

Team MVP
Apr 4, 2018
I can’t ask Kirk any questions but I wish someone would. Could the press be any easier on a coach that’s offense rivals that of the Cummings era.
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Here is a snippet from the hawkcental article about his comments before NW. Further evidence the guy doesn't care about much besides that 7 wins...winning the west just an afterthought

"You go back and look historically at a lot of our seasons. Can't think of many that didn't have bumps and adversity along the way. Really, all you have to do is look at the last three years. Three years ago, we lost three in a row. We lost two in a row the last two years, and I think everyone was happy at the end of those seasons. At least internally, we all felt pretty good about our team and the way we did things"

Yeah, everyone is happy about watching northwestern and minny hoisting the trophy while Iowa gets more consolation prizes. Losing to Wisconsin, Purdue and NW most years while being forced to watch terrible offense is a blast. Such an out of touch fat cat. I was satisfied those seasons given our shit product on O, not sure if happy is the word. Phil deserves better
Here is a snippet from the hawkcental article about his comments before NW. Further evidence the guy doesn't care about much besides that 7 wins...winning the west just an afterthought

"You go back and look historically at a lot of our seasons. Can't think of many that didn't have bumps and adversity along the way. Really, all you have to do is look at the last three years. Three years ago, we lost three in a row. We lost two in a row the last two years, and I think everyone was happy at the end of those seasons. At least internally, we all felt pretty good about our team and the way we did things"

Yeah, everyone is happy about watching northwestern and minny hoisting the trophy while Iowa gets more consolation prizes. Losing to Wisconsin, Purdue and NW most years while being forced to watch terrible offense is a blast. Such an out of touch fat cat. I was satisfied those seasons given our shit product on O, not sure if happy is the word. Phil deserves better

I don't sense ANY fire there whatsoever. Good enough, I guess.
For 2 deades the Parkers got the wins while the Ferentz got the checks.
You cannot lay all of the blame for the O on KF and then turn around and give him none of the credit for the defense. Especially when KF was the one to hire them in the first place.

Also, let's not pretend Phil started out the way he is now. Was/is a great DBs coach, but his first few defenses were not on the level they are now.
His ONLY goal is to win the West...he expects a slip up or two along the way....6-2 is usually good enough to do the trick in this sorry division....competing for anything higher isn't even on this mans radar. He thinks winning a conference championship is the ultimate goal...probably, because his boss and Iowa fans have never demanded anything more....real programs expect to win those as a way to qualify for the Championship that REALLY counts and is remembered by a nation of collegiate football fans as a whole.
Here is a snippet from the hawkcental article about his comments before NW. Further evidence the guy doesn't care about much besides that 7 wins...winning the west just an afterthought

"You go back and look historically at a lot of our seasons. Can't think of many that didn't have bumps and adversity along the way. Really, all you have to do is look at the last three years. Three years ago, we lost three in a row. We lost two in a row the last two years, and I think everyone was happy at the end of those seasons. At least internally, we all felt pretty good about our team and the way we did things"

Yeah, everyone is happy about watching northwestern and minny hoisting the trophy while Iowa gets more consolation prizes. Losing to Wisconsin, Purdue and NW most years while being forced to watch terrible offense is a blast. Such an out of touch fat cat. I was satisfied those seasons given our shit product on O, not sure if happy is the word. Phil deserves better
I swear this clown and entourage don't want be better then this. He knows we as Iowa fans will be perfectly happy with a 3 - 4 loss season. If we somehow won the west or better yet went undefeated, he knows expectations would be ratcheted up in the following years and for what? He's already a fat cat so he doesn't need the money and he's not going anywhere so throw recognition out the window.
Our AD on down has us pegged for suckers and for the most part, we are. Cashing checks, snapping necks and laughing all the way to the bank.
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For 2 deades the Parkers got the wins while the Ferentz got the checks.
Actually, this is simply a fact. You may not like it, owenhawk, but that doesn't make it any less true. Hell, I don't like the sun rising in the east every damn day, but it is what it is. LOL

KF is the guy who inserted a FB as the first-string RB for a couple years and continued to run slow-developing stretch plays with him. KF is the guy who kept Brad Banks as a backup his junior year and then, when allowed to play, he "improved" so much in a few months that he nearly won the Heisman Trophy!

Kf is the guy who chose Jake Christensen over Stanzi, Rudock over Beathard, and Petras over everyone to lead the Iowa offense.

Kf is the guy who has had one game plan for every team for 23 years. He is the only head coach in any division of football, including Pop Warner, who consistently refuses to game plan for specific opponents.

Name one game Iowa won this year because of its offense.

The preponderance of the evidence is clear: without Norm and Phil, KF would likely have a record below .500, which would be more in keeping with his actual head coaching skill. If only he had brought in an OC anywhere near the quality of those two DCs, Iowa would have been competing for Big Ten titles and CFP spots on a regular basis. Instead, Iowa loses to the likes of Purdue and NW and Wisconsin on a regular basis and can't even win its own mediocre division.

It's clear to any unbiased observer that KF owes his entire career to Norm and Phil Parker. And if you don't think so, I'll hang up and wait for you to make your case. Good luck with that. LOL
Actually, this is simply a fact. You may not like it, owenhawk, but that doesn't make it any less true. Hell, I don't like the sun rising in the east every damn day, but it is what it is. LOL

KF is the guy who inserted a FB as the first-string RB for a couple years and continued to run slow-developing stretch plays with him. KF is the guy who kept Brad Banks as a backup his junior year and then, when allowed to play, improved so much in a few months that he nearly won the Heisman Trophy!

Kf is the guy who chose Jake Christensen over Stanzi, Rudock over Beathard, and Petras over everyone to lead the Iowa offense.

Kf is the guy who has had one game plan for every team for 23 years. He is the only head coach in any division of football, including Pop Warner, who consistently refuses to game plan for specific opponents.

Name one game Iowa won this year because of its offense.

The preponderance of the evidence is clear: without Norm and Phil, KF would likely have a record below .500, which would be more in keeping with his actual head coaching skill. If only he had brought in an OC anywhere near the quality of those two DCs, Iowa would have been competing for Big Ten titles and CFP spots on a regular basis. Instead, Iowa loses to the likes of Purdue and NW and Wisconsin on a regular basis and can't even win its own mediocre division.

It's clear to any unbiased observer that KF owes his entire career to Norm and Phil Parker. And if you don't think so, I'll hang up and wait for you to make that case. LOL
Here it is, the dumbest post of the day.
I’m sorry but a lot of these posts are idiotic. If your definition of a successful season is a championship, you’re going to be disappointed a majority of the time. Championships have poisoned college football. Enjoy each game individually without turning it into some overarching narrative.
I can’t ask Kirk any questions but I wish someone would. Could the press be any easier on a coach that’s offense rivals that of the Cummings era.
Do it right now, pussy. Call into Hawk Talk or tweet at Gary. Kirk is on between 7:00 and 8 PM. Make sure you say your screen name so we all can see what "asking the tough questions" looks like.

FlickShagwell, who gave you that name your mother. I don’t get paid to ask questions of College coaches and plus I’m to busy whining on message boards
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Here is a snippet from the hawkcental article about his comments before NW. Further evidence the guy doesn't care about much besides that 7 wins...winning the west just an afterthought

"You go back and look historically at a lot of our seasons. Can't think of many that didn't have bumps and adversity along the way. Really, all you have to do is look at the last three years. Three years ago, we lost three in a row. We lost two in a row the last two years, and I think everyone was happy at the end of those seasons. At least internally, we all felt pretty good about our team and the way we did things"

Yeah, everyone is happy about watching northwestern and minny hoisting the trophy while Iowa gets more consolation prizes. Losing to Wisconsin, Purdue and NW most years while being forced to watch terrible offense is a blast. Such an out of touch fat cat. I was satisfied those seasons given our shit product on O, not sure if happy is the word. Phil deserves better
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KF gets 75% of the blame for the offense but gets no credit for the defense.

He also get no credit for winning 12 in a row, because those teams sucked, but completely blamed for losing 2 in a row.

And why is it that when a coach or a team loses, it's not enough to just say the coach isn't good enough. You have to question his entire character. He's greedy, lazy, scheming, doesn't care about winning or the fans, etc.

Honestly, there's no point in engaging coaches combatively in press conferences anymore.

All that's gonna lead to is nastiness in the room and pretty much guarantee a short presser. You're never gonna get the answers you want, anyway.

No, the best way the media can go after Ferentz nowadays is through their podcasts and call-in shows and editorials/columns voicing their concerns to the public and letting that be how they "grill him".......
Honestly, there's no point in engaging coaches combatively in press conferences anymore.

All that's gonna lead to is nastiness in the room and pretty much guarantee a short presser. You're never gonna get the answers you want, anyway.

No, the best way the media can go after Ferentz nowadays is through their podcasts and call-in shows and editorials/columns voicing their concerns to the public and letting that be how they "grill him".......
With all due respect, as a member of the media, our job is not to ,,,, go after the coaches. Why should that be the goal?
With all due respect, as a member of the media, our job is not to ,,,, go after the coaches. Why should that be the goal?
I don’t think it’s necessary to “go after the coaches” but I’d think the goal would be to actually get answers that lead to a better understanding of Why this or Why that?

KF gets off the hook way, way too easy considering the shit show of an offense he’s putting on the field. #IowaNice I guess.
With all due respect, as a member of the media, our job is not to ,,,, go after the coaches. Why should that be the goal?
I can only put so many things in quotation marks when I'm drinking.........

Point being, the fans want the media to "go after Ferentz".

That's the best way to do it, because you're not gonna get what the fans want out of the pressers. In fact, few teams/programs/franchises rarely ever do......Not even Bama.
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I can only put so many things in quotation marks when I'm drinking.........

Point being, the fans want the media to "go after Ferentz".

That's the best way to do it, because you're not gonna get what the fans want out of the pressers. In fact, few teams/programs/franchises rarely ever do......Not even Bama.
And let's remember KF worked for Belichick, the king of titillating pressors. Let's not pretend he didn't pick up a thing or two.
KF gets 75% of the blame for the offense but gets no credit for the defense.

He also get no credit for winning 12 in a row, because those teams sucked, but completely blamed for losing 2 in a row.

And why is it that when a coach or a team loses, it's not enough to just say the coach isn't good enough. You have to question his entire character. He's greedy, lazy, scheming, doesn't care about winning or the fans, etc.

It's not the losses, but the reason for the losses.

Not his entire character, but actions over the years have certainly revealed a number of significant flaws. He can't mismanage the clock year after year without being too arrogant to let another coach do it or being just plain stupid or not caring enough to fix it. Numerous times he fails to anticipate an impending need like he has done this year both with the OL and also not looking at his bench QBs last year. And now that he's boxed himself in, he seeks no real solutions. The appointment of BF was just outrageous and can't be explained by anything other than selfishness.

I could go on and on with example but most of them boil down to sheer stupidity or an extremely high level of arrogance. Being that stupid is hard to believe so that just leaves arrogance which is indeed a sigificant character flaw. And since it not only impacts performance, but dominates it, I think a large part of the fan base is angry and has had enough.
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It's not the losses, but the reason for the losses.

Not his entire character, but actions over the years have certainly revealed a number of significant flaws. He can't mismanage the clock year after year without being too arrogant to let another coach do it or being just plain stupid or not caring enough to fix it. Numerous times he fails to anticipate an impending need like he has done this year both with the OL and also not looking at his bench QBs last year. And now that he's boxed himself in, he seeks no real solutions. The appointment of BF was just outrageous and can't be explained by anything other than selfishness.

I could go on and on with example but most of them boil down to sheer stupidity or an extremely high level of arrogance. Being that stupid is hard to believe so that just leaves arrogance which is indeed a sigificant character flaw. And since it not only impacts performance, but dominates it, I think a large part of the fan base is angry and has had enough.
There are always reasons for losses. I think many fans are underestimating how difficult it is to avoid losses, (including bad losses) no matter how good the coach is.

The clock mismanagement, for example, has become legend - and the legend is greater than what is actually happening. I'd love to see a list of important clock management issues in the last decade.

But, you have reinforced my point - sheer stupidity, selfishness, arrogance - looking at the man's body of work over the last 20 years those comments hardly seem fair or reasonable - just hyperbole.
There are always reasons for losses. I think many fans are underestimating how difficult it is to avoid losses, (including bad losses) no matter how good the coach is.

The clock mismanagement, for example, has become legend - and the legend is greater than what is actually happening. I'd love to see a list of important clock management issues in the last decade.

But, you have reinforced my point - sheer stupidity, selfishness, arrogance - looking at the man's body of work over the last 20 years those comments hardly seem fair or reasonable - just hyperbole.
That's RomanHawk in a nutshell. Walls of hyperbole and dumb ideas, dressed up in paragraphs of "criticism".
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There are always reasons for losses. I think many fans are underestimating how difficult it is to avoid losses, (including bad losses) no matter how good the coach is.

The clock mismanagement, for example, has become legend - and the legend is greater than what is actually happening. I'd love to see a list of important clock management issues in the last decade.

But, you have reinforced my point - sheer stupidity, selfishness, arrogance - looking at the man's body of work over the last 20 years those comments hardly seem fair or reasonable - just hyperbole.
Our perceptions are very different. Just this year we had 2 great field possessions near the end of the half in a non-conf game. We got 0 points out of them due mostly to poor clock management. Last year, again late in the first half we came down the field easily and then stumbled around long enough to only allow time for a FG. Of course had we just gone ahead and scored a TD, there would have been an entire 15 seconds left for the opponent who hadn't done anything offensively, to go the length of the field and score.
No, it isn't a legend. It is ongoing. And several things like that have been the core of "the body of work" that has needlessly produced an OK tenure that could have been an outstanding tenure.
If they want access there is no way they can be antagonistic to coaches. Expect the softballs to continue.