governor is letting OTHER PEOPLES TAX DOLLARS go to let parents make the choice to put their kids in different schools, mostly for private schools (because the feel their public school is failing them). I am against this.

Now BIDEN is using OTHER PEOPLES TAX DOLLARS to pay off the student loans of idiots like Clare, who MADE THE CHOICE to go to college and go into major debt for a freaking art degree. I am against this. And again, where is the proof you alluded to of me being for bailouts of corporations?
What does the 6 year old have to do with this? Strawman argument much?

I’m only for Clare because we have bailed out corporate America time and again - stockholders who supposedly take the risk and reap the rewards, but when it goes south, they come hat in hand looking for a government bailout.
How would you force student loan companies to change the terms of their contracts to benefit the borrowers? The federal loans are being forgiven but not private loans. What do you think could be done to force friendlier terms for current and future borrowers? Anything?
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I have ALREADY expained this to you. How you cannot connect the dots is amazing. So, one more time. In Iowa (and other states), the governor is letting OTHER PEOPLES TAX DOLLARS go to let parents make the choice to put their kids in different schools, mostly for private schools (because the feel their public school is failing them). I am against this.

Now BIDEN is using OTHER PEOPLES TAX DOLLARS to pay off the student loans of idiots like Clare, who MADE THE CHOICE to go to college and go into major debt for a freaking art degree. I am against this. And again, where is the proof you alluded to of me being for bailouts of corporations?
Are you against predatory lending as well?
Median income is around 50k. Perhaps as you shit on plumbers you should take a step back from your superiority complex.
Who is shitting on plumbers? God damn you’re a complete dumbass. It’s amazing, I never said anything derogatory about plumbers, just used them as an example.

The median HOUSEHOLD income in the US, which is what I am referring to, is not $50k. It is about $80k

In Iowa, the median 4 person household income is about $120k. The median 1 man HH is $61k. 2 people = $83.5k
Income tables
How would you force student loan companies to change the terms of their contracts to benefit the borrowers? The federal loans are being forgiven but not private loans. What do you think could be done to force friendlier terms for current and future borrowers? Anything?

If I was king for a day, allow all student loans to be dischargeable in bankruptcy. Everyone else gets a fresh start - why are we penalizing students of all people. This would get the private loan companies to have more skin in the game imo.

Then we need to do something about the availability of loans driving up the cost of education.

I do on campus interviews and am amazed at what is available now versus the 80’s and 90’s. That ain’t cheap.

People smarter than me will have to solve that issue.
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Well, we agree on that...but your still a hypocrite on student debt trasference to us other taxpayers


Your 401k do okay after the government bailed out AIG and the banks in 07? How about when everyone got Covid loans, another bail out?

You claim to be against all bailouts but gladly accept the benefits of those bailouts that impact you.

There’s a word for that.
Who is shitting on plumbers? God damn you’re a complete dumbass. It’s amazing, I never said anything derogatory about plumbers, just used them as an example.

The median HOUSEHOLD income in the US, which is what I am referring to, is not $50k. It is about $80k

In Iowa, the median 4 person household income is about $120k. The median 1 man HH is $61k. 2 people = $83.5k
Income tables
You are shitting on plumbers you prick. A teacher with 25 years of experience should make more than a plumber with the same experience? Now why would you believe that? Arrogance and condescending bullshit. You run your gas line and see how that works out for you and save your 400 an hour. My god you are an asshole. Better yet have a teacher come do it. Don't light a match over on that side of the house.

You are also not good at understanding median income. You linked a chart for bankruptcy proceedings. Here is a nice link for the State of Iowa by county. Household median income in Iowa City is around 74k. Individual income for the State is around 50k. A teacher is Iowa City with 14 years experience will make 90k. 25 years experience in Iowa City will make well north of 100k. A dual household of teachers in Iowa City with 25 years of experience will make north of 200k a year. That seems like a very nice living compared to the median household income of 74k.

Stop being such a complete dipshit.
You are shitting on plumbers you prick. A teacher with 25 years of experience should make more than a plumber with the same experience? Now why would you believe that? Arrogance and condescending bullshit. You run your gas line and see how that works out for you and save your 400 an hour. My god you are an asshole. Better yet have a teacher come do it. Don't light a match over on that side of the house.

You are also not good at understanding median income. You linked a chart for bankruptcy proceedings. Here is a nice link for the State of Iowa by county. Household median income in Iowa City is around 74k. Individual income for the State is around 50k. A teacher is Iowa City with 14 years experience will make 90k. 25 years experience in Iowa City will make well north of 100k. A dual household of teachers in Iowa City with 25 years of experience will make north of 200k a year. That seems like a very nice living compared to the median household income of 74k.

Stop being such a complete dipshit.
I’m shitting on plumbers because I compared their earnings to that of teachers? You’re a moron, my guy. I’d feel sorry for your lack of perceptive ability, but you’d probably be insulted.

In 2022, the median household income in Iowa amounted to 76,320 U.S. dollars.

But you win, teachers make great money. They’re well paid and that’s why people are lining up in droves to pay $75k for a degree to get the job.
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I’m shitting on plumbers because I compared their earnings to that of teachers? You’re a moron, my guy. I’d feel sorry for your lack of perceptive ability, but you’d probably be insulted.

In 2022, the median household income in Iowa amounted to 76,320 U.S. dollars.

But you win, teachers make great money. They’re well paid and that’s why people are lining up in droves to pay $75k for a degree to get the job.
Yes you dumbshit you are shitting on plumbers. Your presume that teachers should automatically make more than plumbers and you are an asshole for thinking that. Teachers by the way are on a 10 month contract so that 90k a year at 14 years experience is 9k a month. 18k a month for a 2 teacher household. Sound poor to you? In state tuition at Iowa is less than 10k a year so the cost to get the education to become a teacher is less than 40k. Not 75k. Living costs don't factor because one must pay to living expenses regardless.

You suck at math. And comprehension. And at being a decent human being.

Stop looking down on people
Yes you dumbshit you are shitting on plumbers. Your presume that teachers should automatically make more than plumbers and you are an asshole for thinking that. Teachers by the way are on a 10 month contract so that 90k a year at 14 years experience is 9k a month. 18k a month for a 2 teacher household. Sound poor to you? In state tuition at Iowa is less than 10k a year so the cost to get the education to become a teacher is less than 40k. Not 75k. Living costs don't factor because one must pay to living expenses regardless.

You suck at math. And comprehension. And at being a decent human being.

Stop looking down on people
Again, who is looking down at people here? Please show me exactly what was said that is looking down on plumbers. At no point did I say teachers should make more than plumbers. I’m sorry that you’re incapable of reading what was written without your own editorialization.

In your moronic worldview, comparing incomes is looking down on people. I think teachers are woefully underpaid, and I think most people who read what I wrote understand that. Not you.
Again, who is looking down at people here? Please show me exactly what was said that is looking down on plumbers. At no point did I say teachers should make more than plumbers. I’m sorry that you’re incapable of reading what was written without your own editorialization.

In your moronic worldview, comparing incomes is looking down on people. I think teachers are woefully underpaid, and I think most people who read what I wrote understand that. Not you.
You. You absolutely implied it by using plumbers as the comparison and whining about paying 400 an hour for two plumbers to install a gas line. A gas dipshit. Your condescending bullshit towards someone you think is less than came through loud and clear and you are so caught in your own arrogance you can't even recognize it. Now you want to deflect and gaslight because you are a piece of shit.

Why did you use plumbers as your example of who teachers should be making more than? You weren't simply comparing incomes. You were stating teachers should make more than plumbers. So why them you asshole?
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Will this cost as much as trump spent to bail out farmers after his china tariff crap? Curious minds wish to know.
What worthless degree did he get to still owe $120,000 after paying for 20 years?
Maybe you could read the article.

"After graduating with a liberal-arts degree in the early '90s, Perry went on to graduate school to get a teaching certificate, and he's worked as a teacher and administrator for the past 30 years."
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Yes you dumbshit you are shitting on plumbers. Your presume that teachers should automatically make more than plumbers and you are an asshole for thinking that. Teachers by the way are on a 10 month contract so that 90k a year at 14 years experience is 9k a month. 18k a month for a 2 teacher household. Sound poor to you? In state tuition at Iowa is less than 10k a year so the cost to get the education to become a teacher is less than 40k. Not 75k. Living costs don't factor because one must pay to living expenses regardless.

You suck at math. And comprehension. And at being a decent human being.

Stop looking down on people
You are so wrong so often. I can't imagine what it's like for you to be such a dumbass so consistently.
Except when it's big business.

I get your point and true fiscal conservatives would want individuals, small business, large business and certainly the government to pay back any and all loans.

We have a major spending problem as a nation. Nobody on either side wants to really address the problem or hold anyone accountable. It isn't that hard.

Your 401k do okay after the government bailed out AIG and the banks in 07? How about when everyone got Covid loans, another bail out?

You claim to be against all bailouts but gladly accept the benefits of those bailouts that impact you.

There’s a word for that.
This post of your HAS to be a joke. LOL! I had no money in AIG, and the banks I did have money in were sound as a rock. Now, people have argued with me that those bailouts affected MILLIONS of people and the whole economy. Your comparing those to bailouts, (that affected MILLIONS of peoples 401k's to Clare's loan forgivness? A woman who made a stupid CHOICE to go and a get a 4 year ART degree? What a crock.

Good grief, nice try and deflection, but another MAJOR fail. And again, when are you going to post proof of what you claimed I said about mew being FOR ANY corporate bailouts? You still have not done it...and you won't.

And, you still won't tell any of us why your so hypicritical when it comes to letting Clare get some of our tax money, but you have no problem telling the 6th grader (who HAS to go to school) they he/she can't be sent to a better school with our tax dollars because her school is failing? Again, unlike you and some of the other partisan hacks on here, my stance is consistent.

I am sure you are thrilled you or your kids got your students loans forgiven. Just stop. :rolleyes:
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This post of your HAS to be a joke. LOL! I had no money in AIG, and the banks I did have money in were sound as a rock. Now, people have argued with me that those bailouts affected MILLIONS of people and the whole economy. Your comparing those to bailouts, (that affected MILLIONS of peoples 401k's to Clare's loan forgivness? A woman who made a stupid CHOICE to go and a get a 4 year ART degree? What a crock.

Good grief, nice try and deflection, but another MAJOR fail. And again, when are you going to post proof of what you claimed I said about mew being FOR ANY corporate bailouts? You still have not done it...and you won't.

And, you still won't tell any of us why your so hypicritical when it comes to letting Clare get some of our tax money, but you have no problem telling the 6th grader (who HAS to go to school) they he/she can't be sent to a better school with our tax dollars because her school is failing? Again, unlike you and some of the other partisan hacks on here, my stance is consistent.

I am sure you are thrilled you or your kids got your students loans forgiven. Just stop. :rolleyes:
Which bankers went to prison for their role in the collapse of the economy? The fraud that went into that bullshit to offer mortgage backed securities on absolute garbage mortgages. The lies that were pushed to convince people with Harvard degrees that bundling enough high risk debt made it less risky with zero regard for the people approved for debt they can't afford. People without financial education convinced they can afford a house on low incomes because the payments balloon later all so wall street assholes can buy third house on the beach.

Your morality is ****ed because you are letting the people with the most education off the jook for ****ing over the people with the least financial education and the entire economy with it.

It is ironic that the mortgages could be dismissed in bankruptcy while student loans are not. It is however the exact same game being run by the exact same assholes with Harvard degrees to pay themselves hundreds of millions of dollars on the backs of the small people. It is the same game and you think you are being morally correct in your comments about paying back what one borrows without any real comprehension that the house is rigged. The bankers aren't paying it back. They set up the game to pay themselves.
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You are sad person. All that hate projected out into the world and really it's just that mommy didn't hug you enough as a child.
*a sad person or sad, person

You're stupid and mad that you get called out on it. Not to mention your projection onto others - very telling.

YOu're not the dumbest poster on here but you would make the All Star team.
I'd vote for Biden if they'd cancel my student loans. My vote is for sale! Lol
*a sad person or sad, person

You're stupid and mad that you get called out on it. Not to mention your projection onto others - very telling.

YOu're not the dumbest poster on here but you would make the All Star team.
Pathetic. I bet you talk angry at your mirror
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Which bankers went to prison for their role in the collapse of the economy? The fraud that went into that bullshit to offer mortgage backed securities on absolute garbage mortgages. The lies that were pushed to convince people with Harvard degrees that bundling enough high risk debt made it less risky with zero regard for the people approved for debt they can't afford. People without financial education convinced they can afford a house on low incomes because the payments balloon later all so wall street assholes can buy third house on the beach.

Your morality is ****ed because you are letting the people with the most education off the jook for ****ing over the people with the least financial education and the entire economy with it.

It is ironic that the mortgages could be dismissed in bankruptcy while student loans are not. It is however the exact same game being run by the exact same assholes with Harvard degrees to pay themselves hundreds of millions of dollars on the backs of the small people. It is the same game and you think you are being morally correct in your comments about paying back what one borrows without any real comprehension that the house is rigged. The bankers aren't paying it back. They set up the game to pay themselves.
In the first place, Put those people in jail! You making claims against me that have no basis. I have said we need reforms in lending. DUH. Second, mortgages cannot be deferred like student loans have been by 95% of the those who chose not to pay. Thus the reason for bankruptcy for Mortgages. LOL!! Show me one person who has lost their home because they have not paid their college debt. For freak sakes, even the example one of your compadres mentioned on here had not paid ANYTHING on his student loan for 20 freaking years! So, nice false connection.

Finally, are you like the other few partisan idiots on here who think it is ok for a gal who CHOSE to go to a 4 year school she could not afford, to get an freaking art degree where their are no jobs, should get her debt transfered to the rest of us? But, those same people will agree with me that, here in Iowa, if I chose to send my child to a Private school because the public shool is failing....those people should NOT get others tax money to help accomplish that? Seriously, some of you are the most hypocritical lot I have run into. :rolleyes:

Now, I am going on a weeks vacation with my family. So, enjoy your diatribe with your friends. LOL!
This post of your HAS to be a joke. LOL! I had no money in AIG, and the banks I did have money in were sound as a rock. Now, people have argued with me that those bailouts affected MILLIONS of people and the whole economy. Your comparing those to bailouts, (that affected MILLIONS of peoples 401k's to Clare's loan forgivness? A woman who made a stupid CHOICE to go and a get a 4 year ART degree? What a crock.

Good grief, nice try and deflection, but another MAJOR fail. And again, when are you going to post proof of what you claimed I said about mew being FOR ANY corporate bailouts? You still have not done it...and you won't.

And, you still won't tell any of us why your so hypicritical when it comes to letting Clare get some of our tax money, but you have no problem telling the 6th grader (who HAS to go to school) they he/she can't be sent to a better school with our tax dollars because her school is failing? Again, unlike you and some of the other partisan hacks on here, my stance is consistent.

I am sure you are thrilled you or your kids got your students loans forgiven. Just stop. :rolleyes:

Because the 6th grader isn’t being denied better schools because the feds are forgiving student loans. Sixth graders are in schools that are primarily funded by property taxes and states.

And read my post again - if you had money in the *market* - you had money in the banks and AIG.

You also ignored the Covid bailouts - you have money in any companies that received Covid bailouts?

You got bailed out - we all did - whether you want to admit, but you still want to say you are 100% against bailouts.

There’s a word for that.