President Hillary Buchanan

Nov 28, 2010
Apparently the last Secretary of State to become president was James Buchanan.

I'm sure that makes all of us feel better.

For those who don't know or may have forgotten, many blame Buchanan for the Civil War.
Originally posted by jpphawk:
I know I do. It was totally his fault. I remember it vividly.
Ha. Me, too.

My question for those who blame Buchanan has always been what do they think he could have done? Other than starting the war sooner, what were his options? By his term, were there any choices left other than war or permitting secession? Even if some grand compromise could have been reached, would it have kept the peace for long?
There have been rumors that Buchanan was gay. There have also always been rumors that Hillary is gay.

This would make her the second* (rumored to be) gay president, married to the first black president, while being the first woman president.

*I am discounting the rumors relating to President Obama .. Even if they are true, the only known/rumored incident occurred when he was hopped up on drugs, and we all know we are not responsible for such actions.
Originally posted by Titus Andronicus:
There have been rumors that Buchanan was gay. There have also always been rumors that Hillary is gay.

This would make her the second* (rumored to be) gay president, married to the first black president, while being the first woman president.

*I am discounting the rumors relating to President Obama .. Even if they are true, the only known/rumored incident occurred when he was hopped up on drugs, and we all know we are not responsible for such actions.
One thing's for sure, she will be the first woman president to lead America in war. The question is will she be the first woman president to start a war and, if so, against whom?
Originally posted by Titus Andronicus:
There have been rumors that Buchanan was gay. There have also always been rumors that Hillary is gay.

This would make her the second* (rumored to be) gay president, married to the first black president, while being the first woman president.

*I am discounting the rumors relating to President Obama .. Even if they are true, the only known/rumored incident occurred when he was hopped up on drugs, and we all know we are not responsible for such actions.
Not so sure we don't have a gay one currently...

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