"Congratulations! The Biden-Harris Administration has forgiven your federal student loan(s) listed below with Aidvantage in full."

In the first place, Put those people in jail! You making claims against me that have no basis. I have said we need reforms in lending. DUH. Second, mortgages cannot be deferred like student loans have been by 95% of the those who chose not to pay. Thus the reason for bankruptcy for Mortgages. LOL!! Show me one person who has lost their home because they have not paid their college debt. For freak sakes, even the example one of your compadres mentioned on here had not paid ANYTHING on his student loan for 20 freaking years! So, nice false connection.

Finally, are you like the other few partisan idiots on here who think it is ok for a gal who CHOSE to go to a 4 year school she could not afford, to get an freaking art degree where their are no jobs, should get her debt transfered to the rest of us? But, those same people will agree with me that, here in Iowa, if I chose to send my child to a Private school because the public shool is failing....those people should NOT get others tax money to help accomplish that? Seriously, some of you are the most hypocritical lot I have run into. :rolleyes:

Now, I am going on a weeks vacation with my family. So, enjoy your diatribe with your friends. LOL!
So the answer is none. None of those bankers went to jail and they are running the same game against poor people and you are blaming poor people. Why are you so in favor of personal accountability and yet ate just fine with the criminals that are profiterring off of ghe entire situation and utilizing not just tax dollars to do so but the very power of government to enforce their profits? Seriously what the **** is wrong with you? You somehow think you are holding this morally superior position about personal responsibility and using other people's tax dollars and yet it is the wealthiest and most informed individuals and banks doing that the very most and hitting the poorest and least informed to do it. The poor kid trying to get a college degree and better themselves is responsible in your mind but not the assholes that wrote the predatory contracts, used tax dollars to enrich themselves, and used tax dollars to enforce their profiteering and guarantee their returns. This is modern day indentured servitude taking advantage of those that are desperate to improve their lives and are trapped into contracts the bankers themselves do not even pretend to follow and yet enforce with glee and when caught pay a fine and have zero other consequences.

**** you. You are morally broken. I will pray for your souk because it has a dark stain.
Because the 6th grader isn’t being denied better schools because the feds are forgiving student loans. Sixth graders are in schools that are primarily funded by property taxes and states.

And read my post again - if you had money in the *market* - you had money in the banks and AIG.

You also ignored the Covid bailouts - you have money in any companies that received Covid bailouts?

You got bailed out - we all did - whether you want to admit, but you still want to say you are 100% against bailouts.

There’s a word for that.
He doesn't have any clue what AIG does
Because the 6th grader isn’t being denied better schools because the feds are forgiving student loans. Sixth graders are in schools that are primarily funded by property taxes and states.

And read my post again - if you had money in the *market* - you had money in the banks and AIG.

You also ignored the Covid bailouts - you have money in any companies that received Covid bailouts?

You got bailed out - we all did - whether you want to admit, but you still want to say you are 100% against bailouts.

There’s a word for that.
So, I come back from vacation and this is what I see. Look, between the two of us, I am the one who is not being hypicritical. Again, that 6th grader HAS to go to school and if the school is failing them, some parents feel they should be given the right to chose a school that is NOT in shambles. The people who are getting their college debt moved to the rest of us did NOT have to go to college. They CHOSE to go to college, Not my issue or my debt to incure at ANY level. I have my own kids to take care of on that front. Switch that debt to their parents if you want to be fair.

Now again, the government bailouts that you point to absolutly affected MILLIONS of people who, through no fault of their own were given some relief for the crash in the economy. I can at least understand some of the rationale on some of those. And BTW, not EVERY bank got a bailout. LOL! So again, are you still going to equate the family of that 6th grader who HAS to go to school and needs to get to a better school......with a person who CHOSE to go to college and now doesnt want to pay the debt back.

Your right...there is a word for that. :rolleyes:
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Those are some expensive votes purchased by Joe….

Yet I’m still sitting here waiting for him to buy my vote by paying off my home loan.
He better pick up the pace before I get it paid off on my own.
So the answer is none. None of those bankers went to jail and they are running the same game against poor people and you are blaming poor people. Why are you so in favor of personal accountability and yet ate just fine with the criminals that are profiterring off of ghe entire situation and utilizing not just tax dollars to do so but the very power of government to enforce their profits? Seriously what the **** is wrong with you? You somehow think you are holding this morally superior position about personal responsibility and using other people's tax dollars and yet it is the wealthiest and most informed individuals and banks doing that the very most and hitting the poorest and least informed to do it. The poor kid trying to get a college degree and better themselves is responsible in your mind but not the assholes that wrote the predatory contracts, used tax dollars to enrich themselves, and used tax dollars to enforce their profiteering and guarantee their returns. This is modern day indentured servitude taking advantage of those that are desperate to improve their lives and are trapped into contracts the bankers themselves do not even pretend to follow and yet enforce with glee and when caught pay a fine and have zero other consequences.

**** you. You are morally broken. I will pray for your souk because it has a dark stain.
Just stop freaking moron. For cripes sakes, when did you get your college debt transfered to the rest of us? Spare me YOUR fake outrage. I know a TON of people who are deferring and have been deferring their debt for the last 15+ years. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE is in the poorhouse because of a student loan payment. Show me the proof of ANYONE who fits this fake narritive. Do it...come on. You won't because you can't. This is a red herring on all fronts. And you know it. Biden is no better then Trump. This is nothing more then a stupid vote grab. Again, tell your congress persons to go after the predatory bankers. I am all for that. I don't see Biden or Trump doing you? Where is your outrage for them? I already said in another thread that if someone has paid what the principle was on their debt, then let the rest go. If Biden had done that I would be good. And, I blame the PARENTS of those "poor kids" you speak of. And yes, I am much more concerned with the children in this world who are being let down by failing schools then a gal who is doing JUST fine with her monthly bills and who is not making payments on her student loan anyway...and yet, just got that debt moved to the rest of us. I pay my taxes gladly and would bet that I do more community service then you do. So, with all do respect, and I HATE saying this...but phuck you and have mercy on your soul.
Another great response. I am an adult who apparently is conversing with a minor. LOL!
GTFO with that nonsense. You through out a sophomoric insult as you were trying, in vain, to be clever. I gave the immaturity right back to you.

What happens when that child is refused entry into the school of their choice?

Your argument on this as lame as your wit.
Just stop freaking moron. For cripes sakes, when did you get your college debt transfered to the rest of us? Spare me YOUR fake outrage. I know a TON of people who are deferring and have been deferring their debt for the last 15+ years. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE is in the poorhouse because of a student loan payment. Show me the proof of ANYONE who fits this fake narritive. Do it...come on. You won't because you can't. This is a red herring on all fronts. And you know it. Biden is no better then Trump. This is nothing more then a stupid vote grab. Again, tell your congress persons to go after the predatory bankers. I am all for that. I don't see Biden or Trump doing you? Where is your outrage for them? I already said in another thread that if someone has paid what the principle was on their debt, then let the rest go. If Biden had done that I would be good. And, I blame the PARENTS of those "poor kids" you speak of. And yes, I am much more concerned with the children in this world who are being let down by failing schools then a gal who is doing JUST fine with her monthly bills and who is not making payments on her student loan anyway...and yet, just got that debt moved to the rest of us. I pay my taxes gladly and would bet that I do more community service then you do. So, with all do respect, and I HATE saying this...but phuck you and have mercy on your soul.
You are the ****ing moron.

Just a completely stupid person. Get ****ed

Courts block part of Biden’s student loan repayment plan for millions​

The two court rulings, in response to lawsuits filed by Republican-led states, prohibit the Education Department from moving ahead with major provisions of Biden’s SAVE loan repayment program.

Good. It's time to stop the bleeding. Biden ignored SCOTUS and brags about how clever the plan is. It's just too bad the SCOTUS didn't refer the original case back to a district court, and allow US Marshals the ability to arrest any government official signing any document allowing student loans to be illegally 'forgiven'. You know, contempt of court, while we're continuously bombarded with "saving democracy" and "the other guys is fascist". Deficit revised from $1.6T to $1.9T and Congress had no say in that.
Good. It's time to stop the bleeding. Biden ignored SCOTUS and brags about how clever the plan is. It's just too bad the SCOTUS didn't refer the original case back to a district court, and allow US Marshals the ability to arrest any government official signing any document allowing student loans to be illegally 'forgiven'. You know, contempt of court, while we're continuously bombarded with "saving democracy" and "the other guys is fascist". Deficit revised from $1.6T to $1.9T and Congress had no say in that.
Joe knows he can't forgive student loan debt with executive action...but keeps trying anyway. Have to try to secure those votes I guess.
It's all about the votes,.. Dems don't need to actually forgive student loan debt, they just need to make it look like they are trying to forgive student loan debt up until election day,.. Trump doesn't actually need to be a felon, he just needs to be temporarily convicted of a felony up until election day...
It's all about the votes,.. Dems don't need to actually forgive student loan debt, they just need to make it look like they are trying to forgive student loan debt up until election day,.. Trump doesn't actually need to be a felon, he just needs to be temporarily convicted of a felony up until election day...
That loan forgiveness is going to backfire, and would already have backfired, if the lazy GOP had simply been forceful and relentless in pointing out how people not going to college, or responsible people, are paying for those not paying their loans.
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I don't believe that any loans have been forgiven outside of the policy in place since Bush was President. Trump had just used is Secretary of Education to deny virtually all forgiveness applications over documentation rationales.

The Dems can eat shit on this one imo after Biden made forgiveness a campaign priority to get votes and then dragged his ass until the midterms to half-ass address it.
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GTFO with that nonsense. You through out a sophomoric insult as you were trying, in vain, to be clever. I gave the immaturity right back to you.

What happens when that child is refused entry into the school of their choice?

Your argument on this as lame as your wit.
Good Lord, you are an idiot. I did not "THROUGH" out a sophmoric insult, I "THREW" out that you made a lame response to me first moron. And what stupid point are you trying to make with your question? A child who is kept at a failing school is destined to fail even more as he/she moves through the system. But, again the whole point is that if a parent wants their school age child to get in a better school situation, Reynolds has allowed them to use others tax money to get that accomplished. Now, I am fully on record as saying that if parents want to make that choice, they should foot the bill like my wife and I did. By the same token, if someone wants to CHOSE to go to college, they (or their parents) better be ready to pay any debt back they incure. Instead we have Biden trying to earn votes by shifting that burden to the rest of us. So, do you agree with me or are you a hypocrite like some of the others in this thread? On second thought....forget it...I already know your play. :rolleyes:
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